I Caught a Real Sea Monster out of a Hole! This thing is crazy and dangerous! I wasn’t expecting to get hurt making this video but the power of these animals can be dangerous.. Be sure to Like and Follow for More Ocean Videos! #animals #nature
That rod is cool
he is leaking WHAT
I,ve hunted 560 fish including that
For once, I’d like to see a lingcod that’s not being fished for, like in an aquarium or something.
I hope you're okay!
Was that seriously fish cum?
You went to the hospital for that little cut??!?!!?? No wonder its so expensive. All those nurses and docs for a little booboo
dat looks like a fish to me-
fish catching its breathe
dude just release me ok? please im dying!
Patrick go to bikini bottom
Imagine you forgot to record lol
Try fishing great Lakes awesome monster fish . muskie .walleye . pike . etc etc .
Jacob :talking about fish
Fish :just gasping and dying for air
dang thats gotta hurt fishing line can almost be razor sharp at some point glad your ok and still able to make these marine life saving videos!
Who else is here from tiktok
Woah dude! I'm so glad you released that one. And I love fish.❤️
I really don’t feel sorry for you… I feel sorry for the sea monster, you asked for it.. you got it, animals are not for our entertainment, please leave Animals alone. They are innocent and precious no matter how aggressive.
kinda looks like a blob fish when its at its natural depth xD
Where is the discord link ??:D
That was so good I love the effort you put in your vids
The clickbait is the best thing about the video lmao 😂 sea monster sends me to the hospital man got a cut from a fishing line
Dude next time carry super glue for a cut like that. It’ll be fine!
Where do those kind of fish live.
I hope you survived the bite
I like the Star Fish
Ha, *dolphin sound 🐬* nnnNNNOOOOOOO!!!!!!
OH NO!!!! I hope ur ok!!!!!!!!
Bro that's so intense how did you and that I don't have money to go to using I don't know God bless see a piece for the viewing country is in a safe and you mind if you pick me up a video of sharks and appreciate it
is that a monkfish☝️🦈🦈🎣
Hop your finger is ok!
Congratulations, you abused an animal and got what you deserved.
Omg wow I ho6 your ok
Where is that
You need a bigger hook
Ouch man! Gotta be careful with that high lb. line! With enough force, it essentially becomes a scroll saw. When I'm fishing for bigger stuff, I carry a few small scrap leather patches that I rest between my line and finger specifically for this reason. Your fingers obviously have an abundance *of nerve endings and that shit hurts. 😬
Nice fish though!
Oowwww fishing line is painful 🥲🥲😩
Ooooh 🤦♀️ that looks like pese sapos, but its head is more narrow.. in El Salvador. My husband fishes them all the time and loved them; I don't like them
I'd rather eat shark and soulfish. 👍My father-in-law was closing one day and already gutted it when he said Julia, look, it had bit him, and he had it hanging on his finger. Gross .
That was awesome. Thank you for sharing!
That fish was baited the same way i was baited into this video, what a clickbait
It’s a creepy fishy
4:23 he shows the fish
This guy has no blood