Russian President Vladimir Putin on Thursday announced a military operation in Ukraine, claiming it’s intended to protect civilians.
In a televised address, Putin said the action comes in response to threats coming from Ukraine. He added that Russia doesn’t have a goal to occupy Ukraine. Putin said the responsibility for bloodshed lies with the Ukrainian “regime.”
READ MORE: https://www.12news.com/article/news/nation-world/russia-putin-ukraine-military-operation/507-ea09d572-c051-4199-9f43-dd457031f7cc
00:00- What you need to know
00:31- How international powers are responding
00:57- Pictures of explosions
01:11- U.S. to impose sanctions
It looks like there will come a EU supportet " regime change " in Russia. Gadafi, Sadam Hussein, Assad, Putin…. its a fight in sense of the survival of the fittest. Money is the blood of the world, with money you can buy everything and everybody. God save the world 🙁
R. I. P to those civilians who died innocent.
out to all the people living there and I hope God keeps them safe and blessed. Love from India to all those people suffering this amisdt Covid.
Protect civilians? What protect civilians? Dafuq is this bs
Fools. Ukrainian Nazis have been killing residents of Donbass for 8 years. NATO decided to annex Ukraine and deploy nuclear weapons there. Russians don't shoot at civilians and cities, don't believe the fakes. If you escalate the situation, we will all burn up in a nuclear flame
💮💗🌟🌠💙👙🎄✨🌠✈💮✈🎋💮✈💮👙💙💙🌙👙 God demonstrated His love to us by sending His Son Jesus Christ, who died and rose from the dead to Give us eternal life. He also promised to heal your body. If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead He'll give you eternal life
(Look up at the sky and ask God)
NO SOLUTION ITS BECAME COMPARISON SO DANGEROUS….all about America laziness…WE support russia….
Prayers to all affected. Needless war.
Ukraine History:
1933 when the Soviet Union deliberately starved millions of Ukrainian children!
History of Ukraine:
In 1922, the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic officially became part of the newly formed Soviet Union after the Red Army under Leon Trotsky defeated the Makhno movement in a bloody battle.
After the establishment of kolkhozes as part of collectivization, they were obliged to pay a certain percentage of their harvest to the state. The rate in Ukraine was around 30%. Since 1928 the quota has been increased from year to year.[36] In 1931 the tax rate for grain was already around 40%. In 1932 problems arose with collecting the grain. The Ukrainian rural population opposed the grain levy and tried to keep parts of the harvest that they should have given up. As a result, the Soviet government intensified the repression. Shock brigades of communist activists were formed in the cities. These drove into the agricultural areas and carried out confiscations there. The situation became increasingly threatening for the rural population: reprisals, ranging from interrogations, threats and sieges of farms to arrests with or without conviction, were the order of the day. On August 7th the “Ahrengesetz” was passed. This provided for a penalty of ten years up to the death penalty for any "waste of socialist property". Over the next year and a half, 125,000 people were sentenced under this law, including 5,400 to death.[37] The law did not bring the desired result. A special commission was dispatched to Ukraine on October 22. It was her job to break down the resistance, for which she had the widest possible powers. A wave of arrests followed, affecting both farmers and local party and administrative officials. The economic reprisals, the confiscation of all shop items and the prohibition of all trade weighed even more heavily. The rural population was cut off from supplies.
The next step was the order to confiscate all grain stocks on the collective farms. These confiscations were carried out with great severity, including torture and killings. On December 27, 1933, a domestic passport and a registration requirement for residents of the big cities were introduced in order to stop rural dwellers from fleeing to the cities. On January 22, Stalin and Molotov ordered the GPU secret police to prevent rural residents from leaving the famine zones. Several hundred thousand people who made it into the cities were expelled from there. Thousands of children were taken into the cities by their parents and abandoned in the hope that someone would take care of them. A special unit was then set up to eliminate the children from the cities. They collected the starving children from the streets and left them in the open field to die. Epidemics broke out in the population, weakened by hunger. Mortality peaked in the spring of 1933. In 1933 the Soviet Union exported 1.8 million tons of grain.
