CATACLYSMS: FEBRUARY 18, 2022 earthquakes, wildfire, flooding, snow, natural disasters,news
USA – winter storm
A powerful winter storm, accompanied by snowfalls, devastating thunderstorms and the threat of tornadoes, hit the eastern United States. Bad weather conditions have already provoked many accidents.
England and Ireland – Storm Eunice
On Friday, February 18, Atlantic storm Eunice hit England and Ireland, accompanied by wind gusts up to 160 km / h. The storm hit the west coast of England, making landfall in Cornwall. The UK Met Office has warned that Eunice’s extreme wind speeds could cause severe damage and pose a threat to life. the wind can rip off the roofs of houses, uproot trees, lead to disruption of traffic.
Poland – aftermath of the hurricane
Poland is trying to recover from the devastating hurricane Ilenia that raged the day before. Across the country, there was a lot of damage and firefighting operations, there are dead. In some places, wind speeds in gusts reached 28 m/s.
Germany – Hurricane Ylenia
Hurricane Ilenia has been blowing in Germany for the second day already. The German meteorological service recorded the maximum wind speed of up to 42 m/s. Gusts of wind felled trees and tore power lines. Tens of thousands of households were left without electricity, and the roads to them were blocked.
Alabama, USA – tornado
In the city of Tuscaloosa in western Alabama, USA, a tornado swept through, which was assigned the category e f 1. This is the second tornado in the state in the last two weeks. According to the preliminary deaths, there are no, but 5 people received injuries of varying severity.
Japan – snowfall
Heavy snow hit prefectures along the Sea of Japan coast on Thursday. The Japan Meteorological Agency has issued a warning that more snow is ahead. The difficult weather conditions are caused by a low pressure system over the Sea of Japan and a cold air mass that brought the coldest temperatures this winter to the Tohoku and Chugoku regions.
Corientes, Argentina – forest fires
Massive forest fires in Argentina are out of control. The speed of the spread of fire is such that the fire covers about 80 thousand hectares per day. Firefighters from La Pampa will work with their counterparts from Corrientes to try to control the serious fires that have engulfed this province.
Ukraine – -strong wind
Unfavorable weather conditions, in particular, a strong wind on the night of February 18, brought a lot of problems to some regions of Ukraine. Some settlements were left without electricity. in the State Service for Emergency Situations, 90 settlements were de-energized in four regions. Most of them are located in the Lviv region, in the Chernihiv region, in the Zhytomyr region.
Santa catarina – brazil – hail storm
Literally two days ago, the Brazilian state of Santa Catarina was bombed by a large hail, the size of which reached 6 cm in diameter. Then the city of Joinville suffered greatly. Like this afternoon , the same state was hit again by a hail storm , with similarly sized hailstones .
Popocatepetl volcano, Mexico – volcanic eruption
After an almost month-long lull with little activity, mostly characterized by degassing, a small to moderate explosion occurred at 7:15 local time this morning at 7:15 local time. 60 emissions of water vapor and gases were recorded. Popocatepetl is an active stratovolcano located 70 km southeast of the capital Mexico City.
The channel lists such natural disasters as:
1) Geological emergencies: Earthquake, volcanic eruption, mudflow, landslide, landfall, avalanche;
2) Hydrological emergencies: Flood, Tsunami, Limnological catastrophe, floods, flooding;
3) Fires: Forest fire, Peat fire, Glass Fire, Wildfire;
4) Meteorological emergencies: Tornado, Cyclone, Blizzard, Hail, Drought, Hail, Hurricane, Storm, Thunderstorm, typhoon, Tempest, Lightning.
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ATTENTION: Video material is taken from social networks. It is selected by date of publication, title, description and location of the event. Sometimes, due to unscrupulous posting of news on social networks, the video may contain fragments that do not correspond to the date and place. It is not always possible to check their reliability. Thank you for your understanding.
In 2022, natural disasters have become more frequent. We are seeing climate change in many countries around the world. It is not yet known how 2022 will begin.
