Spread The Viralist

More crazy paranormal activity from my haunted house. A large shadow walks from left to right of the screen, moving or knocking the camera. We have lots of noise, a very sinister shadow walks back across and stands near my head before quickly vanishing,

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#ParanormalActivity #HauntedHouse


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About the Author: Really Haunted


  1. @ Really Haunted
    Hello from France 🇨🇵. I just wanted to tell you how much I admire you!! You can be very proud of the courage you show! I couldn't stay here in this house like you do, after reviewing all this evidence… Do you live alone? I had a multi-day experience, all last week. I don't have anyone to talk to, but I'm sure you'll believe me. I lost my father when he was killed by someone I knew. Last week in the middle of the night I was not sleeping and suddenly I have a smell near my head. It was the smell of the cigarettes my father smoked!!! How is it possible to feel that?? It is not possible ?? And a few minutes after the smell of his tobacco, I smelled the smell that was in his house, the smell that he had on him!!!! I'm going crazy !! However, I was not sleeping. I was not dreaming since I wrote everything right away what had just happened !!… Exactly the same thing happened the next night… But on the third night, something happened that terrified me. It was around 3/4 am and I was in bed with my eyes closed trying to fall asleep. Suddenly I opened my eyes because I felt like someone was watching me. Opening my eyes, I saw a face shape above my head bending over me. I did not recognize anyone because it was a head but blurred. But what scared me very very much is that it was not pleasant!!! I felt it was meant to hurt me and started kicking that shadow!!! I just managed to hurt myself by hitting the wall that was next to it!!! And turning on the light at the same time, I saw that there was nothing… I wonder if I'm going crazy… I'm scared to sleep now!! I haven't slept for 5 days… I don't know what is going on…. How to deal with all this and continue to live normally?? Will I spend my nights

  2. You should do a necrophonic session in your house to find out who is the shadow thing in your room. At 1:48, a small pee wee small orb can be seen flying across the screen from right to left.

  3. I still cannot get over how clear of an image this entity projects!!!! Its sneaky too !! Very ,very chilling . It watches you . Stalking almost . This is 100% proof ! I see you featured on many other YouTube channels for paranormal evidence ,and the video proof to validate each encounter. Well done . Sending much love ,light,and peace from Florida.❤🌞

  4. Luckily this one was a rather harmless activity. Those are rare at this point in the past. But still like 2 month before the first blessing. They will be a lot more to see for us.

  5. Добрый день. Возьмите сухую полынь. Предварительно откройте ВСЕ двери ( и в шкафах тоже), окна. Включите церковные колокольные звоны, чтобы было ГРОМКО и слышно во всех помещениях дома. Поджечь полынь и этим дымом окурить все помещение. Зажечь толстую, восковую церковную свечу и с ней обойти по часовой стрелке все комнаты. Закрывая крестом углы, стены, окна, двери… Обязательно пройтись со свечкой вокруг своей кровати. Промыть водой с четверговой солью все отражающие поверхности ( зеркала, стекла). Оставить во всех углах комнат ( всех помещений) кучки соли. При этом скажите: " Забери, соль, все чужое и вредоносное!". Пусть они полежат 7 дней, потом веником ( не руками!!) соберите соль и смойте в унитазе. Ставьте эти 7 дней в центре комнат горящую церковную свечу. В целях безопасности, на противень, застеленный фольгой.Включайте церковные колокольные звоны! Повышайте свою духовность. Бог Вам в помощь!

  6. 1:371:41 camera moved position, took me 3 rewatches to see it but when I did you couldn't ignore it, its RIGHT when the creepy shadow goes past him in the deepest part of his sleep
    praying for ya Lee <3

  7. Great footage, in my past most of my sighting's have been out of the blue and few poltergiest i wish i captured on phone but didnt think at the time. Folk often say i should try film but i tried once nothing happen's. My sighting's can be anywere from outdoor to indoor as i wake or in my preferal vision and in my past before that tech. It's annoying really because if i captured any of it they be classic evidence. Most times im envious that people can captured good evidence.

  8. If your not a believer in Jesus Christ You should be.. You now have seen the spirit realm these are not human spirits they can't return just read the rich man and Lazarus in your bible Luke 16 19 31 ..These are demons the word demon means knowledge ..Jesus is real to and if you believe he has the power to cast these demons out . Than all you have to do is ask him. You don't need anything but your words but you have to have faith ..Jesus's disciples casted out demons by faith alone . They didn't use holy water that was invented by the Catholics . Or sage . Just faith alone. Demons hate Christian music play some . Read psalms 91 before bed. start reading the gospel Get a full body baptism . walk through the house demanding the demons to leave in Jesus name . I'm sure you heard this all before but its your faith in Christ that's the key to winning back your home.

  9. So invasive. You're so correct calling it a coward. Always creeping around as you're sleeping. Then the times of it constantly waking you up. Loss of sleep can wear you down as that's what it's trying to do. I admire your strength with this long battle you and your family endured. Keeping all of you in my thoughts and prayers in keeping you in peace. Cheers to you Lee❤️

  10. Man bro I wish there was more real ghost hunters like you, ones I can trust and actually believe. I find spirits to be so fascinating and I love the spirit world, peace brutha and thanks for the video!

  11. Shadow bastard is either really bad at being a spirit or just doesn't give a damn. He struts right past the camera's and doesn't even try to hide like most. Every other spirit you're lucky if you get that kind of footage once. With this one it's almost daily. He almost seems like an angry hormonal immature teenager that is begging for attention and a nightmare when he doesn't get it. Coward!

  12. I'm always amazed. It's seems like everytime that shadow bastard is around the white orb pops in to say F off and then it sounds like you hear another wrestling match going on as that shadow heads out the same place the white orb did. I truly think that is them going at it. I saw many videos a while back of the same home where it was two male spirits who both lived at the home at different times and they hated eachother in death and were fighting over the house. (Mainly in the tv/living room area and kitchen) The booming and the banging would start and they also affected the electrical in the home when they would fight. Lights would flicker, TV and appliances would just pop on and items would move or fall. It wasn't as prevalent as your house was but it got pretty wild at times. As soon as the booms and bangs stopped the electrical would be perfect again.

  13. I have never had anything paranormal happen to me, but I do believe it could happen to me or anyone. I hope this doesn’t turn out to be fake, I enjoy watching and very much want to believe it’s real!

  14. Oh no man I thought everything was all better now. Are these old clips u just haven't gotten the chance to upload after the blessing? I hope so, if not stay safe lee these things don't easily go away and who knows how long it will stay dormant it can wait till you think it's gone just to take that hope away from you, I never had an experience like yours but I have had alot of family members who have and I've experienced first hand how patient they are. My auntie who thought she had finally gotten rid of it 10 years later she says it came back. I don't go over no more.

  15. I know this question has nothing to do with this video but I had to ask bc I’m so curious,when your wife got pulled out of the bed did she feel hands pulling her out or died she remember?That footage is so awesome & it makes me wonder.Thank you SO much for sharing this incredible experiences u & your poor family had to experience.I think u have converted soooo many people into believers.Your videos prove that spirits exist,& even more important they prove that god exists bc if he didn’t exist then the blessings would have zero effect.Ive always believed in god but your videos really show just how real god is & just how we better take the Bible to heart

  16. Wow Lee that is a scary shadow u can see the head shape wow if I saw that I would 💩my pants lol u are so brave I wouldn't be able to sleep love you and your videos your awesome keep up the awesome videos I love your channel since you had the house blessed have you had anymore hauntings huge fan from New Jersey

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