Natural Disasters promise Climate Change: Disaster January 28-29. Breaking news about bad weather. Earth’s pain will cleanse the Planet from the humanity. In the world in a day about severe nature. Catastrophes are here and now. Global warming is not far off.
The channel lists such natural disasters as:
1) Geological emergencies: Earthquake, volcanic eruption, mudflow, landslide, landfall, avalanche;
2) Hydrological emergencies: Flood, Tsunami, Limnological catastrophe, floods, flooding;
3) Fires: Forest fire, Peat fire, Glass Fire, Wildfire;
4) Meteorological emergencies: Tornado, Cyclone, Blizzard, Hail, Drought, Hail, Hurricane, Storm, Thunderstorm, typhoon, Tempest, Lightning.
Playlist by region, EUROPE:
Playlist by disaster type, METEOROLOGICAL:
Сlimate change has already begun and there is no return for Planet Earth! The weather on Earth is changing. Also we will get to know about chave weather – daily videos, StormChasingVideo and Live Storms Media, Disaster Compilations and Fobos, Painful Earth, ForceouT and FatalisT, START, Nature News.
ATTENTION: Video material is taken from social networks. It is selected by date of publication, title, description and location of the event. Sometimes, due to unscrupulous posting of news on social networks, the video may contain fragments that do not correspond to the date and place. It is not always possible to check their reliability. Thank you for your understanding.
#FatalisT #NaturalDisaster #Disasters #NaturalDisasters #ClimateChange #Weather #Odessa #snowfall #Ukraine #snowstorm #snow #snowstormOdessa #Odesa #snowfallOdessa
😎 Good Weather Everyone
🌍 🌎 🌏
There is the Montaignes in Odessa?
Untung sy tinggal di indonesia
А здесь хоть один кадр из Одессы есть?
Wake up people end of days.
السلام عليكم
ان الله قادر على كل شيئ ارحمنا برحمتك يارب العالمين امين
Sleepy Joe will help you. He received Billions from the Ukraine…
الخافي اعظم والقادم اعظم غترب وعد الله للكافرين ااملعونين في كتابه القران الكريم ومن اتبعهم من الأنس والجن وكل ساحر اثيم أن يعذبهم عذاب الاساطير الاولين أجمعين ياذاء المقتدر رب العرش العظيم رب الملائكة والسلطين والعالمين تهلك عدائك وعداء الدين والرساله والانبياء والمرسلين والصحابه وعبادك الصالحين الابرار امة نبيك ورسولك محمد بن عبدالله عليه اصلى وسلم ياذاء العزه والجلاله رب العرش العظيم
Super . Da passt noch ein Haufe scheiße drauf.
Bo bo te kene shendetin njerzit pa hekura ka plot
Хорошо что у меня нет машины!)))
Click bait…Where's the boats?
🤤 I love the snow. This winter we only had 1cm of snow. Poor trees.
Ohy God!! Keep safe everyone .new subcriber done me watching from Philippines
Pity about the clickbait thumbnail!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We can't take nothing with us when we pass away 🙏
😲😲😲 Omg
until such a blizzard …? i pray for Ukraine. In my country (Indonesia) there are also many natural disasters such as: landslides, flash floods due to heavy rains, and moving land. And several volcanoes erupted simultaneously. Earthquakes occurred in several places.
Que terribles cosas estan su se diendo el todo el mundo , hay que ponerse a cuenta con Dios , para ser salvos , porque nuestra al es la que esta condenado por los pecados , solo en Cristo esta la salvacion 🙏 👍 🌬 ☁️ 👑 desde Peru 🇵🇪
Nice view it is just a beginning pay time Gods does not like Odessa and no prayers can help Only will make worst u can try.if u worry or sorry it will not help but will bring more problems
If they smart as they think why they cant stop this i can if i want but i dont like Odessa i know this people money hangry liers Satana many of theme in New York which are enemies of High Gods.even smart does not have Power only Gods and High Consciousness which is none on earth.but i have not seen smart from Odessa to New York may be they have some place else.
No sorry Smart ass still ass.
Gods energy of High.
oiiiiiiiiiiiiii amigo moro no brasil muito bom video parabéns meu like
Well it’s a food we harvest!!! And it’s just beginning around the world!!! Humans turned to be disgraceful creatures on planet Earth and it’s beginning of cleaning!!!
Don't park your car under trees if it will snow
Only winter….
وب وب م علاذه 😳
ايش السالفه كل ما أدخل فيديو كل التعليقات انجليزيه
Yo que no quiero saber de frío,soy de Ahiti🇭🇹 creo que no me aguanto ni por una ora