The Hindenburg Disaster of 1937 was a frightening horror show that was well documented, and practically ended flight travel over night. Scientists know what caused the horrific accident and debate whether it could have been prevented, but do you think the Hindenburg Disaster was the Titanic of the sky? Would you feel safe traveling in a blimp?
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Stay grounded and you'll be fine! 😉
Because Boston has nothing to look at lol
5:22 – Turning east? Wouldn't that be more southwest?
«that commentary was not cut together with the footage of the crash until many years after» what is meant by that? like what does he mean by cut together? bad english here lol
The Hindenburg was coated with weatherproof materials not fireproof and unfortunately powdered aluminium is extremely flammable.
Helium is noble of Europe
Because the earth is round. And not flat. Like a bunch of idoi- miss informed people-
R.i.p all the people on the Hindenburg
It's always germeny
So I'm looking into this subject because a fellow nerd friend of mine told me that the zeppelin was covered in layers with the materials to make thermite. Can anyone attest?
Who wrote the script for this video? 😂😂 Its pretty sassy for an Infographics commentary.
in the sky ?
Apparently your Infographics researcher doesn't get paid enough to do his / her homework…
DELAG was not the first commercial airline company.
The first commercial airline was the "St. Petersburg – Tampa Air Boat Line Company" that was created in 1914.
The first commercial flight took place over the bay from St. Petersburg to Tampa Bay in 1914, only 11 years after the first air flight by the famous Wright Brothers.
The St. Petersburg – Tampa Air Boat Line only lasted 3 months but it was the very first –
Preceding the Germans DELAG Commercial Airline by 33 years…
id stay on the ground where its safe
11:27 and nothing happened in the skies. 911 flashback 👀
5:13 The rich people:Look at those pesants!
The pesants:Oh boy,i sure you like karma.
A few days later…
Hindenburg:*Goes kaboom*
The rich people:I guess this is a horrible flight.
The Hindenburg crashed burning and 35 people for seven was from the van Zepplin
I know the Hindenburg I know crash it but 35 people actually died that’s the western Titanic
The English is German Aviation Stock Corporation
I just realized the narrator isn't The Infographics Show himsel-
i would have used the fire extinguisher to survive
The narrator made a mistake the airship from west not east @the infographics show