The Most Amazing Rescues of 2021

The Most Amazing Rescues of 2021
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These people came to the rescue in 2021. A man who helped carry his elderly neighbor our of her burning home suffered a heart attack shortly after and needed to be rescued himself. Another neighbor administered CPR. After a pair of pit bulls attacked a man in front of his home, two neighbors came to his aid, scaring the dogs off and calling 911. Plus, a man eating at a diner helped a choking infant by running to his car and grabbing a device that helped clear the child’s airway, saving his life.


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About the Author: Inside Edition


  1. I not anything against this guy but I feel bad because those pit bulls were most likely trained to do that now you call them vicious and that puts more hate to the pit bulls

  2. Heroic!!! Selflessly charging TOWARDS THE DANGER to save the life of a stranger.
    GODLIKE ALTRUISM & PURE TRUE VIRTUE. Great job! The first Almighty will save us because of these actions of love ❤️ and obedience to Jesus who told us to love your brother as you love yourself & “greater love has no man than he who lays his life down to save his brother.” Universally admired..

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