21 Cold Cases Solved In 2021 | Compilation
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Cases Covered
0:00 Intro
0:23 Lori Nesson
4:08 Beth Doe
9:15 Ludlow Homicide Victims
13:43 Jean Tuggy
19:23 Felicia And Dennisha Howard
23:06 Claretha “Coco”Gibbs
26:55 Annette Schnee and Bobbie Oberholtzer
36:07 Barbara Mae Tucker
41:40 Janet Stallcup
44:48 Gayle Barrus
49:40 Stephanie Isaacson
52:40 Michelle Wyatt
56:14 Leslie McCray
59:07 Patricia Kalitzke and Lloyd Duane Bogle
1:02:58 Virginia Hannon
1:09:34 Ashland Baby Doe
1:13:59 Carla Walker
1:19:00 Rancho San Diego Jane Doe
1:21:21 Maureen Brubaker Farley
1:28:45 The Unidentified Sailor
1:33:21 Yonker Jane Doe
So these are all the solved cases we covered in 2021 in one video.
0:23 Lori Nesson
4:08 Beth Doe
9:15 Ludlow Homicide Victims
13:43 Jean Tuggy
19:23 Felicia And Dennisha Howard
23:06 Claretha "Coco"Gibbs
26:55 Annette Schnee and Bobbie Oberholtzer
36:07 Barbara Mae Tucker
41:40 Janet Stallcup
44:48 Gayle Barrus
49:40 Stephanie Isaacson
52:40 Michelle Wyatt
56:14 Leslie McCray
59:07 Patricia Kalitzke and Lloyd Duane Bogle
1:02:58 Virginia Hannon
1:09:34 Ashland Baby Doe
1:13:59 Carla Walker
1:19:00 Rancho San Diego Jane Doe
1:21:21 Maureen Brubaker Farley
1:28:45 The Unidentified Sailor
1:33:21 Yonker Jane Doe
I fall asleep to these videos and end up having some weird dreams
Anyone else watch these to fall asleep to
The lady in the thumbnail looks like Harry Styles in 30 years
6? 6 handguns??? How.???
Every single one of the neighbors who heard the mother and daughter screaming and did NOTHING should have f*ing charged!!!! DISGUSTING!!!
ETA: Why did no one stop and help that poor girl!?!? I can't even imagine the hopelessness she felt 💔💔💔
The bystander effect
Se fossi un regista mi piacerebbe realizzare un film per tutte le persone che sono state uccise….. Sarebbe molto semplice, mostrerebbe la vita quotidiana di un maschio e una femmina con l età delle prime vittime, bambini, adulti e anziani, scene di una vita quotidiana, tranquilla,senza scosse, ma ad ogni inquadratura il volto sarebbe di una vittima diversa, lo so', forse è una utopia, ma sarebbe come mostrare la vita che questi nostri sfortunati simili non hanno potuto portare a termine, io penso che sarebbe una grande emozione, per i parenti che li amavano , vedere per qualche secondo il viso del proprio caro nel contesto di una vita felice,che purtroppo non hanno potuto vivere completamente….
Ignoring pleas for help should be a crime.
I’m at work in the same 5 mile radius where one of the victims lived, now that shocked me
Lots of nervous killers out there 😂 waiting for the police to knock on their doors 😂
The captions throwing shots at PLympton KILLED me lmaooo
As someone who's uncle was murdered in a hotel parking lot and possibly could have been saved if not only someone interfered, but had answered his cries for help after he was left, there is NO justification for not helping someone in obvious need. You should ALWAYS be suspicious of everyone's behavior, and be on the lookout for those in need of help. You could honestly save someone's life. I hope those drivers lived with the guilt of her death every day. They're just as guilty of contributing as to it as the murderer is.
i think your coverage of the Ashland Baby Doe was a little irresponsible, to suggest it was anything but outright murder. his mother likely didn't want to deal with his disability, something that happens so frequently to disabled children, even today. the words "we don't have to worry about stevie anymore" is telling, and haunting.
That was NOT a fetus. That was a full grown, about to pop out any day, BABY. That person who did this sick crime to these people needed the electric chair, revived again and electric chair again.
Well in my opinion I believe that the woman that inherited all that money and since it was a small-town I believe somebody at the bank could have mentioned it to someone else about all the money you know Through the Grapevine you know they just conversation will talk about all this money that she had and it just got to the wrong person and they probably figured that the money yes was at the house. That's what I think. I guess they didn't think about that but like you said it's a small-town somebody works at the bank and the way it was back in the early 80s it wasn't real confidential.
