Landslides and flooding triggered by heavy rainfall killed at least 18 people Tuesday in a tourist town in the hills above Rio de Janeiro, Brazilian firefighters said.
“So far, 18 deaths caused by landslides and floods have been confirmed” in recent hours, the Rio de Janeiro Fire Department said in a statement.
It said more than 180 firefighters and other rescue workers were at the scene in the picturesque hill town of Petropolis where Brazil’s last emperor Pedro II is buried, 68 kilometers (42 miles) north of the city of Rio.
City hall declared a “state of disaster” as images spread on social media of destroyed houses and cars swept away by floodwater.
Many shops were completely inundated by the rising waters which gushed down the streets of the historic city center.
Some parts of Petropolis received up to 260 millimeters (10 inches) of water in less than six hours, more than was expected for the whole month of February, according to the meteorological agency MetSul.
The heaviest downpour had passed but more moderate rainfall was expected to continue for several hours, authorities said.
Read more: https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20220216-18-dead-in-storms-near-brazil-s-rio-de-janeiro-firefighters
#petrópolis #chuvas #deslizamento
With all that's been happening lately (Covid, Rumors of war, Tornadoes, Flooding, etc…) God is obviously let humans know who's in control. His present-day PROPHESIES of (Deuteronomy 30:1-20, Matt 24:5-13, as with others prophesies) are happening right before our very eyes…
I hope you all stayed safe my Brazilian friends! Sending prayers from Vietnam!
My God 🙏🙏🙏
Once again I wonder why we don't see this on the news we saw what's going on in Ireland but not Brazil maybe they just don't want us to see all the global flooding
Meu pai amado!!
sending you this moment prayers
Nature is now angry.
Very Scary to have been in and sorry for the loss of life there I canlt imagine 😥🙏
Sending prayers for Brazilians from the Philippines 🙏🙏🙏
What a Shame these people Work Hard for their Belongings … This is not Good..
Damn, a country that has no tsunamis, but has to deal with this instead.
Good luck to all the idiots that think they can control the weather via climate change laws.
I find it hard to believe they were laughing. Only a very happy people could do that.
What good spirits they have they are resilient. !! 🙏🙏
🕊️💕 to the universe 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 get blessed all 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥💕
NOOO ! my <3 is with you BRAZIL !
Just horrible, when you see something like that you can't help but say prayers for them.
Thank you DC 👍
May everyone transfer to a safe place to stay after being rescued.
please God these people. Ameen
6:34 "Pq q essa burra saiu…"
Misericórdia ó Deus
Terrible ..I hope they managed to cope somehow..prayers for them.
Cenas apocalípticas destruição e caos e por enquanto 120 mortos e dezenas de desaparecidos.
This is so sad. Many prayers to those who survived this catastrophe and so sad for the lives that were lost. For those who don't know, this is one of the most beautiful and historic cities in Brasil not too far away from Rio de Janeiro. It will take a very long time to clean up and restore due to the topography of this city. You have to see it to understand. Meus pêsames para todos q perderem família e amigos pois coisas matérias podem ser recuperados, vidas nem tanto. Força aí meu povo brasileiro
Apparently, Judgement continues and that means another strong birth pain is about to take place very soon.
America get ready because yours is going to be 10x worse then what is happening in Brazil.
Prá ver,mesmo o povo de Deus ou país mega religioso terão seus quinhões da mutação da terra devido exageros e ganâncias de toda ordem,mesmo os convertidos ,arrependidos e corretos passarão por desafios climáticos .
May all be safe.🙏🙏🙏
imagine you have a business and the flood takes all your sales away and damage them
Oh my god😢💔
Lindo 🌧️
those poor people having to deal with that weather my heart goes out to them all
Semoga Yang maha kuasa melindungi hamba-nya. Semoga banjir cepat surut. ini video kami file untuk pelajaran bagi kami yang tinggal dekat 4 gunung dan dekat 3 Danau dan dekat 2 sungai besar diDesa Desa'polosok diBali Indonesia
That's insane. Hope people are able to stay safe and no more deaths. At least they appear to mostly build out of stone and concrete. In the States the damage would be 10x.
O kurde wygląda na większą niż ta niedawna 100lecia w Chinach
Extreme weather conditions at petropolis city of Brazil and God helped them recover soon.
We have been saying for a long time that only the Creative Society can save people from the climate anomalies that are happening all over the world, the climate is now our common enemy, wake up people. It's affecting everyone.
Very good coverage
Everybody knows about the earth's weather except the weathermen/women. Want to be soaked by rains? Listen to them.
Não estou acreditando na quantidade de água. Meus sentimentos por todos em Petrópolis. Gosto muito de Petrópolis estou muito triste.
How do you plan for this.