🔴WHAT HAPPENED IN THE WORLD on March 8-9, 2022?🔴 Deadly floods in Australia 🔴 Manam volcano eruption

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On the “THE RAGE OF THE EARTH” channel, you can watch videos of extreme weather events from all over the world.
Subscribe to the channel to be informed about all the natural disasters that are happening on the planet.

Floods in #Queensland, #NewSouthWales, #Sydney

Floods in Disney park in #Orlando, #Florida

Hurricane winds in #PuertoMontt, #LosLagos Region

Floods in the #ValedoItajaí and #Florianópolis in the state of #SantaCatarina

#Ashstorm in the #Ayolas city, #Misiones department

Several eruptions took place at #Manam volcano

Heavy snow has hit #Istanbul

Hailstorm lashed #Udaipur, #Ajmer, #Jodhpur, and #Kota divisions of #Rajasthan state

A large wildfire in #Uljin county, in North #Gyeongsang Province

Thunderstorm created by Channel Art Background

#storm #snowstorm #earthquake #flood #slip #landslide #tornado #meteorite #snowfall #snow #hail #avalanche #naturaldisastersthisweek #disasters2021 #naturaldisasters #hailstorm #extremeweather #winds #tormenta #accidents #flooding #hurricane #fire #wildfire #lluvia #chuva #lluvas #inundacion #cataclysms #blizzard #locust #locusts #volcano #volcaniceruption #tropicalcyclone #accidentsintheworld #latestnews #sinkholes #rains #iceberg #eruption #lava #disaster #sandstorm #duststorm #extremeflooding #vientos #tormenta #alagamentos #inundações #kar #मूसलधारबारिश #들불

Dreams Become Real by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license. https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/

Source: http://incompetech.com/music/royalty-free/index.html?isrc=USUAN1500027

Artist: http://incompetech.com/

This video features materials protected by the Fair Use guidelines of Section 107 of the Copyright Act. All rights reserved to the copyright owners.


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About the Author: -THE RAGE OF THE EARTH-


  1. I've also been telling people I simply meet in passing to make sure they watch your Channel to find out what's really going on in the world that no one's talking about

  2. Yes, all this time sense before China and others released covid on the world, we don't hear anything about this, God bless you both pastors and the people helping you to get this to us, the world is in its birth pangs it seems, may the good lord Jesus and father with Holy Spirit, be prasied, God is so good, all the time, Amen,

  3. IMHO……H.A.A.R.P. is being used
    H.A.A.R.P. Impacts weather, Causing floods, landslides, blizzards, ………Some believe it has the capability of impacting volcanoes & causing earthquakes.
    Google it and find the map of its MANY LOCATIONS

  4. Emissions and end of ice age -> iceberg melting -> cold air being released + ocean depth rising -> cold air falling as snow hail and rain -> more fog, more water from melting snow, more rain -> flooding -> even more ocean depth rising…

    Or some other theory 🤔 anyways we need to take care of how and where we build houses

  5. I know what time will be no more disasters (all) then after all people in the world convert to Jesus Christ not to allah because Jesus Christ don't like allah and killing and all bad things so all people in the world convert to Jesus Christ, pray to God who is in heaven in Jesus name and repent to Jesus Christ AMEN

    These are the end time signs that Jesus Christ tells us to Watch for in his Holy Word!
    Repent and be born again in the name of Jesus Christ, and you will be saved.

  7. Thank you so much for these videos. I'm actually learning more now geographically than I've ever known. Always looking forward to your uploads.

  8. Thank you for the stunning nature portion of the video. You've given my mind a beautiful place to go when I need a respite from the horrible events happening in our world. ❤️

  9. Thanks for the latest updates, the white dunes in a particular location at Brazil is a spectacular sight seeing. Well done your contents are wonderful

  10. if not for this channel, we wouldn't know all this. the "news" never reports it. thank you for all you do.

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