The world public hardly reacted to this de facto mass murder in the Soviet Union, which is now called the Holodomor in Ukraine. Several journalists, such as Paul Scheffer in Germany, Gareth Jones in Great Britain or William Henry Chamberlin in the USA, repeatedly reported on the events. The European Nationalities Congress dealt intensively with the cause of the many deaths from starvation[38] and publicly accused the USSR of "eradicating the cultural aspirations of all ethnic groups and peoples for ideological reasons".[39] However, there were no diplomatic reactions worldwide. The Soviet Union itself censored truthful reporting. The number of victims is difficult to determine, since there were no investigations during the existence of the Soviet Union. Based on the 1937 and 1939 censuses, the number of dead is estimated at 4 million Ukrainians. In other agricultural areas of the Soviet Union, another 2 million people later died from the artificially caused famine.
As a Ukrainian American, my heart is broken, the news has brought me to tears!
John 15:10
New International Version
10 If you keep my commands, you will remain in my love, just as I have kept my Father’s commands and remain in his love.
special place in hell for Putin.
Hello friends! I’m Jenny, it’s a pleasure to see you here! Hope to tell you something important to
make you smile and healthy !
Ghosts fear righteous gods, gods can exorcise ghosts, Taoist talismans have magic power, and mantras have divine power. They were once believed and relied on by ancient Chinese people.
For the current new crown pneumonia epidemic, there are more and more cases of the plague being cured without treatment. More and more people are beginning to recite the Nine-Character Mantra sincerely. They believe that the Nine-Character Mantra is better than a magical medicine.
When your eyes see the nine-character mantra, this is the chance that God will save your life, and this is the magic medicine of gods and Buddhas to save people from the plague. You must keep it in your heart and be sincere. The opportunity must not be lost and it may not come again, the catastrophe is at hand, and the hope is in the mantra.
The plague ghosts are afraid of the righteous gods, and they truly say to save the world. Please recite "Falun Dafa is good, truthfulness-compassion-forbearance is good" to protect yourself, and please recite "Falun Dafa is good, truthfulness-compassion-forbearance is good" to save the people.
I am not sure what Putin tries to achieve on this, but hopefully he will not succeed. None of his actions are good, trusting in the good and evil actions whatever. That said, if I have to choose, he is evil. Cheers…
I feel deeply sad, and I hope God will help
I'm gonna have a heck of a story to tell my kids
Remember when Trump refused to have any witnesses in the 2 hr closed door meeting with Putin.
Then Google,“ Trump son-in-law met executives of sanctioned Russian bank” 28 March 2017. Russian ambassador to the US, Sergei Kislyak, developed contacts among the Trump team.
Also, “Trump son-in-law Kushner wanted 'secret communications line' to Moscow” 27 May 2017- Secret Deals.
06 Aug 2018 – Trump (Again) Admits His Son Met With Russian Lawyer To Get Dirt On Clinton
What did Trump use to pay for that info. What info did Trump use as collateral. What did he really promise PUTIN. Or what did PUTIN have on Trump to blackmail him with?
NOTICE that after Trump lost the elections, he shut down the Open Skies treaty, even though we had already allocated money to upgrade the aircraft to be used to carry out the 30 yr accord. That treaty allowed US a way to do reconnaissance flights over each Russian territories. What a coincidence!!!
There is a reason why TRUMP is cheering on PUTIN. 🤨🧐🤔
Expect TRUMP and KUSHNER to have personal investments in that Russian Oil company.
And their Off-shore accounts have ties with Russian OIL production companies and PUTIN team facilitated it.
CRITICAL to Research HARDER Trumps ties with PUTIN and that so called sanctioned Russian Bank. 🤔🧐😳🧐
Listening to the US President talking about peace and the defense of Democracy without analyzing the chronology of the facts can even convince (the layman). The USSR ended in 1991 but for the US the NATO war machine could not stop. They buy weapons and fund projects that help US astronomical spending. Like the F-35 (American tax dredge). However they surrounded Russia on all sides and wanted to turn Ukraine into a big military base and use cannon fodder. By the way, why are two brother peoples who share the same language and history and family and blood ties at war? That's exactly why. Has there been a lull in the conflict now and what did (NATO and US) do? Did they exhaustively try to reach a peace agreement? No. They sent tons of missiles and weapons to the Ukrainians. Literally they said: – you and the Russians together blow each other up. You must fight to the death. I wonder where the policy of peaceful conflict resolution is. Where's the brotherhood? And where they want to go. Because Russians and Europeans had the same traumatic past in common and could be friends. However what is the future being built by creating a nuclear power as an enemy. Annihilation? If Europe continues to listen to the US, focused on fomenting conflicts and concerned with selling weapons, it will end up reaping this: war. Peaceful conflict resolution. People's self-determination. Mutual respect. Non-belligerent politics. This is the way. Still from this perspective, it is obvious that if it were in the interest to help Ukraine economically and socially, there would already be a rich and prosperous nation here. However, they only gave weapons.
