I kinda wish i didn’t investigate my new house because what we found is actually terrifying…@Paranormalists
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Let me know your thoughts on all this..
Hey rug I noticed an orb behind you where the rempod was going off behind u
Sam and cobly
i think the name is drake because when you were in the pantry it said something
Why don’t your team reach out to Ghost Adventures? This is incredibly scary. I couldn’t imagine just moving into my dream home, and then find out it was haunted.
It said kdrama thats a anime
Well when you were lighting the 🕯 candelles
They should have made a jump scare at the end
Plaese faze rug make a pt2 with Sam and Colby
What sentence that we couldn’t hear when the ghost hunter said that we shouldn’t put it in Camera
Can u guys at least give us a hint on the “correlation with 5&4? I’m like dying to know or just give us a link
12:50 yall see that light in the back of him ?
It’s crazy because you got something attached to you and sam does too and you guys went on an investigation
Bro I know you did this but bro you HAVE to do this with sam and Colby it will be a Whole different experience
There was a orb behind bryan on 12:51
9:33 nah that sounded like RUG 😂😂
watch he gon move outa this house too
I saw a orb when they were upstairs when they saw the rem pod down stairs
I’m just going to tell you she saw a duende they are attracted to lots of toys and all of taht
maby is the girl that lived there and playing hide and seek
Do reasearxh on the next house bro I don’t blame you if you move because damn that’s scary
I don’t blame you bro if you move houses I would move even if this house was 10Mil$
so weird. I got the chills during it.
Brian, what you really need to do is to call a priest to come to your home to cleans the house.
At 19:23 there was a voice that went like Hooooooooo when rug was talking about the attic
I like how noah never gets scared like bro how u not scared
Am I the only one who sall a or be hind rug when he looked over the edge of the stairs
12:51 there is a ghost orb behind rug
You should have Sam and Colby and Matt come to that place or to your house and try to find something. Hopefully he sees this
faze ruggin it