Elon Musk is sending Starlink service to Ukraine after a plea for help from the Vice Prime Minister on Twitter.
Mykhailo wrote:
@elonmusk, while you try to colonize Mars — Russia try to occupy Ukraine! While your rockets successfully land from space — Russian rockets attack Ukrainian civil people! We ask you to provide Ukraine with Starlink stations and to address sane Russians to stand.
I am a news reporter in beautiful Salt Lake City with a passion for all things space.
My channel started as a way to keep people up to date on the world of SpaceX’s Starlink, the satellite internet service. The channel has grown to include the broader Elon Musk universe.
Your support for my channel means a lot. Thanks for watching and if you have any video ideas, shoot me an email, eliana.sheriff@gmail.com.
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Wonderful report Ellie. Elon has a lot of courage and has another target on his back. Because of all the good he does, we must continue to show him that, "We've got your back Elon!!
On July 24, 2020, Tesla’s Elon Musk wrote on Twitter that a second U.S. “government stimulus package is not in the best interests of the people.” Someone responded to Musk soon after, “You know what wasn’t in the best interest of people? The U.S. government organizing a coup against Evo Morales in Bolivia so you could obtain the lithium there.” Musk then wrote: “We will coup whoever we want! Deal with it.”
Russia is never been cut off from the world like its now
China sends rockets to anywhere they want, this not Elon.
This is Chinese rockets from China launch pad, don't be fooled.
https://youtu.be/lp6v9mKtSCQ this is same as Elons launch pad, Chinese told to be Elons rockets, big scam.
Oh Elon so good, this is China footage, your told lies
This footage is from China fools, elons launch pad is different, concentrate.
Glory, glory, halleluiah Elon Musk. 🚀📡🌎
Hay Ellie, it might also be worth keeping an eye on BlackSky Technology, they are watching Russia's movments within Ukraine. The word is BlackSky Technology were used to set up the drone attack on the tank carrier yesterday
Yeah yeah Star Link …. But look at her beautiful eyes ! Omg ❤️
Ellie, I’ve heard some doubters say that it won’t work well there because there aren’t any Starlink ground stations close enough. Obviously it will work or they wouldn’t bother sending the terminals, but is it because there are ground stations, or because the satellites now communicate with each other?
Thank you for your continued reporting. As a non-Twitter person I really appreciate it. @jsrailton has an excellent point. In the first Iraq war the satellite phones of journalists were reportedly targeted. SNL even did a skit on it.
Satellite 2022 looks very exciting. Maybe this could be a step towards getting to interview Gwynne Shotwell!
Great reporting thank you 🙏 and your enthusiasm is out of this world. This is what puts you on a higher level and keeps people engaged. Class 👌👍🙏🙏
Thank you Elon!
what else is new a con man trying to profit… like ukraine needs internet right now … russia is not even attacking civilian infrastructure …simps ganna simp
Thank you Elon
Porter, this God damned sham of a network has been here for a while without satellites.
While he is supporting ww3!🤭
Elon should send just as many Starlink receivers to Russia, so the Russian people can hear and see the truth, rather than Putin's fiction. The Russian soldiers and citizens should take out Putin and his entire gang of thieves – send them packing to Siberia or someplace they can quietly play Russian Roulette amongst themselves, rather than being hauled to International Court for their crimes against humanity.
What good is this when they have no equipment to use it?
Flush the uplink cables down the sewage drains. And connect the dish/router downstream. Add a couple of unidirectional antennas and repeater / bridges to jump a couple of blocks.
Ukrainian refugees and defenders need Starlink terminals with big Wifi routers
Okay. No twitter
Timestamp 2:36 On the comment that user's uplink transmissions become beacons for airstrikes, the chance of using an uplink as a beam to follow for an airstrike is nearly impossible (at least right now). First of all the beam from dish to satellite is mostly focused and not a wide-band transmission, so it would be difficult to pick up any transmission using a moving aircraft. Second, the satellite is moving much faster than the aircraft, making it super hard to stay in the path of the beam from the dish for more than a split second. At best, the aircraft would have to scour an area many, many times to hope to triangulate the position of a dish. And since this is war, smart people on the ground would not leave the dish in the same place for any length of time. Trying to find a Starlink dish as a target for airstrikes is a fools errand.
Love you Elon ,you are capable than world thinks.
Yeah you long must Way to go Kate Putin’s ass
Elon Musk is an Angel of God sent to earth. Ellie Ellie. Jeff Bezos just got his ass kicked again. Score 2-0
IRON MAN IS REAL!! Amazing ELON MUSK, Billionaire who has a heart. There are still really wealthy, powerful and kind men than those oligarchs and Putin.
Stop senseless killings. STOP WAR.
PS Hope Elon Musk satellite will be safe and not reach any Putin rocket bombs.
Prayers of safety, strength, and courage for UKRAINE.
Elon is my hero. He just showed what a great man he is. It makes me want to cry to see someone that truly cares. I wish he could be President.
"they can shake their fists at the sky"
I fkin love Elon 😂
Technology overcoming governments' regulatory tyrannical tendencies is one of my favorite things in the world ever!
This time what went on in Vegas will not stay in Vegas!!
