No chain. No cage. No kill. – Takis Shelter
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I think Takis needs more blankets for the dogs . They are looking for a blanket to sleep in and a cozy bed . It’s so funny to see one just staring at another dog sleeping in a nice bed. It seems as though he is waiting for the dog to get out of it and it’s his turn to lay on it.
You need more blankets or more beds for those poor dogs in there that sleep on the floor special that one black and white when she was looking for somewhere to sleep
If I lived with in 1000 miles from the shelter I would go here and adopt a pet.
Good night from germany allrogether!!!🌖🌛
Spring is right around the corner. Adopters will be visiting the shelter again to find their new dog or cat. Life is good.
Alle sehen so friedlich aus. Das ist nur takis zu verdanken. Ich freue mich immer über neue Videos. Schön zu sehen wie sie zufrieden auf ihrem schlafplatz liegen. Alle verstehen sich. Einfach toll ❤
Shit, all blankets are occupied!
1582 :)=
Картина похожа на утреннюю планёрку в офисе. Кто то ещё спит глубоким сном, кто то готов внимательно слушать, есть такие, которые уже выступают. 😂
You have some interesting doggies there.
Who is the dog with the white spots on his body.
Theyre all lovely..still baffled why lovely yellow labrador Lawrence who is so playfull and sweet has still not been adopted
.!! He's getting older and people are overlooking him..his face whe n he looked at Takis broke my heart 💔..
Τάκης ΥΠΈΡΟΧΟΣ ΜΠΑΜΠΆΣ!!!! Αυτοί οι άνθρωποι που αγαπούν αυτά τα αγγελούδια είναι οι καλύτεροι στον κόσμο!!!!💞💞💞💞💞💞
Gorgeous Sally & all her beautiful roommates. Sleep in safety and peace precious babies!
You get a good sleep too Taki! Goodnight wishes at 11:13pm EST on Friday from my part of Canada!!
The other dogs donot have bed and blankets. So they cannot liedown and sleep.
Tem alguém esperando que desocupem uma cama ,é lindo ve-lós todos confortavelmente instalado s com a Ganze sempre cuidando.
I have not been to a movie in years. Looking forward to seeing the movie dog which is being released today the 18th. If it's a dog movie I'm there.
I would love someone in Hollywood or wherever to make a movie about Takis and his shelter. Talk about raising money for a worthy cause.
boa noite aí que lindos muitos fofos 👍
@:39. Is the black dog silently saying “ you are in MY bed “ lol
The dogs are like 'here he goes again filming us'….😄😆😂😀😅🤣
looks like they need more dog beds. sweet babies
Prince and Sally are motionless – so funny, they have spent every bit of energy they had in the bank.
Do they all get along with each other at night??? I have a rescue dog and he used to try and survive by getting little bits of food from other dogs, but they kept biting him not letting him have food. It makes me feel upset to have seen him in that situation. 😔😢
animals are the so much better souls on earth then so many so called humans… they are such lovely charakters but they need a family on there own and a sofa and a forever home ..so cute.. so good to see they are in best hands
Take good care of yourself Takis, those beautiful babies needs you 🌹🥰God bless Takis shelter 🙏🌹❤️🥰
Need more beds and blankets 😄