Today we go over to Slapped Ham and look at the scary ghost videos caught on film. Make sure you go over to his channel and subscribe for more amazing paranormal content. Here is the channel link:
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8:42 — Why's his door always slightly ajar, not fully closed?
17:10 Might be sound filter to make the voice unidentifiable
That happens have you heard the true story of the boy who was possessed these things attach n posses the shadow goes completely over him it’s real
He can go but it’s attached he needs it to be exorcised
He needs to get blessed
People need to stop looking for these things they can attach n follow you
It is a Demon and a dark entity is the same thing
Look at the orbs
It’s not hard to get it’s a demonic force ghost are not on earth they are with the Lord either already in Heaven or waiting for the 2 nd Judgment the fallen Angels already had their judgment the devil and his legion are on the earth they cause this confusion and chaos and have people go to mediums which some are working with the demonic or they don’t know and the entity knows about certain peoples family but you never go to a medium or phycic or tarot card reader or Angel card, or sceonces, or Oujia they are all part of the occult and connected to the demonic realm which are fallen angels
Damn the first ghost had to be hostile!
Every time Ben is about to say 'Slapped Ham'… We all know his hands are about to do the thing🤩😂
–22:00 ya Thts real tht shit was a shadow is was black asf. I would have left and never came back dead ass
The shadow in dorm room closet video, if you look in back corner of closet when he looks in, there someone in black in the back.
35:12 Dark Souls?
*Vordt of the Boreal Valley music begins.
10:21 It could be latched onto him through his aura. A Simple cleansing of his aura can fix that. But if it’s attached to some object he has. Then that’s much harder. Nothing I could give him as advice are for people who don’t know about occultism. So his best bet is to bless everything he has. Each time seeing if the activity gets worse after blessing a object. He will find out what it is. Up to over to his page and explain.
Do you know why these events are becoming multiple in number? Satanic Cults. There are groups of them in small towns and large towns. Which create Egregores that go out and feed on pain and fear. There built for anarchy. And to harm. These people believe they’re helping society by causing chaos using the secrets they’ve been taught. Telekinesis and telepathy are real. Practice for two weeks between a friend. And yourself keeping in contact over the phone at the same time. Hold the intention both you and your friends that you are aware of each other’s thoughts. Within possibly a few days. Or two weeks. You will start getting random thoughts that follow an image of them. Keep in contact with them. Asking if they just thought about something. This works. I have two friends who did this for a week. Everyday. Trying to hear each others thoughts. And since. They can feel eachother emotions and thoughts
Thats why nukes is the best
I witnessed a shadow bastard when I was little. No reason to wake up but I was on my back and opened my eyes and could see a showed figure floating above my bed. I didn't think much off it and closed my eyes and started to go back to sleep. Then my brain kicked in and I gasped and opened my eyes. It was like the figure was made of smoke and disappeared right in front of my eyes. Weird things around the house too. Cold spots. Doors opening and closing on their own. I never really heard my father or anyone else in the family talk about anything.
The pizza oven isn’t moving.
😄! I can't even gather a thought to comment. 💗you Caspersight TY
I hear red room and immediately think of fifty shades of grey 🤭
20:32 that's a pillow for pregnant women to help them sleep more comfortably.
I knew Miss Pillow was cheating on me
Top Job chap 🤘
That Korean dude's video are too fake
It looks like dough hitting her head. From a pizza expert👌
Did u really just tell the mrs pillow story mate, dis i hear that rite???? Lol Fair play mate👍😂💚
I sleep with a long pillow like that guy in the video. I started doing when I hurt my back and couldn't lay flat. It helps keep your spine aligned when you sleep on your side. Now I can't sleep without one.
31:38 The zipper moving is strange because the zipper slider, the part you hold on to, should be facing the direction the zipper is being pulled. If it was fake the string would pull that part in the direction the zipper is moving. But the zipper is somehow moving without the slider appearing to be pulled. How is that possible?
Person in the chair…………. is
His friend.
Why do all the Asian ghost hunters do the hand acting?
Casper, i loveeeeeeeeeeee your channel but how cant you not remember this video lol we've seen it like 3 times on your channel already @9:10
Nervous laughter? More like hysterical laughter.