I met both Britney Spears and Elon Musk early in 2000 at Bellagio. Britney just stared at me as she was singing on stage and I was standing in an archway above and nearby. I'm not sure if I was supposed to be standing up there by myself but I did have her undivided attention. A few days later Elon came up to me and started asking me questions about what I was doing there, in Hawaii and Las Vegas during that time. Would I be fine answering a few questions and if I was a gambling man? I stated, "I was on vacation and I only like to bet on things that are worth betting on!" I had earned these trips by qualifying reward points at my work. He asked, "What kind of work is it that you do?" I said, "Commercial energy saving promotions but I had been schooled in Automotive Marketing Business Administration and worked in that field for several years as well." He asked me, "If I had millions of dollars to spend what would be the most innovative businesses that could help humanity?" We talked about electric cars, we talked about solar energy and so many other subjects for over an hour. Even commercial space exploration for the consideration of colonization. That way all of humanity's eggs are not in one basket in case of another world war, asteroid strike, major climate change, etc. These we're very expensive and ambitious businesses to become successful at. Therefore we had to talk about ways of keeping a low overhead in advertising, distribution and the manufacturing. He said, "They were all very good ideas and that they should be done!" He said he had already made hundreds of millions off of a couple internet companies he started. "One of them was PayPal," he stated. Not that I had really done a lot of online banking or e-transfers at that time I didn't think much of it, until I noticed online about a year later that I could buy something off the computer with my PayPal card! Unfortunately I had just received a promotion as regional manager with the company I was working with. This made me let Elon know that I had to wait for a few years before I could assist further. I keep on sending out messages, hoping that he will get one and reply back. I will probably have to keep on trying, he gets more messages in a day then I would in five years! It is very inspiring to me to have a conversation with someone and they dedicate the next 20 years to making our conversation reality! We also talked about becoming your own best supplier and starting businesses that help your existing business. A type of slingshot effect that he has incorporated very well. It is so ambitious and amazing that he was willing to put pretty much all of his money where his mouth is and just make it happen with a consistent dedication. Congratulations Elon and I am looking forward to working with you again, one day in the near future! And of course Britney I always wish her well and would enjoy meeting her again as well! Shoot for the Moon then Mars and then we will end up amongst the Stars! If you would like to learn more of these topics let me know.
This time what went on in Vegas will not stay in Vegas!!
I met both Britney Spears and Elon Musk early in 2000 at Bellagio. Britney just stared at me as she was singing on stage and I was standing in an archway above and nearby. I'm not sure if I was supposed to be standing up there by myself but I did have her undivided attention. A few days later Elon came up to me and started asking me questions about what I was doing there, in Hawaii and Las Vegas during that time. Would I be fine answering a few questions and if I was a gambling man? I stated, "I was on vacation and I only like to bet on things that are worth betting on!" I had earned these trips by qualifying reward points at my work. He asked, "What kind of work is it that you do?" I said, "Commercial energy saving promotions but I had been schooled in Automotive Marketing Business Administration and worked in that field for several years as well." He asked me, "If I had millions of dollars to spend what would be the most innovative businesses that could help humanity?" We talked about electric cars, we talked about solar energy and so many other subjects for over an hour. Even commercial space exploration for the consideration of colonization. That way all of humanity's eggs are not in one basket in case of another world war, asteroid strike, major climate change, etc. These we're very expensive and ambitious businesses to become successful at. Therefore we had to talk about ways of keeping a low overhead in advertising, distribution and the manufacturing. He said, "They were all very good ideas and that they should be done!" He said he had already made hundreds of millions off of a couple internet companies he started. "One of them was PayPal," he stated. Not that I had really done a lot of online banking or e-transfers at that time I didn't think much of it, until I noticed online about a year later that I could buy something off the computer with my PayPal card! Unfortunately I had just received a promotion as regional manager with the company I was working with. This made me let Elon know that I had to wait for a few years before I could assist further. I keep on sending out messages, hoping that he will get one and reply back. I will probably have to keep on trying, he gets more messages in a day then I would in five years! It is very inspiring to me to have a conversation with someone and they dedicate the next 20 years to making our conversation reality! We also talked about becoming your own best supplier and starting businesses that help your existing business. A type of slingshot effect that he has incorporated very well. It is so ambitious and amazing that he was willing to put pretty much all of his money where his mouth is and just make it happen with a consistent dedication. Congratulations Elon and I am looking forward to working with you again, one day in the near future! And of course Britney I always wish her well and would enjoy meeting her again as well! Shoot for the Moon then Mars and then we will end up amongst the Stars! If you would like to learn more of these topics let me know.
elon is king
Thank you 🇺🇦🙏🌎🕊
Complete and utter bullshi+ how many millions of Americans don't have internet. Is that what it takes to get it.. a pucking war???
Starlink can become a beacon for airstrikes only if transmitting, in most cases Users only require Downloads ie news, movies etc, so downloads speeds bandwidth are normally greater than Upload bandwidth. Not sure if starlink gives users the access to inhibit uploads or to transmit, a useful function in a war zone, ie do burst transmit so all data is uploaded very quickly before going back into TX inhibit mode (silent mode), would be easy function to add in software