Birds do it, bees do it, even barn owls and tawny owls do it.. time to fall in love with this compilation of animal courtship taken from watching wildlife around the world.
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The lengths different species go to to woo a mate is fascinating. Some perform intricate and elaborate dances, others dress up for the occasion and some dispense with etiquette and simply give chase. This compilation is taken from a lifetime of watching and filming wildlife around the world.
I’ve labelled each of the species and the location of my filming so you can follow the action easily. It’s interesting how each species has evolved and developed its own specific courtship rituals.
The most common ritual looks like a slow dance and is mostly performed by birds like seabirds, especially the gannets here in Yorkshire and albatrosses in The Galapagos Islands, but some mammals also seem to dance, just look at the ow foxes and slow trunk-wrapped African elephants make their moves.
Some dance rituals look downright comical to our eyes. Check out the blue-footed boobies as they side step to impress in The Galapagos.
Many species dress up to impress their mates. Magnificent frigatebirds, also in The Galapagos Islands, put on a really impressive show when they puff up those red pouches at their necks. Meanwhile in the Highlands of Scotland the red deer stags shower themselves with putrid swamp water and decorate their antlers in mosses and grass to get the ladies going.
Some animals are shy, watch the kingfisher, normally a solitary bird, slowly side step closer to its mate, and others are bold and simple chase a prospective mate, like hares. There are a few that are a little rough, like this stoat biting the tail of its mate, whilst others ever so gentle.
I hope you take the time from your busy days to just enjoy these moments from wildlife.
#animallove #courtship #robertefuller
I am a British wildlife artist based in Thixendale, North Yorkshire, UK. I build ideal habitats to encourage wildlife into my garden and use nest cams to study their behaviour. These studies inform my paintings. I share the best of my video research on this channel for free. If you would like to support my work please consider a small donation here: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=A52ZHAMJZC3J4
Or of course you may like to purchase my artwork which you will find on my website: https://www.robertefuller.com. Many of the paintings are portraits of the creatures you watch here!
© Robert E Fuller
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Wow love the elephant. How amazing.
Absolutely Gorgeous!!!! ❤️ ❤️
Bonjour, ah l'amour!!!! Il n'y a rien de mieux au monde pour supporter la dureté de la vie quotidienne. Excellente journée malgry l'actualité très lourde. 🙂🙂🙂🤗🤗🤗
5:07 why I'm laughing so hard at this 😂
All animals: feed, groom or play with each other
How beautiful! stunning photography.
What a wonderful video
So beautiful. Thank you!
You are truly an AMAZING person ❤️.. my all time favourite channels..
Once again just wanna say thanks for all the amazing videos ❤️📷
Luiz here 🤗❤️🎸
How romantic! 💕
the clumsiness of courtship is so adorable, i love it! they come together to sleep, groom, play, and feed each other. amidst an everchanging world, we'll keep indulging in one another.
i think my favorites were the weasels and the little owls. theyre so silly together, toppling over and pulling tails <3
This channel is so heartwarming
Imagine if we left nature alone. This is how beautiful it could be and is when we just let them be.
Gestures speak louder than words!
I love to see this very much but the sad part is that a lot of animals go extinct even the animals love ones so It’s sad to see that those animals are in love or with a family but their love ones get captured and eaten by us 😞😞😞😞😞
I'm going to die alone. 😂😂😂
I agree with some of d comments dat watching these animals do alleviate your down moods cos they show d simple but essential part of living.
Beautiful & amazing!
That was absolutely amazing Robert 👏 so so enjoyable to watch thankyou very much for all the hard work you do to bring us total bliss I mother nature.. greatly appreciated 🙏
ENGLAND, the country of Lovey Dovey animals! Who knew?
Beautiful just beautiful Robert👍
This is amazing!!
Oh, thank you so much for sharing this. 🤗
Love the skunks.