An out of touch family man moves with his wife and daughter from the big city to his dream house on the outskirts of a small town just in time for the apocalypse.
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Okay not bad but it's a 90 minute disaster action movie and over 45 minutes in and only corny humor but no disaster and no action. Even drama would have been nice.
Bring on the Asteroid, we are such an immoral corrupted country we deserve it.
For a cheesy movie it wasn't so bad. The acting was fair, I've seen a lot worse. All in all I would give it a thumbs up!
Okay I am Waiting for Part two Where they Become Thier Own Country and Build Back Better because After an Asteroid Anything would be an Improvement.
This movie was lacking. There was no destruction. It was funny in places and I liked that, but it was still lacking.
Great Movie! I love the quoted price for an internet cable ran to their house. Hilarious that they worked LSD in to the movie. Definitely not the usual rock threatening earth movie.
Weak movie.😡
Thanks for sharing
Secret caverns……2 miles that way………Ok…!!!
It's worth watching, its even funny. The commode scene is a trip, you'll have to watch it to find out what I mean.😅😂🤣
What about the impact after all it was the whole point of the movie
I didnt realize this was a comedy at first. It’s pretty funny.
Any Chance they will blame it on human climate change?
They need to get CB radios
Did anybody else notice the dash gages in the truck when Spencer and Wilson were driving? They were moving but the gages we're not 😆😂😂
I'm really glad I read the comments before writing this one off. It ended up being funny and entertaining. It wasn't at all what I expected, that's for sure. I even think I might have toured that cave in 1957 when my family and my grandfather went to an Antique Car Club meet in Cobleskill.
Really cheesy.
Thank for watching your video show
Excellent job 👌 extraordinary video
9:26 I used to think that dreams do not come true, but this quickly changed the moment I laid my eyes on you
Not bad, not bad at all..The acting was good..I like the comedy ( levity ) that was added to it…Thanks for sharing ,,
Complete waste of time
It wasn't a bad movie. Thanks for uploading.
First order of business is get RID of the BRAT daughter.
Not gonna lie, this one is way more humor-funny than most comedies from the last 10 years, definitely better than Disney/Marvel/SW-Comedy, even the acid-trip with that guy on the car-toilet, though bad, a lot better than any action-scene from "Black Widow" 😂
Totally quirky- must say it held my attention. At times it felt like a comedy- Almost like English humour. A very good film . .