Russia launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine on Thursday, unleashing airstrikes on cities and military bases and sending in troops and tanks from three sides in an attack that could rewrite the post-Cold War security order. Ukraine’s government pleaded for help as civilians piled into trains and cars to flee.
President Vladimir Putin ignored global condemnation and cascading new sanctions as he unleashed the largest ground war in Europe since World War II, and chillingly referred to his country’s nuclear arsenal. He threatened any country trying to interfere with “consequences you have never seen.”
USA should stay out of it… I’m just saying
send them all the ammo you can
power to Ukraine 🇺🇦
Sanctions are useless declare war
Warwarwar do it war now
Read about the Ukrainian government coup instigated by the Obama/ Biden administration and the EU elities.
I smell a rat 🐀
Ensign flag banner esp a military one nu2:2 zec9;16 ensue follow after 1pe3:11 enterprise purpose job 5:12
My prayer to russia to defeat Nato Alies
This is Biden's war over Biden's gas pipeline!
1:50 woman cry's, that will solve nothing, crying is an absolute collapse of ones mental integrity , booo hooooo, anger is a more useful emotion
God bless Russia death to USA
Shut up Brandon has is going to get expensive thanks to you fucken go and become ukranias president fucken lame!
It's all Politics danmm these politicians
Baiden is more on talk RN.
Just the next chapter of the global elites agenda… wake up folks
Once covid was over they needed a new crisis… once the russia crisis is over it will be china taking tiwan or some other elite global domination stratigy
5300 Russians have already been slaughtered by the superior Ukrainian military.
на данный момент убито 5300 русских солдат. Многие батальоны перешли на сторону Украины, а Путин вам врет.
русский народ был обманут. Путин лжет вам об Украине. Украинцы ваши братья и сестры. Вы должны разработать план убийства Путина. Путина будет легче убить, чем вы думаете. Просто сделайте это! Сделай это! Смерть этому сраному Путину.
This is telling the Russian people (in Russian) theyve been lied to, that almost the entire world has gone against Russia and that THEY ,the people, should put together a plan to assassinate Putin.
украина invades Донбас и Луганск !!!! 8 лет бомбит мирных жителей!!
Bagaimana dengan serangan israel ke Palestina,,,? Bukankah itu lebih brutal…??!!
lesson to learn : don't trust america and uk.
they didn't even support romania whose ship
was hit by russian missile.
Remember: romania is a nat memeber
Bad action from priten
I pray that the invasion of Ukrain ends. Stay strong Ukrain.
Sending love from Iran
This is not like WWII. The banking oligarks want us at war with Russia. We cant continue to beleive Lamestream Media lies. Thay will fabricate and even put in false flag events to take us into war.
Let me tell something
What you need now is JESUS
there is not war in europe. there is war in Ukraine. so far the rest of europe is not at war. saying else wise is misleading, but you are the media so what would i expect.
US CS IS invaders
You all no this is gonna raise gas prices…….