In todays video of Top 5 scary Things Caught On camera we will be taking a look at 5 Scary Ghost videos that are making viewers brake down mentally. watch if you dare, they will creep you out at night. We will be taking a look at demonic possessions in Mexico, a haunted dark house with an entity that’s after the girl, a zombie man attacking a bus, and a creepy cursed doll. we will be looking at scary figures and demonic entities with paranormal activity caught on camera. A shadow figure ghost, abandoned buildings and crazy poltergeist activity. We will also take a look at some very creepy explorations with ghost sightings, and a close and personal shadow figure.
The Depths of Despair brings you the best of the best scary, horror videos including, ghosts, demons, entities, monsters, shadow figures, paranormal events, supernatural events, mythical sightings, aliens, Mysterious, weird and horrific scenes, unexplained footage, UFOS, deep dark web content and the rest of the creepy content out there to be seen. We have it all!
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2 in 1 Flashlight and UV light – https://amzn.to/3cQ14ml ✔️
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Rem Pod – https://amzn.to/3vof3rC ✔️
4K Camcorder ORDRO – https://amzn.to/3BTvzSN ✔️
Blue Yetti Mic – https://amzn.to/3ANxSWk ✔️
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All Music: Kevin MacLeod & vivek abhishek & myuu
License: CC BY 3.0 (http://goo.gl/BlcHZR)
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➡ http://www.freesound.org/people/Tomlija/
➡ Music provided by “Vivek Abhishek”
➡ myuu – Underworld https://soundcloud.com/myuu
Music promoted by Just No Copyright ツ https://youtu.be/sh5at6yUJ7Y
➡Marc v/d Meulen –
➡ CO.ag Music –
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#scary #creepyvideos #top5
Cocaine is a hell of'a drug.
– Rick James
Please don't do drugs
Daamnnn! That flakka be some crazy sh*t, dont do drugs kids!😳
22:18 If only
Nah, that last kid Ryan is a tard pie, and a liar
I got so creeped out…every light is on at my house right now!!
The lady with the little girl is fake as hell
In the demonic behavior, was here in Brazil 🤣
Although the first four were truly scary, the last one was quite disappointing!
Number 1 ]that boys knows that is his house.And why would he say she had alot of Trump books and posters?That has nothing to do with anything.Must be some crazy lady that is a Trump supporter.Smart woman dumb kid
Holy crap those girls in the 1st clip was scary & creepy. Well done 👏🏻
About the LAST VIDEO – BRO!! IT'S ONLY $200!!! Is you SANITY (and possibly your life) REALLY worth only $200?!?! … sorry but that is a BIG NOPE for me LMAO
oh and what's wrong with Trump supporters??? lol
Hey Depths.. OMG.. that was some scary stuff.. btw .. the clip with the guy running into the bus and the girl on the back of the truck .. im pretty sure they took the drug called flakka .. im sure i saw those clips with the warning of the drug's before .. and those demonic possession.. that scares the s@#t out of me.. great uploads tho.. keep it up..
OH MY WORD!!!!! That first video(s) was SUPER DUPER HELLA CREEPY AF!!!!!!! OMG!!!! – I too am leaning HEAVILY towards DEMONIC POSSESION. Haven't you all noticed the HUGE UPTICK in paranormal activity, shadow figures, apparitions, and cryptid/unknown creatures?!?!?! And it's only GETTING WORSE!!! Maybe It's like ALL those prophecies said about the dead walking the Earth or returning to the world of the living….When they were written they didn't know how to describe what they were seeing during their visions/prophecies, so all they could relate it to is the dead coming back to life… instead of saying – 'THERE'S GONNA BE A LOT FO GHOSAT AND GHOULS!!!! lol
ACTUALLY now that i think about it I'm not sure it's demonic possession…. I'm thinking it's a reaction to and side effect of "THE JAB" – THAT is MORE TERRIFYING than ANYTHING that has EVER happened before… ANYTHING!!!!!
So on the last video, let me get this straight… Ryan experiences nothing paranormal or scary, but is freaked out because the woman lives alone while being 40 years old, touches Ryan while talking, has Trump books, a doll in a chair, hears "noises" in a vent and at the front door but never opens the door to see if somebody is there, and finally Ryan's phone gets to 3% while sitting on the floor and then finds some nails under the bed @21:42, making Ryan have one of the scariest nights of their life??? LOL 🤣
The lady in 2nd video is same lady from 1st video which is the same lady from the 3rd video 🤔
Some ppl maybe under the influence of drug's.
However it's possible possession..
My cousin n many other's are whistleblowers from CERN.
Some psycho s opened up a dimension to hell.
16 miles long, was recently closed by ministers..
B4 that, many entities came out. It's worldwide now.
I've seen pics from their n DNR'S have captured many entities.
Businesses, n homes n cctv, as well.
In Alaska marine's n agent's are using Laser guns to take out the entities.. And it work's. We have ALOT of demons to take down.
Their everywhere…
The good guy's need our Prayers…
Be prepared, n stay safe…. It's real..
And some of these videos need to be shown to kids in school to teach them to stay away from drugs and alcohol. That’s all I can say is wrong with some of these people. Not an actual possession in my opinion , but possessed by drugs and or alcohol.
Whoa that was scary, not sure if they’re real or not but interesting all the same. I hope the guy took the dog with him when he left that creepy house. Not sure about the little girl being taken by aliens or whatever but surely this would have made the news, was she actually taken, is she safe.. seems like a set up to me. Great content as always.
Sorry but that’s not a ghost boy in the reflection , that’s a flower pot reflection. That’s what I see , I certainly don’t see a ghost boy , the shape of it says it’s something else.
whats most disturbing is the nonchalant way the police are acting towards young people who are under the influence off demonic or drugs ? maybe the same ehh?? this sht is real seen it/
Once again you have given us some great videos, I had already seen the video where the young guy is just smashing his head into the bus, he really has to be on something, can't wait for the next ones
The one where the mom said don't take my baby is all staged. It's not real people. It's an arg the guy outside the bus definitely looks to be on some sort of drugs. The girl to.
@18:51 And I "highkey" feel bad for it…. 🤣
@17:24 Now this looks like demonic possession.
The last one….I would have took the dog outta that place and never looked back!
@14:41 Could be demon possession, but more than likely he is on some kind of drug.
I would have taken the f**** dog out of the cage and left that f**** place
@11:00 Aliens took my baby! 😒
Best paranormal channel around, the other channels haven't entered the depths yet, they are still on the level of a little shiver but here we get taken straight into the depths of true despair the abyss, I love it, so underrated
Yeah this is by far the best horror channel loving it keep it up bro and dont get possessed ❤🤪
So it seems like the whole time the bus was there while this guy is bashing his head off the windshield nobody bothered to call the f**** cops whatever country they're in. I mean come on really
Unless this video is faked, when @2:23 that lady starts talking it doesn't sound like a voice coming from a woman. I wish what she is saying could have been translated as well.
loving the lar part with the voice and narrating so cool and creepy at the same, what a combo
Chap at bus looks like on spice ive seen people go like that on that evil drug like they are processed