My mom shares the same name (first name, middle & last name) with one of the victims of Robert Shomen 😭
Poor Evelyn Colon was just 14.
I feel so sad for her family,and that no one stopped. I'm a single woman that thought this out. I would've stopped, beeping my horn the whole time to get more help.
I think YouTube might be burying your content. I used to love your content and YouTube would automatically put on my feed when new videos were uploaded and it would recommend other videos from you. I haven’t watched a video in months bc YouTube just flat out stopped recommending them to me and I couldn’t remember your channels name. Glad it finally gave me a new recommendation from you today bc now I have a bunch of videos to catch up on.
Just think about how long these people have gotten away with murder for decades…
Seehow whatever you do in the dark it will eventually catch up to you. Even decades later.
Love these 20plus cases, nz
I used to live in benbrook Fort Worth I didn’t know about that chick that’s crazy
30 minutes and no one called the police? Unbelievable. Human beings are despicable. No compassion whatsoever!
Thank god in future with DNA they won't live a long normal life like in the past, they will be caught quickly and rot in prison
A gun gives you a much better chance than a "self defense keychain"
Thanks for doing these cold cases! Well done!
Poor Stevie 😔 I've always had a special place in my heart for children/people with Down syndrome. My 2 year old is autistic and I cannot imagine getting rid of him bc he's just a little "different" than his peers. I'm so glad to hear that Stevie was buried with family. Still very sad and tragic.
I am halfway through and I just keep thinking of how many women out there NOT found. Here they are ALL women, how many more are there spread across the USA in rivers, ditches, old wells, desert? I cannot imagine but it must run into thousands.
I love these long compilations even though it's taken me 3 nights to try and get through the whole thing. Lol they're perfect for falling asleep to!
Okay. That one about the poor woman named Jenny is really testing me, I am so upset this happened.
Barbara Tucker was Murdered by Her
All murders should be put to death 💀 not prison why should tax payers keep them in prison and feed them get old sparky out and use it on killers. So you know if you kill you will be put to death 💀 by old sparky
The people that did not stop on the night the woman killed in the woods should have been charged for not stopping and I hope they get her spirit that shows up each night. How can anyone just drive away from a woman covered in blood they should be ashamed of them selfs if only they had stoped she would still be alive today scum bags
Thank goodness for technology nowdays! I think it's also helped get would be murders or whatever to think twice. However if they do the crime they do get caught.
Okay from this video I have concluded that a law should be passed if you do not call police when you hear a commotion and the person is killed you get accessory to murder the one with so many people seeing the woman bloody and screaming and pleading for help and just watch as she was dragged back into forest and being killed they killed her as much as that man did each di*k wads have her blood all over them and should get sent to prison for murder each and every one of you hope you can not sleep with every time you close your eyes to sleep you hear her screams and every time you look in the mirror you see her blood all over your faces YOU murdered her
Sorry for outburst but my friend was in similar situation she was killed and hundreds of people just looked and walked away or laughed even some pushed her away disgusted as she was covered in blood , mud and necked
These were amazing !!! 5hank you so much 💓
Lol @ desert lot
US society is a bunch of reres and cowards. What do you expect?
Why refer to a nine month gestation—a fully developed baby—as a “fetus”? It’s a full term infant capable of surviving outside the mother barring such a barbaric crime.
Denesha and Felicia’s murders will haunt me since first time I heard their story. That little girl screamed for help for 30mins and the bystander effect of minding their business was in full effect smh disgusting
I will never ever understand people who hear domestic violence and don't do anything about it. They literally heard a child screaming for help and a women saying "don't shoot me in front of my child" and didn't call the cops. How can you go about your day or night hearing this and just shrug it off? A simple call to the cops would suffice and yet they can't find it in themselves to do that? Such a selfish thing to do.
And this kind of sick bast…Individuals,will roam the world forever.They should all be exterminated as soon as they are identified and caught..
A little piece of advice I might add, – when you finish saying the name of the city or town you’re referring to…. Say the name of the US State,, Canadian province,, or name of the country if it’s outside of the US or Canada.
99% women? Isn't it sad that we live in a world where women are murdered because there are men who cannot control their anger or deviance and consider women objects to own or use and to just discard. I would love to know the ratio of men to women murders in the world, I'm sure women way outnumber anyone else.