Cataclysms today March 15, 2022!
Here you will see only the latest news about the climate and cataclysms that occur in the world.
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Carbon Emissions
Emissions exceeded pre-pandemic levels largely driven by coal use in China
Carbon emissions rose to their highest level in history in 2021 after the world recovered from the Covid-19 pandemic, relying heavily on fossil fuels.
A new analysis by the International Energy Agency (IEA), an influential Parisian group, has shown that energy-related CO2 emissions rose by 6% last year.
Coal has been the driving force behind the emissions spike, adding more than 2 billion tons of energy-related CO2 emissions, the largest annual increase in absolute terms. The recovery of emissions above pre-pandemic levels has been largely driven by China.
The IEA has warned that the bleak picture of emissions in 2021 should be one-off and the transition to clean energy should be accelerated.
The new numbers are also a sign that the recovery of the global economy from Covid-19 was not the transition to a cleaner future that world leaders have been calling for.
Coal accounted for more than 40 percent of the growth in global CO2 emissions, reaching a record high of 15.3 billion tons.
#2 Amazon forest
More than three-quarters of the Amazon lost the ability to recover from fires and droughts.
The Amazon rainforest is losing its ability to recover from extreme events.
The study found that over the past two decades, more than 75 percent of tropical forests have lost their ability to recover from extreme events such as drought or wildfire.
This deterioration means the Amazon could soon reach a tipping point, causing massive tree die-offs and turning the forest into savannah.
The Amazon rainforest is one of the most biodiverse areas on the planet. Trees, especially in forests that have stood for millennia, store carbon and are one of our best natural allies in slowing the rate of anthropogenic climate change.
The new study was carried out by the University of Exeter, the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) and the Technical University of Munich. Their article was published in the journal Nature Climate Change.
Although the climate crisis has not seriously affected the average rainfall in the Amazon, dry seasons have become longer and droughts have become more frequent and intense. The severe droughts of 2005 and 2010 played a significant role in deforestation, the researchers say.
The Amazon is also threatened by an increasing number of wildfires, as well as widespread deforestation and degradation due to industrial activity.
Volcano Semeru
The Geological Disaster Technology Research and Development Center reported hot clouds from Mount Merapi on Wednesday, March 9, 2022. Ash rain fell in several nearby areas such as Tlogolele village, Gantang village, Sawangan district. “Some areas have begun to report ash showers.
#4 Snow cyclone in the USA
A snow storm hit the United States – hundreds of thousands of people were left without electricity, several states were literally paralyzed. The streets are swept, the road machinery barely has time to remove the snowdrifts in front of the Capitol. Even at night, there was a landscape familiar to Washington in front of him, but by morning everything was covered with snow. For the American capital, this snow cyclone is anomalous in March.
For Florida, one of the southernmost American states, the snowfall was the first in four years. Within a few hours, the temperature dropped to sub-zero levels. Due to snowfall, federal offices closed and dozens of schools canceled the first day of school.
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Hello friends, you are wrong, the media always lies because of the great interest they have in these forests…
The Amazon rainforest is not abandoned as the lying media says, it is constantly watched by the Brazilian armed forces, whether to fight drug trafficking its borders at the borders, fire outbreaks and invasions in its airspace, are watched 24 hours by force fighters aerial.
That the international media never says!
The countries that criticize the most are the ones that pollute the planet the most and have destroyed their forests the most…
Ну нет, на английском совсем не идёт. Можно ведь титры ставить англ., а текст читать, как раньше. Если нет, то я, например, смысла смотреть ваши видео не вижу — придётся отписываться🙄😔
Не понял, вроде как на русском языке было.. Диктор чтоли поменялся?
It's sad how people don't care anymore about the amazon rainforest cuz It's no longer a trend
Давай на русском….!
Этого можно было бы избежать И войны тоже. С планетой можно вести диалог. Она разумное существо. А мы молчим. хотя язык понятный Планете, нам доступен. Так и уйдём в артефакты, как молчаливое недоразумение. Ведь наша деятельность, в данной нам среде обитания, далека от нужной степени разума. А ведь у нас есть инструмент с помощью которого на первых порах можно сначала стабилизировать климат, чтобы катаклизмы не усиливались. А потом и вернуть климат в нормальное состояние .
Господи как это страшно
Спасибо за выпуск! Недаром леса Амазонии с 2020 выжигают. И переход на зелёную энергетику вряд ли поможет… Кто то активно гадит больше человека