#Thunderstorms #SevereWeather #StormDamage #petropolis #locust #ketapang #guatemala #corrientes #snowstorm #landslide #hurricane #wildfire#Inundacion #tornado #floods #avalanche #winds #hailstorm #tormenta #hailstorm #locusts #accidents #flooding #hailstorm #fire #lluvias #banjir #Chuva #earthquake #storm
And here I am just sitting here waiting on the **Second Exodus of my people.
What?? Your pastor hasn’t Preached about the “Second Exodus,” 🤔 I wonder why… 😒😒
Jeremiah 23:7-8.
7 Therefore, behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that they shall no more say, The Lord liveth, which brought up the Children of Israel out of the land of Egypt;
8 But, The Lord liveth, which brought up and which led the seed of the House of Israel out of the north country, and from all countries whither I had driven them; and they shall dwell in their own land.
Gen 15:13. "And he said unto Abram, Know of a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs, and shall serve them; and they shall afflict them four hundred years;". "*400 YEARS." <Bill Here-1242>
Genesis 15:14 "And also that Nation, whom they shall serve, will I JUDGE: and afterward shall they come out with Great Substance."
Jeremiah 16:19
19 O Lord, my strength, and my fortress, and my refuge in the day of affliction, the *Gentiles shall come unto thee from the ends of the earth, and shall say, Surely our fathers have inherited lies, vanity, and things wherein there is no profit.
We do know who the Gentiles are, correct??? The apostle Paul wrote to them…🏛🕍🤦🏼♂️🤦🏻♂️🤦🏼🤦🏻.
The ones who destroyed the second Temple.
I highly recommend 'Conflict of the Ages' series of five books by Christian Author Ellen G. White
(Authentic Seer/Prophet of God)…..
"The Great Controversy between Christ and Satan" Ellen G. White, 1888, rev.1911 ✝️
"Through the two great errors, the immortality of the soul and Sunday sacredness, Satan will bring the people under his deceptions. While the former lays the foundation of spiritualism, the latter creates a bond of sympathy with Rome. The Protestants of the United States will be foremost in stretching their hands across the gulf to grasp the hand of spiritualism; they will reach over the abyss to clasp hands with the Roman power; and under the influence of this threefold union, this country will follow in the steps of Rome in trampling on the rights of conscience." GC 588.1
Psalms 90:2-17 Before The Mountains Were Brought Forth, Or Ever Thou Hadst Formed The Earth and Maded Our Only Livable World; and Even From Everlasting To Everlasting, Thou Art God Almighty. Thou Turnest Disobedience People To Destruction; and Sayest Lovingly Return, Ye Children Of Mine. For A Thousand Years In Thy Sight Are But As Yesterday When It Is Past, and As A Watch In The Night. Thou Carriest Them Away As With A Flood; We Are As Sleep: In The Morning We Are Like Grass Which Groweth Up. In The Morning We Flourisheth, and Groweth Up and Forget You; And In That Moment We Are Cut Down, and Withereth. For We Are Consumed By Thine Anger, and By Thy Wrath We Are Troubled and So Afraid. Thou Hast Set Our Iniquities Before Thee, Our Secret Sins Are In The Light Of Thy Countenance. For All Our Days Are Passed Away In Thy Anger and Wrath: We Spend Our Years As A Tale That Is Told. The Days Of Our Years Are Threescore Years and Ten: (70/80 Years) and If By Reason Of Good Health; Our Years May Be Fourscore Years; Yet Is Our Strength Labour and Full Of Sorrows, For Then Are We Cut Off, and Our Souls Fly Away From Our Bodies. Who Knoweth The Power Of Thine Anger, Even According To Thy Reverence, So Is Thy Wrath. So Teach Us To Number Our Days, That We May Apply Our Hearts Unto Wisdom. Return, O LORD, How Long? and Let It Repent Thee Concerning Thy Servants. O Satisfy Us Early With Thy Mercy; That We May Rejoice and Be Glad All Our Days. Make Us Glad According To The Days Wherein Thou Hast Chastised and Reproved Us, and The Years Wherein We Have Sined and Done Evil. Let Thy Will and Mercy Appear Unto Thy Servants, and Thy Virtue and Innocence Back Unto Our Children. And Let The Beauty Of Our LORD God Almighty Be Upon Us: and Establish Thou The Work Of Your Hands Upon US; Yea, The Work Of Our Hands Establish Thou It.
