Right place, wrong time – I’ve heard it all before pal. This week’s fails feature the worst possible timing imaginable, for some folks at least! Have a great Fail Friday and watch out for the eyes! 😉
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Legend has it if you say Melvin 3 times in a row, he appears with a snow shovel.
Junk content
6:33 yo
Did that kid jus get hung?
Did we just witness a murder?__?
Wtf lol
That’s a huge bat. Freak. Behemoth. Keep it in the circus!
2:00 dude almost hit that lady with a hoverboard assisted STUNNER lolol
*pornhub intro music plays.
I was adjusting the nozzle of spray can, and sprayed myself in the eye. Was metallic silver.
Money shot at 2:26.
Apa cuma gua orang indo🙄
That child almost being strangled to death by the rope is NOT funny! Come on, FailArmy.
We need compilation of porch fails 😉
WTF The kid with the rope around its neck….are they ok? Should not have added that.
I thought Fails should be funny….not funny at all.
Me : get the fuck back to work
3:04 he is lucky he didn’t break his neck and his legs
Coco and Terri were like WTF, don't you go blaming me for that, you humans should know better. I sincerely hope that child that got caught with the rope is okay.
Fail army knows how not to fail at click-baiting🤣!!!
the img is the best
The one with the paint was so messed up. She could have permanent eye damage
0:55 Melvin watching her screaming in pain: are you alright?
I think drunk girl and big ass bat was my fav
[Kid slides down slide and nearly hangs from freak accident]
[Fail Army]….yea this I’ll make the cut….
[Viewers]….what the fuck did I just watch…?
6:35 I think we just saw a kid get killed….. HTF that even happen???? not throwing blame on anyone, just asking….
ऐसी वीडियो में में जितने भी लोग हैं सभी एक्सेप्ट लिखा कलाकार है❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
06:30 Yikes, that's some Final Destination/Poltergeist horror stuff right there….
2:27 That's what she said.
Poor little girl got noosed while going down the slide, I hope she survived it. Looked horrible.
6:33 scared TF outta me
The girl getting hung by the rope isn't entertaining…..
Your intro and outro music makes me wish I was never born
Ahhh, you got it in my eye
Let's appreciate the time they put into making this compilation!
"Hmm, 30 mph winds today with gusts of 50. Seems like a good day to get 18 holes in before dinner."
Let's appreciate the time they put into making this vid!
Does anyone know if the little kid at 6:33 is OK ?
Why the F*&k does anyone live in snowy places?
I like Terri 😅😂
Did it make you feel big, teasing that monkey?
If you’re going to show stuff like the little girl and the rope, I don’t know how, but at least show or prove somehow that they’re ok. That was disturbing.
0:56 and melvin never help her 🤣
Coco don't give a fuck..
This is the only channel which makes me laugh and A LOT
retard driver crashes into random convenience store
Fail Army: "Driver Was Unharmed"
Fail Army: nah, fuck dem kids
6:32 Final Destination!
9 lives taken ? @2:43 jerk owner
Chick barely falls and all the guys that are just trying to get laid “OMG ARE YOU OK?”
3:49 I dont understand how you can feel comfortable enough to lay beside a bat and be that scared of it at the same time.
Terri I luv youuuuu. Hugs from bohemian forest
Decime que la nena no se hizo nada ..¡¡que tenes el video completo y la madre la rescato..¡¡😥