Help us welcome our 60 newest rescues consisting of so many Yorkies! We are located in Peyton, Colorado. All of these dogs were relinquished to us by commercial breeding facilities. We will,get them cleaned up, take care of their medical needs, get them altered and a dental, and find them loving homes. If you’d like to learn more, visit our links here: https://linktr.ee/WeRescueDogs Please click “donate on YouTube” to help provide the care these dogs will need.
It is heartwarming to know that there are so many kind people out there. They show their kindness through their actions. These precious furry babies are beautiful.
The swimmers are doing the dog paddle.
I wish l could get one they’re so beautiful.
I 💕 dogs.
Thank you very much Sir n Ma'am for rescuing the precious soul, Blessings 🙏🙏♥️♥️👏👏💓💓
Do you fix the dogs to where they can not have babies? Is that what altered means?
I don’t understand the process. I live in Illinois. Please help. If I want to adopt a dog how would I get it?
I am looking for a female teacup yorkie. Do you have one?
bless you guys for rescued them and bless these beautiful pure angels puppies amen😘😘💗💗
Where’s that woman who started this rescue?
Buena gente gracias 🙏💞
Such a heart ! Well done, well done !!
God bless you all. Those beautiful fur babies love them.
That’s why I love you all so much and I truly appreciated for all your help ❤️❤️🙏🙏💋💋👍👍👌🏻👌🏻
Bless Everyone for What they DO. I bet ALL the Dog's are READY to Pee, after their Long Ride. They may Not Bark So Much, if as you Off-Load Them, they Could Go Pee and Walk around a lil' bit.
It is written "there is none rightous no not one not preaching when SIN enter in the world this is the by product of it man using these animals for money 💰 and not really carding about them, if we can't care for the least of these there is a price to be paid when we pass from this life and the very political people that are elected to office lie each everyday and continue to when they are voted into office.☹️☹️☹️🙏🙏🙏😭😭😭💪💪🦮🦮🦮.
Poor poor dogs
Commercial breeding WTF OMG I had no idea.. you beautiful people OMG💗💗💗💗
It's a good thing I don't work or volunteer there! I would have a big bag under my shirt to load up with puppy dogs!
I would love you to pieces!
aaaawwww! so cute! come home to me!!
AAWWW! I want it!! I promise to love that little rascal totally!!
There just might be a lot of "AAWWW! I want it!" coming from me!!!
Thank you. Good souls.
I enjoy watching the dog off load, and I'm so thankful that these dogs lives have been saved and they will go on to forever loving homes. Great group of volunteers God bless all of you..
They are so adorable,love from Asia
god bless you all thank you so much for rescuing them fantastatic
Thank you beautiful people 🙏
Love the yorkie than are so beautiful and dashunds too you do a great job .
Thank you Mary🥰
But where are you
I like watching your show
Thank you beautiful people!
Why are some of the doggies making a swimming motion???
PS: please don't move the camera so much I'm 🤢🤮
Who is doing the camera? This is not as good as it used to be! I love to see the dogs arrive! There is too much movement. It is hard to watch.
God bless you guys. You are wonderful human been. ❤️❤️❤️❤️
I enjoy watching the dog off load, and I'm so thankful that these dogs lives have been saved and they will go on to forever loving homes. NMDR rocks, but the person on the camera SUCKS big time. Videos would be much more enjoyable with a person who knows how to use the camera properly and talks about NMDR (the mission, the website, the location, how to donate, the facilities (kennels, yards, etc), the vet care, the adoption process, etc). Thanks for all you do and God bless.
I live in Belfast ni and no matter how many rescues I've seen with you angels over all these years i keep thinking how many would have kept suffering.thankyou sweet lily and Theresa and the whole nmdr family you are amazing.im on awe of every rescue.thankyou guys xxxx 😪😘😘😘❤❤❤☘
Muito, muito obrigado pelo trabalho que vocês fazem pelos animais 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Please hold the camera still.
I love yorkies
One huge thank you
❤🐾🐾at 16:23 it's a perfect backdrop with our precious Lily in the back looking on😇 thank you Teresa and ALL at NMDR.❗❗
I wonder why some of the pups keep moving their paws like they want to swim?
Welcome all you beautiful babies and thank you so much Mary the sponsor and all the volunteers♥️🐾♥️🐾♥️🐾💜🐾💜🐾