I took the new boy in the house , a better look at him makes me worry – Takis Shelter

I took the new boy in the house , a better look at him makes me worry - Takis Shelter
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I took the new boy in the house , a better look at him makes me worry . His mouth is white and not red , tomorrow we will make blood test to find out more about his health , I hope this is from anemia , or ehrlichiosis , and not his kidney …

No chain. No cage. No kill. – Takis Shelter

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  1. He’s such sweet boy. He has manners and he easily followed directions like he used to had an owner before he was abandoned. When he gained his weight and healthy, with a little trining he will turned into a best dog anyone can asked for.

  2. He's so nice, calm and adorable boy. I hope he can recover soon. It's very well seen how horribly he was neglected. But I can remember other doggies in totally bad shape they came to the shelter and the miraculous love and care of Mr Takis and his volunteers saved them. Blessings for all animals and people in the shelter 🌈

  3. I think that like Ivan, he is a bit overwhelmed. From being alone and neglected to a house full of doggies and nice people might be a bit much for him to take in. I'm sure he will start to eat soon and hopefully get better fast. I am not a vet or even medicly trained but I have seen dogs that had been very flea bitten also have pale gums because of blood loss and anemia.

  4. My dear friends, please give him some homemade chicken broth or chicken broth in a can WITHOUT the salt… make sure that the chicken broth is warm… start slowly with a syringe. He looks very dehydrated. My family and I will be praying for him. Thank you Takis and team.😻💙💚💟

  5. Poor bugger..so painfully thin..wants love and a drink of clean water..god I hope he's ok
    .he's not an old boy..lovely beautiful hound..those big ears..so cute I just want to cuddle him and let him know he will now be loved..please lord let this dawg get better so he can find out what love is and get used to being treated with respect rather than as something that can be thrown away like rubbish.. stay strong little fella..🇬🇧💞💔✝️🙏✝️🙏👍😭🐾🐾🐑🐿🐿🦋

  6. How could someone do this to a dog. They sure have to be real stupid. Wish this would be done to them, not being fed, and wish they would die. I can never understand how these animals can be treated in this way.

  7. Prayers for the health of this poor starving boy. His white gums are a bad sign. Thank you for rescuing him and giving him a chance at a better life.

  8. The white gums could be any number of things, quite possibly a blood disorder?? Anemia? Diabetes? Or just the starvation causing other problems. He is such a sweet boy, he would be so easy to love, how could someone let him starve like that??? You will get better fast now sweet booboo, an angel will help you! 🤗💖🍀🐾🌈🇨🇦

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