An academy called Prescott Academy trains little girls into becoming assassins. The chief of the organization, Hardman brings them in as young as ten months old to teach them everything about life, without guidance from outside media. Little girls of the Prescott Academy are trained to be killing machines.
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This is why mens dont live longer
Wait they have numbers instead of names is this where agent 47 came from
*Where’s this school when I needed it?*
I wanna do that
What is stuffing cushions
this is a school I want
This is almost like the red room in marvel…?
Ok but do they teach how to hide the bodies
How can this be legal can you please the monetize this if there is if it's not the monetize kids watching this will be like just kill their bullies that's all
This is like black widow
….I gotta see this movie….
As soon as you said trains girls to kill I thought straight to the avengers red room
When nick fury and jean grey meet they train black widows(is agent 83 karte bishop if its true then why are nick and jean training kate)wtf 😆
Google: Tell a teacher, or try to talk to the bully
Victoria s my name hehe
sussy bakaak
its dove camreon
They are criminils!kids!are you guys crazy!😡😡💢😤
School kids get bullied
Told to teacher
Teacher: don't worry kill them
How soft the voice
imagine being killed by a 3 year old with a scar
what video editor did you use?????
2:01 look at the screen! It looks like Caity Lotz!
What is the name of the movie
Lol nick furry works in the red room now
Wow coll kids b
james bond at 3 yrs old
oh say can you see… 🇺🇸
I did that to
Dude… is that Alyssa McKay?!
imagine Neo dodging bullets in the movie matrix
They finally know that telling kids to say no to bullies is like telling the disable kid to enable himself in the settings
I wish I was in that school >:)
Wait a minute liz looks like that mean girl utuber
Omg they clips are the best love you and we need more of these ❤
Recap: school teachers teach 3 year old children to ……… me:stop the cap they do not look like a 3 year old qt 4.2 feet
Teacher to kill bullies is not so bad
i could be driving at fricking 5!?
im sorry but ofc its american 💀💀💀💀💀
Oml isn’t liz dove ?