These are 6 paranormal clips that may seem relatively believable, or at the very least may make you sit there any try to explain them in your head.
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I must bookmark this..
The one with the basement door and the security guard on the plane were the creepiest.
2:10 bruv thats a bug 😐
INEXPLICABLE!!!!!! Not "unexplainable".
These ghost like messing with people.
Number 2 made my scrotum tighten up
2:13 the "strange floating object" is just lint on a cobweb dangling in front of the camera
the only scary, unexplainable thing in the clip is that lack hygiene 😂
but I'm severely allergic to dust, so I may be biased here… 😅
So basically the after life is one big crappy bore fest and the only excitement you'll get is scaring a few security guards.
Ghosts "hmm we are dead. What should we do? Oh I know. Let's go hang out at the airport and walk the passenger boarding bridge for eternity. That'll be fun." Gimme a break.
For the second to last one, I swear i've seen an identical basement to that before
Fuck off, people are actually going to believe this shit. Stop trying to manipulate people!
I'd need a new pair of shorts when the basement door closed on it's own. And NO I would not have gone alone. As for the phone – nah … I needed a new one anyway.
I'm not sure about the Squatter one. If you thought there was some unknown person hiding out in your house wouldn't you call the police? And why didnt that guy take off running when the door was slammed? He made it a point to wait until he'd opened the door again to take off running. Where he could conveniently drop the phone "out of fear" with the camera conveniently facing upward.
this is soooooooooooooo scary wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooow i'm so scaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaared i'm so f-ing scareeeeeeeeeeddddddddddddddd duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuudddddddddddeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
I'm easily scared… why am I subjecting myself to this shit?
''Scary unexplainable''
first video having an explanation
6: thats china. you can fit 200 of them little folk in that area before the glass.
5: looks to me like he was pulling a string attached to the front of the chair. if it werent filmed with an early 90's cell phone (where did he even find a phone that shitty?) youd see the string.
4: looks to me like shit falling of his shitty ceiling, or through his shitty roof. and a literal bird flying by. once again, the quality of the video is extremely suspect, as who the fuck uses such a shitty camera to monitor their home? the balls are once again, on a string but the video quality is so suspiciously low that you cant tell. the pinball machine, can easily be turned on/off by flipping the breaker its on.
3: his shadow, or the shadow of his friend who he had slamming the door. also, not a door, thats just a sheet of plywood. very easily cought by wind. also, another suspiciously low quality recording with a cell phone using a camera so low quality that they arent even made anymore, and you wouldnt even be able to activate service on.
2: quality is still rather suspect, but nothing is actually seen so its not as big a deal. a grown ass man running away because a lightbulb went off however, thats quite suspect. what pushed thephone was his buddy who he told to push the phone for some internet likes. the fact that he immediately came right back to grab his phone, instead of showing the same fear he just had a moment ago is also suspect.
1: another suspiciously low quality camera that isnt even made anymore, followed by the ARMED SECURITY running away instead of doing his job and popping a cap in someone. yeah okay buddy.
I will never understand why people yell out "hello" and expect a squatter or anyone for that matter will respond "Oh hey yeah I just a wee squatter."
All easily explained by either magnets and/or Russian govt.
The worst part about the last one, is that the figure peeks out from an area that he had already explored on tape, like we were there with him, and nothing was seen, but then he walks away and hears that sound from behind, and all of the sudden that thing is there.
Sigh …… garbage if you have an IQ in double figures.
Last clip, it showed itself 3 times
Ghosts are not made of solid matter therefore, doors, chairs, beds, tables, dishes etc, etc are made of matter, so non matter cannot move or touch matter and vice versa. So for this reason, I'm out.
Pool table is a set up . Had a table in our house my whole life and we never left balls on the table
Like others have said, number 2 was… unique. if it was set up it was done quite well.
First clip could just be passengers disembarking from an actual plane that was scrubbed out of the picture, that would explain why the entire spot where the plane would be is a weird blurry spot
Passengers from a flight that never made it
The first one with The Travelers was good but the rest 🙄 all taken from the tv show Paranormal Caught on Camera aka Fakeass Dumbass. This content is AT LEAST 5 years old ugh such tired crap
My dad used to live an extremely haunted house where he would hear laughs of children at night, and their pool table’s balls would also move on their own.
It was believed that the owners of the property before buried their children who died while the mother was giving birth underneath the house.
Also my dad worked as a janitor for a hospital overnight & he would hear splashes into the therapy pool when no one was there.
First video, they are coming from a turn
These tunnel structures are connected…
If I was a cost I’d definitely be the ghost
Of a motorcycle museum
And he still probably sold the house to some poor chump.
these were great!!!
"Unexplained" does not mean "unexplainable" and it definitely does not mean "paranormal," whatever that is.
Omg 2nd one was scary like really scary.
Complete BS.
I feel so blessed to live away from this paranormal shit. But two questions always get me with hauntings. 1) Why would ghosts do this? 2) If we can move things without hands, why do we need hands?
Yeah, my dude took one look at that basement stair and said "nawh, I think not".
I've lived in a house with strange goings on for years arfter a while it loses it thrill like everything else to the point that even the kids don't care anymore more about the smell or noises on things at the window about once every 6 months you just accept and move on me and my wife don't even notice it at all now .But people who come to the house to visit or stay hate it .I would almost like us to be burgled to see what would happen
Who ever is haunting that house your moms a hoe
Wtf, 8:04 scared the hell out of me, lmao.
All seem legit except 3, 2 and 1
It was the justice league coming out of WW's plane duh
By far probably the best mr nightmare video. Top 10 in my list 👏🏼
Call ghostbusters
Theres one explanation for that. And it's scarier than a ghost.
A person.
Last story b.s. why didnt he just turn on lights to search not use flashlight lol
When paranormal crap happens I run to it like if a false flag shooting or something else bad i run to trouble not run away
I think that Mr. Nightmare and Nuke from Nukes Top 5 should get together and do a special YouTube video with ghosts as the topic