Playing outside is so much better than being stuck indoors…and it makes the fails look ten times as cool 😎 From mountain biking to street skating, we’ve got it all served up for you here on Fails of the Week! Happy Fail Friday!
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3:12 is hilarious😂 first he concentrates on the balloon, then he drops the flower, he tries to catch the flower, then the door pops the balloon. Distracted by the pop he drops the chocklate👌 well done.
"you never know what you're gonna get "
Kinda feel like some of my epic fails belong in these vids… ill make a point to send them to u
Dammit cow we only do that when we're alone…
that one with the trampoline close to the beginning looked like montana
5:32 Looks like G. dioicus. Can a fellow tree nerd confirm?
Dear Failarmy. Can we have a compitaion of that kind of moments?😁 0:52
I never thought a snowmobile could get an occupied tent airborne in 3 seconds. 😳
0:45 so stupid dangerous for kid
I’m increasingly irritated by how many of these “fails” are staged by narcissistic assholes seeking validation. No fault on failarmy; but it speaks volumes in regards to societal trends.
0:25 what were they thinking?
When i see ppl fall on ice i cant help but think am i witnessing the making of an oxycotin junkie.
The sand dune fall was staged.
The one thing I learned from these videos it's not funny when someone falls down and gets hurt how would you feel if that was you
That dad was So stupid let stand very close to the ball and not get back and zoom in just saying
Frozen net. One of the greatest things I have ever seen.
It was the trampoline one for me
Very Nice Bro! Get Good People!
🔥🤣🔥Hey, guys! Check out THIS awesome channel with epic and funny videos!🔥Welcome!🔥💥
Why does no one have a railing outside their front door! LOL
if i ever move to a country prone to ice and snow, and my house has steps to exit, you can bet your butt i'm installing a hand rail!
DJ ujsjj
Omg.. the guy with the ice shack has the funniest friends in the world.. 😆😆😆
4:38 he was way too drunk, don't think he woke up from the fall
my neighbor a little silly 0:50
1:23 trampoline
1:55 Fisherman
0:42 is just so sad
GOLFERS! Bring treats. You could train them to retrieve your golf balls for you. They obviously want to interact
What is it with people and flying drones so close to a source that'll total it?
Learn to turn the thing on a dime first snd then you can do that shit. At least then, you'll be able to save it and not feel like a dumbass who just wasted a couple hundred
2:29 when the dog has to fetch its owner 😅
🇺🇦 Glory to Ukraine!
Subtitles are supposed to be optional. They are so annoying. Please quit putting them on.
0:58 do you have PAIN? HAHA
1:08 that's why I have a parrot🙂
Can't stop laughing 😂
6:37 cake
7:12 When your's kids are stoned.
0:52 Damn she fell down HARD!! OMG! That got to hurt. Poor girl. I had to go back and watch that a few times. Big time FAIL. She should have been more careful with ice out there. Snap!
I love that the guy doesn't understand that a fire pulls air down as fuel for the flames before the heat rises far enough to create an updraft.
How was the last one a fail ?
Now we know how Joe Biden and Trudeau got elected.
2:01 the niggas are attacking be carfull