Man, his exhaltation of master bation! Futile attempts to control his own member…
Petrópolis City Rio de Janeiro 🇧🇷🇧🇷🇧🇷 ok
Jesus is coming. This is only the beginning. "Now when you see these things begin to happen, look up and lift your heads, because your redemption draws near. The worst is still to come, but not until we are caught up into heaven.Therefore edify one another as you also are doing.
Malachi 4
4 ‘Remember the law of my servant Moses, the decrees and laws I gave him at Horeb for all Israel.
5 ‘See, I will send the prophet Elijah to you before that great and dreadful day of the Lord comes.
6 He will turn the hearts of the parents to their children, and the hearts of the children to their parents; or else I will come and strike the land with total destruction.’
God is whatching time to take care of this planet.
apalagi banyak tumbang pohon kena rang bisa ampun iyaLo
apaLagi sekarang banyak bencana lihat ombak besar Laut lagi airLaut warna sampe bergitu indah maso iyaLo
Rang banyak Masara berginibergitu lihat bisa emosi bisa marah maso iyaLo
rang tidak ada Masara bisa santai pergi makan anesedap lagi anesemangat iyaLa
apalagi libur rang bisa tidur Lama bisa main henpon iyaLa
anesong hari Minggu libur bisa santai dirumah iyaLa
Lord help us and keep us safe from earthquakes and natural calamities🙏
Repent to God and have faith in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.
Your channel would be good except for the computer voice!
The disasters all over the world especially this pandemic to remind us there’s a true God. The unmeasurable power of our Almighty Father the creator of heaven and earth is eternal. We must remember during the time of Noah the sinner people were punished by God through the great flood in the entire world but give us another chance to live on earth to know where is the right place for us either eternal punishment or the Eternal life. Jesus promised us the Eternal Life. We humans do not know about Jesus who he really is. Before God Almighty Father created the earth, Jesus already exists. Jesus is already a Holy spirit before God created all the things on earth. Jesus is with His Almighty Father during God created the world. Genesis 1:26 "Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and overall the creatures that move along the ground.” The Almighty God loves the people so much, He sacrificed His begotten Son Jesus Christ to save us. God gives us another chance to be forgiven through His beloved Son Jesus Christ. Before Jesus came to earth, the Almighty God is preparing a human body for Jesus to enter and that is in the womb of Mary. The words of his Father God are in Jesus Christ, John 1:14 "The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth." Jesus was sent down to earth to preach and to save the sinners. John 6:38 "For I have come down from heaven not to do my will but to do the will of him who sent me." We must accept we are all sinners and we must repent. Accept Jesus Christ with all our hearts. Accept Jesus as our savior, our King, and our loving God. Jesus said in John 14:6 "“I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." We have no right to see the Almighty Father. Only Jesus has the right and sits at the right hand of God the Father. Jesus said to His Father God in John 17:24"Father, I want those you have given me to be with me where I am, and to see my glory, the glory you have given me because you loved me before the creation of the world." Jesus is our hope to be forgiven, He is the way and the truth and the LIFE. 1 John 2:25" And this is what he promised us—ETERNAL LIFE." The eternal punishment, the fallen angels will be punished by fire along with the unforgiveness of the wicked. We are all repeatedly violating the ten commandments of God and We have sinned in thought, word, and deed. We must repent of our sins. God loves us very much. God wants us to be part of His gift the Eternal Life.
You left out the UK where we had a hurricane yesterday Storm Eunice , it was like end of the world , trees down everywhere and 5 people died , 120 mph winds which is very rare for my country.
✝️🙏❤️ All US listen bieve God Jesus Christ is coming back to two soon All US WRAth desoends eat energy now come with God you have Life New forever in heaven HELl has no Extt heaven has one Door Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven AMEN hallelujah
This civilization is ending
The end is here
Calling all The Children of God. Please can we rise up in Prayer and read the Prayer of Daniel from Daniel 9 cos only God can help us at this stage. We all, Children of God have to send the same Prayers up to Heaven so God can IDENTIFY His Children. I read it late last night and now I got to spread the Word online
Wow 😯 this is amazing coverage so fast. Thank you for sharing. I am loving this channel 😊
People get what they deserve
Don't be afraid of physical darkness, you must be afraid of spiritual darkness. You must prepare for the spiritual darkness right now.
