🔴WHAT HAPPENED IN THE WORLD on March 5-8, 2022?🔴 Deadly tornadoes in Iowa 🔴 Volcán de Fuego eruption

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On the “THE RAGE OF THE EARTH” channel, you can watch videos of extreme weather events from all over the world.
Subscribe to the channel to be informed about all the natural disasters that are happening on the planet.

A severe dust storm in the #Stavropol region

Explosions at #Stromboli volcano

A fireball was recorded over the #Marche region

Floods in the province of #Tucumán

Floods in the #Cibao region, in the province of #PuertoPlata

Floods in areas of #LimbéArrondissement, in the Nord department

Tornadoes in #Iowa

Flash flood in the #Alausí town, in the #Chimborazo Province

A pile-up on the #Egnatia highway near the city of #Veria

Floods in #KualaLumpur

Floods in the #Apartadó, #Chigorodó, and #Murindó municipalities, #Antioquia Department

Life-threatening flash flooding in the #NewSouthWales, #NSW

Eruptions on the #VolcándeFuego

A storm in the province of #BuenosAires

Thunderstorm created by Channel Art Background

#storm #snowstorm #earthquake #flood #slip #landslide #tornado #meteorite #snowfall #snow #hail #avalanche #naturaldisastersthisweek #disasters2021 #naturaldisasters #hailstorm #extremeweather #winds #tormenta #accidents #flooding #hurricane #fire #wildfire #lluvia #chuva #lluvas #inundacion #cataclysms #blizzard #locust #locusts #volcano #volcaniceruption #tropicalcyclone #accidentsintheworld #latestnews #sinkholes #rains #iceberg #eruption #lava #disaster #sandstorm #duststorm #extremeflooding #шторм #ураган #потоп #песчанаябуря #Ставрополь #bolide #inondation #καραμπόλα #banjir

Dreams Become Real by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1500027

Artist: http://incompetech.com/

This video features materials protected by the Fair Use guidelines of Section 107 of the Copyright Act. All rights reserved to the copyright owners.


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About the Author: -THE RAGE OF THE EARTH-


  1. People should focus more on these nature events, they are just as important as many political topics!!
    So many mainstream media (especially those with "more or less nice weather all year 'round") seem to act as if these things didn't happen or as if it wasn't that big of a deal, or a month later it's been forgotten. It's 2022 but so many people are still stuck somewhere after the stone age when it comes to safe housing and prevention of disasters and many people don't know what to do in floods, and so on.
    I'm glad how Japan has educated its citizens about earthquakes as an example, or in Switzerland every child learns some kind of first aid at public school and there is even children's books about Red Cross and Rega (which i personally like a lot). I hope many people can join this movement of education change and information sharing.
    Greetings from Switzerland, stay safe and care for your neighbors!!! 🇨🇭🤍🤝🕊

  2. Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.

    Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: 💖

    and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light

    (Matthew 11:28-30 🕊🙏💖THE LORD JESUS CHRIST loves you all call out to Him

    Seek the Lord with all of your heart and call upon His Holy name for forgiveness and

    be saved. 🕊🙏💖🌹REPENT, Believe in the life, death, burial and resurrection of

    Jesus Christ as it is written in 1 Corinthians 15: 1-4 And Believe in the Gospel of

    Salvation Be Born Again in Christ then follow Him and be saved. 🕊🙏💖🌷

  3. I live in western Sydney & the floods are widespread because the Sydney basin is like a bathtub & because the outlet or drainage pipe is narrow the water can't get away & so we have been under water in some areas just to the north of me for 6 days now & we have had rain falling for 2 weeks with heavier falls over the past week. This afternoon as I watch this we finally have blue skies & fluffy white clouds which is something I haven't seen much of this summer due to an El Nino over our country with constant rain falling, so different to the past few years when we were drought stricken & then we had the fires, then the floods last year & now a back to back El Nino so more floods this year which have now gone over one & a half feet higher than last years record floods. The incredible thing is that it has flooded from Bundaberg in the central of Qld all the way down to Victoria which is a distance of around 2 thousand miles, to drive it at 100 miles an hour non stop would take you three days at least so that just goes to show you just how large this weather event is & goes inland for upto 100 miles, so a HUGE area that is facing floods higher than ever seen before.
    Crazy weather but when the Lord is trying to get man's attention it sometimes takes something like this to alert humans to think about their Creator & think about how they are living, killing babies, & each other in wars as well as abusing the planet that God created for us to live on. Climate change is rubbish, only God can change the weather & its patterns, sadly one day in the not to distant future mankind is going to find out that this is indeed the truth & that each one of us is being held accountable for the way we lived our lives & many of us can sense it coming.


  5. „Die wenig Bäume nicht mein eigen, verderben mir den Weltbesitz.

    aus Johann Wolfgang Goethe: Faust. Der Tragödie zweiter Teil (1832)

  6. Prettyuch looks like the sun lashing out and finally penetrating more energy during coronal ejections, and significant shielding must be considered or reshaping of our landscape will happen before global climate change

  7. These weather events have everything to do with Jesus Christ, the signs are warnings from God to Repent and be born again in the name of Jesus Christ, and you will be saved.
    There is no other that saves, except Jesus Christ!
    Luke 21:25 And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; (and upon the earth distress of nations:) with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring; KJV Jesus’ words.

  8. I know what time will be no more disasters (all) then after all people in the world convert to Jesus Christ not to allah because Jesus Christ don't like allah and killing and all bad things so all people in the world convert to Jesus Christ, pray to God who is in heaven in Jesus name and repent to Jesus Christ AMEN

  9. We've got harsh times ahead…

    The format works really well, thank you for documenting all of this! It's more important than you'll probably get credit for.

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