Women Are Awesome! | International Women's Day 2022

Women Are Awesome! | International Women's Day 2022
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It’s International Women’s Day and we’re here to celebrate all our awesome creators! Featured content includes: Mind blowing acroyoga, juggling on a unicycle, epic downhill longboarding and more!

Who’s an athlete you’d like to see featured on PAA?


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PAA business and licensing inquiries:

PEOPLE ARE AWESOME is the number one destination for amazing, original videos and compilations of ordinary people doing extraordinary things. We feature all sorts of different extreme sports and activities other amazing feats, including parkour, skateboarding, tricking, cliff diving, wingsuit flying, skiing, snowboarding, surfing, BMX, acrobatics, calisthenics, cheerleading, freestyle football, basketball dunks, extreme pogo, freerunning, cycling, kayaking, frisbee trick shots, golf, martial arts, BASE jumping and many, many more a host of other action sports! Whether you’re searching in 2015 or any other year, check out our amazing and original action sports videos in HD where we show you why we think people are awesome!

To license any of the videos shown on People are Awesome, visit Jukin Media at http://jukinmedia.com/licensing


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About the Author: People are Awesome


  1. Beautiful inspiring. The future is female for a better world in every way imaginable. Happy International women's day.

  2. No matter whether its Race Gender or Sexuality the Media and powers that be always manage to keep a clear divide between people. Just let a day be a day for whatever that day brings.

  3. Before one asks for respect, or tries to earn it from other, they must first respect themselves. To be able to laugh at something that normally would've offended you is the first sign of self-respect, as you are telling yourself that some rando you can't see or hear does not have the power to make you mald in a reply or be overly snarky to the point of projection and pretending to be tough. If a few words on the internet can bring you to your limit, you do not deserve respect on this level. This applies to men, women, non-binary, children and adults. Happy International (insert gender/race/ethnic background/age group) day to all who can separate and discern -isms from harmless trolling.

  4. I'd like to give all the women wanting equality the chance to be equal and treated like men. I know how hard life can be for chicks. There's currently the opportunity of a lifetime, prob 90% chance of death to join all the men fighting in Ukraine.

  5. Ok "womens day" is finally over. Now it's back to "men's year" since we invented everything
    and we already threw women a bone with their "one" day. Now hurry up with that sandwich!

  6. I really don't understand this "international womans day" … I thought I'd shown my GF the proper respect by buying her a new stove and she got all upset with me…. all i can ask is why?

  7. Men:
    It is time to support Women !

    Reach into you soul, your feminine side, and realize you are actually a woman, and it is so awesome to be a woman.

    So claim your femininity and use the Women’s facilities to show your solidarity with Women. Join women’s sports and proclaim just how great it is to be a woman.

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