This video takes place 2 months after initial setup. I didn’t mention the names of any new plants so here are the important ones off the top of my head:
Begonia Maculata
Alocasia Bambino
Neoregelia “Fireball”
Neoregelia “Tom Tom”
Neoregelia “Gene McKenzie”
Neoregelia “Superball”
Something else I didn’t mention was that after returning home from the aquarium store, I realized that all the shrimp I had purchased were female. From there I proceeded to drive all the way back just to buy 2 males. So far they all seem to be doing great, and I haven’t had any acclimation issues. I supplement them food once a week and I use “Shrimp King Complete”.
That is soo cool…yer very own forest…
Is it necessary to have the creepy Crawley bugs throughout a terrarium?
Check out Microcosmos for answers hopefully identify that white worm. 👍🏼
I love the videos keep it up man
Do you know a palm name plese
😥😥It very cute
do any of the plants get "plant shock" from the new environment? Or do u just drop in the new plants before acclimating them
I know it's just my dumbass dirty mind, but that snail at 2:45 lookin' kinda sus
You can tell the geckos absolutely love this tank, or else they wouldn't have laid eggs! This is extremely impressive, keep up the amazing work friend!
Dude said lest make a whole ego system
Where did you get the glass tank
Does it smell like an aquarium?
Where is your tank from?
Hi, where did you get the plant from? Any good recommendations?
Gorgeous set up. So jealous. I have had so many challenges with my set ups.
Dude that really is a beautiful setup!!
You are extremely talented! Brilliant work 😊
anyone knows the measurements of the paludarium?
There are several inches of snow on the ground so I'm binge watching to get caught up. I must say I admire not only the quality of your content and the build itself but how you respond to comments.
5 Months later this setup is gorgeous and everything is breeding like mad! Check out his future videos! They are wonderful! 🙂
you deserve a lot more views and subs. Great Video!
I love the whole ecosystem you made!! So cool!!
Whats the creeping plant there at 0:31 called? love your content! 🙂
Also what type of plants did you move down and what plant is in the back left corner? Sorry for all the questions lol 😅