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A woman struggles to contain her composure and flips off a judge in this clip from Season 1, Episode 8, “108.” #CourtCam
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So the lady was put in jail for some drugs, right?
is her hair really that beautifully red though? When she came back, i assumed i would see roots of a different colour
What's the name of the judge?
there is stupid and then there is cursing at the judge who is sentencing you stupid. Lol
I still think he should have made her stay in in jail for at least 2 weeks after she apologized
What a waste of life.
That biach is acting !
Judge Frank Caprio should have handled this case.
I guess the judge doesn't read the Bill of Rights the first amendment freedom of speech
He should have sentenced her to a head shaving in public as punishment.
She was still high on xans
4 days in the box will change a person’s attitude real fast
I'm sure the girl did some mean little crime that put her in court in he first place, but all I'm seeing here is a bureaucrat abusing his power against someone in a weaker position than him for no justified reason.
Judge Jorge passed away from Cancer
People have gotten 50+ years in prison for possessing xanax.
Her Age = His Experience
still…this is all that matters to me.
God bless this persian cat judge. He passed sometime ago 😞
That’s extreme leniency on the judges part. He was empathetic to this young womans drug disorder. Praise God for judges like this.
Sigma rule #51: Don't let anyone mock you
Well, this is the power of the judge on the earth, but the power of God you will see at the judgment day.. you still however apply for mercy appeal by accepting Jesus Christ to the God of the bible.
But she’s Latina how was Adios offensive?
This judge is an example of what is wrong with our justice system. He let his ego get in the way of just judgement. He should be better than that. Shameful.
I don't understand what that woman did to get $10,000 on count 1. All she did was say, ''Adios!''. So, I can sort of understand why she flipped him off.
Question: Why does this judge have an accent? Is he a "real" american?
RIP Judge Jorge Rodriguez-Chomat – they don’t make them like this anymore – a beautiful human being
RIP judge Jorge Rodriguez-Chomat
I do this too. On days I've had 2 cups of coffee before second breakfast, I'd flip off my waitress and she'd chastise me in front of the store cat, pull down my trousers and spank me on the bottom. I'd come to an hour after lunch, apologize, and she'd give me my manhood back.
This is just sad! She is cute but thinks her looks will get her off.
Femism be like
This is why parent should teach thera childrn about politeness..and respect…of elders..
Judge hai …..woh
Its failure of judge and whole courtroom and whole society……i have so much respect for that young lady….they failed to identify abnormal mental behavior……mental health issues are still stigma and no-one tried to analyse her mind and instead directly judged her……
Hahahahaha…… hilarious!
She just said adios