I don’t know if the owner moved away or passed away… no one knew to tell me that. It is so important to make plans for your pets …
I don’t know if the owner moved away or passed away… no one knew to tell me that. It is so important to make plans for your pets …
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Imagine, waking up, you have no more home or family suddenly. You are left behind, with no parting words or notes where to start. Your whole world just gone overnight. You wake up confused. Are they coming back? Should I wait here? Maybe they are gone for a day or two. I just cant imagine
I was never into chiauhas, but now I'm disabled and in a small apartment and going to go meet a rescue chihuahua. We'll see. I might turn into a chihuahua person.
wonderfull again, did not thinkyou had a chance with this little dog every time i watch your videos they make cry, then smile good for you all love billy
my two chihuahua's are the loves of my life
Baruch HaShem Adonai !
Just totally irresponsible, careless and wicked!🇨🇦
You guys are sweet for helping kittys live shese cutebinjust want to adopt her 😆
You guys are very kind to save Lil Kitty. Hope she's doing well and loved
This broke my heart 😥😥😥 so glad you rescued her
You should have called her turdy
My animal, my pet, my companion, is like my child! I would never abandon them, I work hard everyday to keep a roof over their head and mine. Why would you abandon your pet?
This dog has found a happy forever home now and is now happy and taken care of ! Its a shame someone left her behind and left her the way they did !
Chihuahuas are smart
Эта малышка просто хотела семьи и любви. А какая сама она ласкуня.
I pray that when our lives are over and we are judged — by whatever higher power is worshipped by your faith — that humans who abuse animals GET EXACTLY WHAT THEY DESERVE.
What animal was on the hood of the car????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
So Beautiful I would Love to have her.
Thank you so much hope for paws for saving this cute and adorable little puppy I really appreciate
Baby certainly loves her Daddy. Thank you to the kind HFP rescuer with his calming and caring voice. It must have helped a lot. She's adorable and I hope she's doing great in her new home.
This happens all the time people tend to listen when its an animal. There's also children out there that need help if not they end up nadly hurt or dead. Sometimes the law is to slow thinking they have all the time in the world in reality that child could be dead. Its very sad that these animals and children have to suffer or die.
Lol she was a slippery one. Bless you for what you do bro.
Shame on you people leaving that Tiny soul
alone karma will catch up with you !
I hate that people who take an animal no matter how short or long that they keep them then toss them aside like garbage. It's so inhumane it makes me hate people & not to trust anyone. When you get a dog, please remember it is a lifetime commitment their life is just as important, or should I say more important than your own life they are totally dependent on you the owner, but the thing is they love you unconditionally. Don't F it up.
вот так изменения в жизни! Hope For Paws не только спасла бездомную собаку, но и нашла знатного жениха с большим домом! Теперь сложилась прекрасная семейная собачья пара, которая любима своими хозяевами. Разве могла мечтать об этом простая девочка-дворняжка? Да вы просто волшебники!
Love ❤️💖😍💖
Thank you to those workers for taking care of her till she could be rescued , you are amazing.
Kitty is such an adorable love bug, how could someone leave her how can you leave a dog a cat it is just beyond me. If you can’t keep your animal you can take it to a rescue place. At least they would be safe loved and cared for in a new home for them. Thank goodness for those construction workers who showed so much more love and compassion than the owners of that precious dog
I could not leve my dogs for ever I cry and cry god no
If more people who have abandoned their “pets” would face large fines and/or jail, maybe this stop happening so much.
😳 she was a like a miniature Tasmanian devil jumping around!
I love how when she was caught in the net and stressed to the max, you started petting her and you could tell she was like. " I know I'm stressed and scared…but this feels good"😂
Shout out to the construction workers. That poor little dog must have been so confused.
Little dogs are like lions
I worship my husbands boyfriends feet.
“I know you’re a good girl”
Some are not humans and should be burned in hell !
Thank you so much❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