We react to some of the craziest close calls that have ever been caught on camera!
Watch more episodes of React here! https://reactmedia.co/34NyMYX
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Car almost hit by train
Toppling truck
Seesaw van from nonononoyes
Crane falls on boat
Total 11/10. I know 10’s, and this is way better than a 10. It could even be a 12, but it’s definitely better a 10. from yesyesyesno
Man falls into puddle
Saves the trip
Baller dog
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Executive Producer – Sierra Middlebrooks
Director of Production – Michelle Boley
Line Producer – Michael Goodman
Production Manager – Anthony Mugnolo
Talent Coordinator – Kaylin Stewart
Studio Manager – Stephen Miller
Associate Producer – Philip Paul
PA – Julian Steinberg
Editor – Ali Ahmed/Kevin Isomoto
Thumbnail Graphics – Meghan Wallace/Alison Lowenberg
Post Production Coordinator – Ryan Johnson
Community Manager – Ema Sagner
AE – Kathryn Jankowski
AE – Kristin O’Hare
#CloseCalls #Fails #React
Craziest Close Calls Caught On Camera | React
4:14 Aay, someone's been eating a little too much sugar, ay.
5:48 lmao this girl
I wonder who started the "Let's goooo"
Why is Jaxon so cute and handsome aaaaa.
they flopped into 2022
Jaxon is cute lol
Jesus died for our sins so we will have eternal life
This channel still exists? Look at the views now compared to years ago. Im surprised its still going but hey it’s a job i guess.
Congratulations Jaxon.
Dead channel
React to mudvayne pls
I literally failed the first 2 & the 4th one because I didn’t think they would recover like that.
Dead channel 😢😂😘
I didn't do well. I only got 5 correct. With the dog, I thought he would do what my dog would do (Stand Up). Awesome job, Jaxon!!
I love Jaxon he's so awesome
Jaxon Hibler Back?
0:03,a fine looking floozy indeed…specially after her OFs leaked.
What happen to this channel
The dog was already there when the fridge was opened. Yes? ✌😊🐩
When Erin said HE SLIPPED THROUGH LIKE BUTTER and then the clip replayed, I SPIT because I laughed so hard lol
Can you guys react to all stuff Tom Holland??
Yall should react to Billie eilish happier than ever
Do kids react to sinatra
Anais is legit funny, she makes this show lit!
Revisiting this channel after a couple of years. Damn, this channel fell off, huh?
Jaxon didn't win he went from 2 points to 4
Can you pls react nyan cat REMIX the Kids gonna like it
We need kids react to AC/DC
So This Just Channel Just Turned Into “Civilians We Paid Out On The Streets For Clout To Be In Our Videos React To”
Next do fnaf security breach
This channel really went down huh..
This channel really went to shit
The elders should react to the new Elvis trailer!!!!! 🎵🎶
7:56 That dog had previously done all the mathmatics before their human got home 🤣
I'd be like Rose, I'd be like "Where's the door?" 😂😂😂
5:36 This man disappeared in Madrid, he hasn't been seen since
Totally amazing video close calls moments to react too, fantastic job.