This video content was made in accordance to Youtube Community Guidelines and AdSense Google Publisher Policy. This video is edited footage from other creators [dashcam videos] with added storyline/commentary [in line with YouTube channel monetization policies] and is intended for criticism, educational and journalistic purposes.
Take this video as a learning tool, watch and do NOT repeat!
DRIVE SAFELY – Stay Alert, Stay Calm, Avoid Road Rage!
Accidents involving semi trucks are some of the most serious auto accidents that can occur. When a semi truck makes a sharp turn and loses its center or gravity, it can turn on its side and either fall on or slide into other cars, causing large pile ups and serious injuries. Direct collisions can be even worse, resulting in extensive injuries and death.
When a semi trailer truck collides with a car, the results are hardly ever positive. The size of these trailers is usually enough to cause serious damages to passengers in the smaller vehicles, and they can destroy these cars easily. While drivers and passengers in the other vehicle may be seriously hurt or even killed, many truck drivers walk away from the accidents without a single injury.
Why Are There so Many Crashes Involving Semi-Tractor Trailers?
Driving while fatigued is the number one safety issue facing the trucking industry and is a factor in almost 40% of all crashes in the U.S. The drivers for these trucking companies are under considerable pressure to move the cargo as quickly as possible, making 16 hour days not uncommon. Studies have revealed that 20% of semi tractor trailer drivers on the road had reported that they had fallen asleep at the wheel within the last 30 day period. There are Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations which address the hours of service that drivers are allowed to log. Unfortunately, many trucking companies find ways around these restrictions or flat out choose to violate the regulations, putting us all in danger. Many times, in order to keep their jobs, truckers have no choice but to keep the wheels moving.
Truck-car collisions often involve some type of neglect on the part of the truck driver, the trucking company, or both. The most common causes of these crashes is poor training, drivers falling asleep at the wheel, improper or no maintenance of the truck or trailer, improper loading or aggressive driving, including speeding.
Sometimes trucking companies hire incompetent or unskilled drivers and fail to provide appropriate training. These trucks are 10,000 pound monsters, are very hard to maneuver and are very unlike a passenger vehicle in their behavior. It takes great skill and experience to drive one safely and responsibly…
Common causes of truck accidents include the following:
Defective truck equipment/mechanical failure: State and federal regulations require trucking companies to keep their trucks in proper working order and follow regular maintenance checks. Defective equipment can lead to tire blowouts, brake failures and other problems.
Overloaded trucks/unsecured loads: Overloaded trucks and unsecured loads can cause the truck to react poorly, erratically and dangerously. Loads can topple over or fall off trailers and cause accidents.
Truck driver fatigue/driving hour log violations: Truckers are required to follow driving hours regulations and record their hours in a log. Driver fatigue is a frequent cause of serious trucking accidents.
Special Thanks to:
Nichols Trucking
KentuckyWatchTower – youtu.be/28fRbHpvd5E
Jimbo Farnsworth – youtu.be/wUZLfdFOVvI
Pgh Yinzer
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Videos featured on FuryRoad news channel are intended for criticism, educational and journalistic purposes.
Take this video as a learning tool, watch and do NOT repeat!
DRIVE SAFELY – Stay Alert, Stay Calm, Avoid Road R_a_g_e!
All fragments shown in this video are licensed and used with the authorization of the rights holders granting us commercial use rights to their content. If you have any questions about compilation or clip licensing, please contact us.
This video is Edited footage from other creators with added storyline/commentary
This video was edited in Professional video and audio editor “Sony Vegas Pro” v16 for Windows.
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@5:09 ish where the F did that red pickup truck come from?!? The SUV gets hit and then there's a red pickup rolling. Didn't see it in the queue of cars either. Wtf
They're trained by the cartels!
Funny thing is all these accidents happened in chulawana Chula Vista San Diego! They learn to drive in TJ!
The utter arrogance displayed by the cam owners 6:00 to 7:00 is why we have issues on the road. Back the fk off a bit, ffs 🤦🏻♂️
@Fury Road I love your videos, but my eyes aren't the best. Would it be much trouble to make the comments bigger and leave them on a little longer? Or maybe have the driver's to explain what's happening? God Bless.
some of these truck drivers are great, others need to learn not to shoot through traffic holes at unsafe speeds
Оленей тоже хватает
Unsafe and unexperienced people
4:01 thats what she gets for going way to fast for the conditions and for trying to pass the truck. 🤦♂️😂😂😂.
This was like a music video. Haha
1 million miles. And the only thing I hit was a orange barrel. You never know what people are thinking +×÷=/_%$$
mais rien ne vas dans cette video à 7 minutes et 42 seconde il manque la porte du camion fed ex
2:38 guess the driver wanted some shade
just realized at 8:45 the truck moved over bc the red pickup in the fast lane had decided to be impatient and force the truck in the left lane to dodge him
0:33 id like to know more seems odd he just lost control like that im woundering if something locked up or snapped
“Semi runs car off road for no reason” anyone with half of a brain can see that’s not what actually happened
26 yrs old trucker was killed by ukainian nazis at truckstop cause nationality https://youtu.be/JnOBowvkgD4 please, don't get that unknown.
Train left the trailer. Hitch up another truck and keep rolling. Lol
The 3rd truck was the perfect bass for that song
Right on red does not mean you need to turn right on red.
I hate when I am at a stoplight in a car, and have a passenger with me, and they say "you know you can turn right on red"
Yes. I know I can legally turn right on red. But the light is about to turn green, and often, I don't want to risk it.
Why are you telling me what I can clearly see for myself 👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎👎
She so proud of her man for calling it.🤣
The guy who makes these videos must never driven a semi before or even set foot in one. Chill with how you judge some of these guys bro
9:46 oh better start filming.. then panicks about filming and cant fkn shoot anything but sky. Fkn lowskills with no brainactivity
That dump truck driver that hit the white pickup truck was an asshole. There was traffic in the 2 right lanes, so he got in the slow lane and was clearly driving way too fucking fast.
How funny a train hauling cars hits a truck hauling cars.
Is it the law in Merika when you see an accident about to happen you are required to automatically floor it? quite a lot of these accident videos it is plain to se what is about to happen and the driver just merrily keeps going, doesn't try and brake, doesn't swerve until AFTER it hits the other vehicle. unbelievable. nor can I understand how on a good straight road, fine weather the driver just loses control. are they moronic or…. silly me, they're Merikans. they are 'taught' to point a car to get their license but they are not taught to DRIVE a vehicle.
These truckers have bad driving record for speeding and i hope they get tickets for stupidity and bad temper as well ..
All the sliding in ice and snow you can use chains
That beat drop to
1:19 On the drop
5:11 Where did the red pickup come from?
é Tiozão 01:50 não é simplesmente dar a seta e jogar não ta parecendo os brasileiros aqui !!!
1:20 well timed beat drop
It’s weird when a video is less than a mile from your house