Halo 3 PC & Halo: Master Chief Collection Funny Moments & Best Highlights
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Accept Jesus as the Son of God. According to the Bible, all Christians who recognize Jesus as the Son of God are able to be saved.
Read about Jesus’ death on the cross to understand salvation. In the Bible, God sends Jesus to Earth so that he can die and absolve humanity of original sin.
Devote yourself fully to God in everything you do. …
If your confuse just do this if you want to be saved do this repent know that you are a sinner , believe that Christ died for you for your sins and That God raised him from the dead on the third day . If you believe it with all your heart all your soul and all your mind you will be saved by The Holy's of Holy's. Amen 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
Jajajajajajaja no me lo esperaba
For a bullet it ricochet pretty good.
Imagine how clueless he was when he got the Betrayal Message.
Bless Your Perfection
Praise the true creators 🙌
"Wow that's one of the luckiest shots I have ever se-"
Still questioning how I got this betrayal, thanks for the feature!
this is gold😂
Anyone else thinking of the scene in rvb where church shot meta in the ankle bc of ricochet
This was actually funny af
Bullet: I'm going on an adventure!
I love seeing clips move from reddit posts to YouTube showcases like this
I can just hear geoff's laugh in my head
and then he was kicked
You can almost hear Geoff giggling in the background 😂😂
He prolly got kicked for that, too.
I never have seen anyone actually kill something with a ricochet, and now I'm impressed.
No fucking way
Clone Troopers during Order 66 be like:
That's rough buddy
AI in the cutscenes of rpg games: I'm an experteer i can kill anything that moves
the AI in game play:
Fails of the Weak*
No, that wasn't a fail, it was the sniper jackle from Halo 2 with aimbot.
Are you sure it's not fails of the weak?
Top 10 anime betrayals obligatory comment called dibs
This going to sound stupid.
How do you capture gameplay like this, freeze frame and pan the camera as shown in this video.
Is there a video guide on how to do this for halo ?
Only imperial stormtroopers are this accurate
wow sick that they programmed in ricochet
I just saw this on Reddit
Lmao 🤣