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About the Author: GeoBeats Animals


  1. Opossums eat everything that’s creepy or crawly that you don’t want in your backyard or garden! They eat mice rats toads snails snakes and cockroaches to name a few. They’re such amazing and intriguing little animals, that are completely misunderstood.

  2. We have been feeding an opossum all winter, we live in Minnesota. She has come within 3 feet of me. She loves fish and salmon is her favorite. We were concerned she would survive the winter but she is still here. We leave one of the garage doors open about 5 inches so she can come in and eat and we have a blanket for her to warm up if she needs. We know she is a female because she is only about 7 to 10 pounds tops. She is so cute I wish I could scratch her ears and see her legs quiver in nirvana.

  3. I found a baby opossum years ago barely walking on a country road. Like you, I thought it was a rat or something, but I slowed down and looked at them beety eyes and it melted my tough armor. I drove passed it and I kept telling myself, Let nature take its course. But I couldnt get that little face out of my head. Those little beety eyes and being helpless. I turned around and said to myself, If the thing is still there, i take it home, if not, then good. The little thing was still there and barely was on the side of the road. I took it home and like you, nobody was wanting a baby opossum. Shelters didnt want them. I raised this tiny rat to about 12 lbs. and let it loose. I feel bad that it didn't have life skills as a opposum. But it never became friendly. It always was afraid and aggressive.

  4. I just want to know why your mom moved to Korea of all places? I mean I get it, Korea is awesome… .but what specifically?

  5. Opossums are funny animals. They can look scary, and that's about their only defense. Other than that they're shy and pretty harmless. As Wendall shows, the ones raised around humans are hardly scary. I wouldn't recommend them as pets but they're easy for you and your cats and dogs to coexist with. Even easier than racoons. They don't spray like skunks and they're very unlikely to break into your house like racoons and squirrels. Just be a good neighbor if some live in your area. I've never had s problem with them. Plus they eat pests.

  6. One in captivity lived 6.6 years and I bet yours will live long because you look like you take good care 😺 I’m sure they will have a wonderful life

  7. I love people that love animals. I think in todays society that connection gets lost. We are all Gods (not religious) creatures and need help and protection. I live in a big city, but would have no problem moving to a farm to get up at crack of dawn and start feeding animals.

  8. I wouldn't worry about people telling you the stuff you are doing wrong. You are a beautiful soul and those animals know you love them. That makes up for any mistakes you may make. God Bless you. You rock!

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