When the Apology Is Worse Than the Fight | Animal Crossing Villagers | ACNH Faith & Pecan Gift

When the Apology Is Worse Than the Fight | Animal Crossing Villagers | ACNH Faith & Pecan Gift
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Faith and Pecan got into a fight. We don’t know what it was about, but Faith says it was dumb. So what does she do? Ask me to deliver an even dumber apology gift, of course!

#animalcrossing #acnh #acnhvillagers


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About the Author: Admin


  1. This happened to me. The first time was when Beau first fought with Fauna, he gave her an ugly farm suit. Then Fauna fought with Beau and gave him an instant muscle suit. It took me ages to make Fauna stop wearing that ugly farm suit, and I'm struggling to get rid of Beau's instant muscle suit. 😫😭

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