– Yeshua Coming –
This world is a material world. It is a visible world. But there is an invisible world. It is the spiritual world.
God created the visible physical world and the invisible spiritual world.
The physical biological eye and the spiritual eye are different.
In this world there is light and darkness. Even in the spiritual world, there is light and darkness.
Physical darkness in this world simply requires turning on the light, but spiritual darkness must turn on the spiritual light. It is an invisible light, there is no way to know what this spiritual light is. Yeshua is light and life.
God has shown me many visions for a long time. When communism progresses, Christians are the first to get rid of. The first thing to be removed is Yeshua God.
God has long given me the message that spiritual darkness is coming. A great persecution of Christians is coming. Global persecution is coming.
That is why the brides of Yeshua who truly believe in Yeshua must always keep the spirit of martyrdom very firmly.
Believing in Yeshua is not free. Belief in Yeshua includes suffering, persecution, and even martyrdom because of believing in Yeshua.
From now on, you must prepare yourself for spiritual darkness.
Now is not the time to depend on a large church and depend on the pastors, elders, deacons, priests, prophets, and missionaries. Salvation is a one-on-one and consistent relationship with God, and by the grace of God, you can go to heaven, far out of the universe.
No matter what title you have in this world, that title is absolutely not a ticket to heaven. No one on this earth knows where they are going under God's judgment until they see each other with their eyes in heaven.
I recommend that you have a one-on-one private conversation with God. Now is the time to have more one-on-one personal conversation with God.
Our bodies are holy temples. Your body is the holy temple, holy, clean, pure, with righteous acts, love, faith, and true repentance, daily to be covered, washed, anointed and covered with the blood of Yeshua.
When the persecution of Christians begins, the world will soon be arrested even if you say "Yeshua" on the phone.
You must be very spiritually awake right now. This is a time when you must be very tense spiritually.
When Christian persecution comes, no one in this world can depend on anyone, anywhere in the world. When spiritual darkness comes, the fear is all over the air. That is why you will not be able to read the Word, worship, or pray in the name of Yeshua any more.
You must prepare for the spiritual darkness now. You must become spiritually strong now and become a powerful rooster. You must now prepare and have the faith to keep your faith in Yeshua in any situation and environment.
Weak faith does not even count as faith. You need to be a strong rooster. You should read the Bible now. From Genesis to Revelation, it is 85 hours long and you can read it all. If you don't understand the part, just skip it after reading it, and you don't have to understand 100% of the Bible.
Only when the Word of God is filled with you, no body can be deceived you in this world.
Those who deceive are attacked by quoting only a very small part of the Bible very cleverly.
I recommend that you read the entire book of Holy Bible from Genesis to Revelation.
You must download all the necessary videos from Yeshua Coming channel if you need, and hide them together with the Bible. Above all else, it is most important to keep it hidden in your heart.
Because if you hide it in your heart, no one in this world can dig it out.
Prepare for spiritual darkness now. Become a powerful rooster right now.
Only Yeshua!
3:38 never saw a tree crush a house in slow motion like this!! its magical
Judicial Watch already took court filings about the fact that thermite was used illegally at the 9/11 World Trade Centers Bombings Tower 1, 2 and Tower 7 all came down pancake style demolition timed blasts. There are pictures that were taken documented evidence of steel I-beams taken from the bomb site. They also had documentation of expert eye witnesses that stated that Israeli students were installing thermite from CIA operatives that were part of Israeli Massad.
Allah God of all and not Jesus or other stop and see where are you arrived and where are you now لا اله الا اله الا اله الا الله لا اله ال الله He is the beginnings day the end Allah greet you and every think and take care and no any one can greet or give without ✨💚🕊Him Hallelujah to His glory Hallelujah🕊💚✨.
Thank you so much for the I curt news God bless you and stay safe 👍👍👍.