Biden will do nothing, like always
Putins spesh
Putin will feel consequences that he has never seen
➕“Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?”➕
Matthew 22:37 Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.
38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.
40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”😀
I will try to make a brief YouTube video today or tomorrow about the 2022 Russia-Ukraine war for the "Today with Jesimiel" Channel.
Some key points I will discuss:
(.) The USA and other countries inciting Russia towards conflict via conspiracies and hidden agendas!
(.) I sent the Russian Government letters to consider peaceful alternatives! Russia should not have invaded.
(.) The Ukranian government asks for international help, pleads for justice, etcetera, yet, they force by law men between the ages of 18-60 to remain in Ukraine, for war defences purposes. Why exactly are you calling Putin uncivilized/aggressor, while the Ukranian President in an uncivilized, dysfunctional, and unjust way forces men to fight a war! What about women? I have been a long-time advocate of women rights, but, are you telling me that the thousands of women that practice sports in Ukraine, or that join intelligence forces or work, are not more qualified to fight a war, than many over weight Ukanian men who could hardly run, or that may be a lot less intelligent than many Ukranian women? If women want "equal rights", they need to fight alongside men, including in the front lines. Thus, I may be compelled to defend Ukraine when I see the news, but, I, representing Heaven, or wanting to exert such higher reason ideals, will not be deceived by "any" dysfunctional governments.
(Jesimiel Millar Fernåndez)
Why the shock tho?? Haven’t this is what the european man has been doing since the beginning of his time here on planet earth?! Starting WARS and CHAOS?? Y’all STILL sleep eh? Wake tf up please. Power to the people man. ✊🏿
To me that’s a threat of nuclear war fair they need to apprehend Putin right now put him in prison for war crimes I need to find Putin and arrest him right away even his own people should do that that’s close to him is high-ranking officers should realize what he’s doing he’s gonna ruin the world if he starts a nuclear war that’s my opinion
This is WW3 guys…
The west and whole of Europe sending weapons against Russia and Belarus, and blocking Russia economic activities .,
God bless Ukraine 🇺🇦 please protect all of the innocent people
Mad… Palestinians are really suffering out there
So sad! 😢🙏🏼
USA is always responsible for war
You mfers went to war over false accusations of WMDS YET when someone is doing wrong, which is undeniable we aid instead of hold that country accountable. What are we really doing here? America you can't pick and choose. Ukraine needs our help. Wtf
This is sad. I give my blessings to all the innocent civilians of Ukraine.
Viewer number 3mil
Its time to get right with Jesus. nobody is automatically gonna go to heaven at the end of it, we all have lied or stolen or had sex before marriage and the punishment is hell. Jesus died so you can get a clean slate and forgiveness of future sins if you repent of them once you commit them, so you receive the gift of forgiveness by following him. When you start you have to stop sinning, and follow his word and obey it. That’s following Jesus. Read your Bible
really nasty to see the reall invader who start and flame the war purposely. and now show their fake sympathy.
This is way too much history
Bottom line if America had a real leader this wouldn’t be happening but instead we received a evil worthless thief overnight who rigged and stole our election bc of power and greed. We can fight in a war in Afghanistan for years but we won’t help the Ukrainian people 🤦🏻♂️
F*ck the Demoncrats 👹
t's time to pull the plug on Putin. Suspend Russia from SWIFT; and if the Hackers United can hear this attack Russia's SPFS bank system. Mike drop.
The curse of the pharaohs be upon vlad putin and his commerades.
War should be"the president of both sides should go in a room until only one comes out alive.the survivor picks the outcome"
Start reporting the news Honestly.. Putin’s not doing what you idiots in MSM lol are claiming.. he’s doing a military operation.. but not the kind you ppl are lying about
Russiar is not alone
People of the world, attack Russia.
We encourage Ukrainians to be strong.
Actions speak louder then words Brandon
USA ples help ukrain with sniper