All about our Reptile Rescue Program!

All about our Reptile Rescue Program!
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Today we go through our procedures for running our Adoption Island. Everything from taking in a new reptile/amphibian to finding them new forever homes.



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Snake Discovery
831 Century Ave N.
Maplewood, MN 55119

Music by BenSound and Epidemic Sound


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About the Author: Snake Discovery


  1. It is Sharon the supervisor she must make sure everything is going as it should in the zoo.She is paid through shell scratches and whole green leafs as she checks over the zoo. XD

  2. I love that you guys are putting the welfare of the animals above the desires of the people who want them. That person who left the review referred to his or her experience at other pet stores and reptile expos, as if they set the gold standard for adopting animals out. That's ridiculous. Anybody who requires more from keepers is doing right by the animals and not the people.

  3. can someone answer this question please. My snake was in perfect condition, perfect color, weight, well fed. Her scales were healthy as can be and there were no problems whatsoever.

    I went to check up on her and left for about 3 minutes. When I came back I noticed a strange smell, but I brushed it off. My mom came in and noticed a long black and brown decomposed looking thing in the middle of her enclosure. I was too disgusted and scared to look, but as she describes it. It was filthy, black and brown (colors of my snake), smelly, and long. I have no idea how she died because she was in mint condition and looked perfect 3 minutes before

  4. It is so cool that you guys are doing this! It's so clear you are in it to help animals and not just make money. Great work, keep it up! ❤️

  5. I love that you guys take in animals and readopt them. I love Sharon cruising the area in the background too. Just a question though she can’t like open the front door by standing in front of it and get out right? I’d be so worried about her doing that.

  6. I love this channel I have leaned so much of snakes and breeds this is probably the most educational reptile show I have ever seen!

  7. I am often sad because i don’t live in the USA, but this time looking so much beautiful babies in adoption make me want to teleport there. I hope them all get wonderful homes 🥰

  8. Thank you for caring about where they go. If people can't provide the proper home then they shouldn't have the animal. And those who then go and leave crappy reviews? Most certainly not the kind of people you want getting the animals.

  9. GOOD FOR YOU FOR KEEPING YOUR INTEGRITY and not being a slave to the almighty dollar or retaliatory feedback!

    Those that are serious about adopting well-vetted animals will see this and trust you for it! (Not to mention you're simply winning even more respect from your audience who cares about the animals' well-being!)

  10. It makes me sad to see all of the enigma syndrome leo’s being surrendered😭 I have a enigma leo and although he can be a bit frustrating to tong feed, he so silly and goofy! I do somewhat understand though because it can be really intimidating to have a leo with a neurological disorder. I am happy they are in your guys’ care!

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