The scary videos on this horrifying top 10 video have caught strange things on camera of weird YouTube stuff that is scary enough to creep you out and keep you WIDE AWAKE at night! The weird things caught on camera in this top 10 list include “real ghosts” caught on camera haunting a woman all through her home, paranormal activity at a famous haunted estate called Bryn Du mansion and the ever-so-haunted Jefferson Historic Hotel building, and a whole lot of other scary stuff (like if kayaks can survive scary shark attacks during a freaky encounter you won’t forget). Creepy stuff indeed!
10) 12 News: (“https://www.12news.com/article/news/man-tries-to-get-into-house-after-phoenix-teen-arrives-home-alone-video-shows/75-c654f8d0-e6a8-4a0f-848c-0e4b223c4a13”)
9) Ken Gerke Adventure Angler: (“Great White Shark stalks kayak fisherman in Australia.”) https://youtu.be/7EZa6bTpung
8) The Historic Jefferson Hotel: (“Washing machine door opens by itself at The Historic Jefferson Hotel”) https://youtu.be/dqRMJ-6hjts
7) The Dallas Paranormal Project: (“Doll sets off EMF detection in abandoned hospital”)
6) Eric Glosser: (“Bryn Du Mansion Anomaly Knocks Eric Hat Off Spirit Ghost Paranormal Shadow Person”) https://youtu.be/L55tZ5RJ2Rk
5) Romina Mangano: (“Floating object in the sky”) https://youtu.be/g8aVZwdSbmA
4) Fox 13 News Utah: (“Man caught on camera burglarizing Herriman family’s home”) https://youtu.be/t_z-iOQwKQU
3) RamblinAround: (“White Orb on Security Camera….or just a bug?”) https://youtu.be/xEFCDNSgHzc
2) NASA: (“Full Uncut STS-63 UFOs @1:33 a “Bed of Diamonds””) https://youtu.be/n1lzW2zad7g
1) Ghost, orbs, and all thing’s paranormal @youtube. com: (“A orb,spirit, comes out when I say hello.”) https://youtu.be/LrB-VVgSvwE
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Produced by BillNose: https://bit.ly/3fQTJoE
Narrated by Ty Notts: http://bit.ly/ty_notts
Music by Noiseplug: https://bit.ly/3hqOJYO
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👉 I dare you to watch this video: https://youtu.be/mzJAKlhzupI
At the 10min21sec mark, notice the head peering out on the left of the screen just above the dudes shoulder of Dallas paranormal?
Hi I'm a new subscriber. Just want to say I love your videos and the variety you have. Also thanks for not having one of those annoying voices to narrate your videos. ❤️ Your channel!
Thanks for the fascinating video!
Enjoyed your video and I gave it a Thumbs Up as a support
0:15 it's is a deceased loved one. I feel male energy. Nothing to be afraid of.
The Hotel “paranormal” video is such a joke. Just love when stuff moves in videos, it’s always in a corner or a partially hidden area of the camera & no one knows what happened 🤦🏼♀️🙄🤡🤔
–1:00 or seconds before the TV doesn't say help me. An EVP says help me. One is on the TV and the other is in the room. One is small in the background men the other is a big in your face much clearer child. Does say help me though which makes me sad if it isn't a demon.
-4:4t unless this is really sped up footage that is way to fast for a spider to dismantle and eat it's Web. I live in Florida tons of em even widows and recluses. They make such beautiful ornate webs and I often photograph them. When they eat their Web they generally eat it backwards from the way it was weaved so that it doesn't all collapse therefore making it much more difficult to digest and much to fast for Consumption. It's as though the entity was making a Symbol that maybe means something to one of the guys. Just a loved one saying hi!
Anybody else notice that the kayakers fishing pole was still cast out🙄? The guy was clearly “baiting” the shark to come closer, and then pretended to be afraid😅 Oh brother🙄 What you guys won’t do for content, give me a break….But I would like to know what kind of kayak that was…..sweet, I want one😎
Lets do anything outside related in Australia.. what can go wrong?… a lot.
Ok just stick your head under water and let the shark bite it off. Duh. Like I said create a feeding Frenzy but use the machete on the Stark and stick him in the face and other fish will be feeding for hours. Give you time to get a way.
I would carry a machete 🐋 😉 lil' sand Island was right there why didn't they head for it?? Duh.
Hes a freaking child abductor. Notice hes in a suburb area. Hes stalking kids.
Seeing a shark swimming around the kayaks is a very good reason why I'm NEVER going kayaking on an open ocean, or go on a cruise ship. There's not enough money in the entire universe that can change my mind. The way that I look at it, if I was born with fins on my feet, then I'd go swimming in the ocean; since I wasn't born with fins on my feet, I'm not going anywhere close to where sharks are swimming about. In fact, sharks can stay where they love to swim, and I'll happily stay on land.
I can't even finish the video…you talk too fkng much and it's distracting from enjoying the vid.
You know what TY you come up with some good content and enjoy watching and at times wait to see what you drop next, So thank you for your postings…— PEACE
You talk too much!
If djin exist darwinian is lose, they dont believe with god, angel, and djin/demon.
I'm scared to record in my house just in case I actually catch something 🤣 there's no going back after that
Those flashing lights in the NASA video are staying with the camera going the exact speed it looks more like a camera glitch then something happening outside of the camera
All that paranormal stuff is being faked on video because they are all electronic gadgets which can very easily be set up to turn on and turn off with something as simple as a button in your pocket or even a proper voice command
I find it amazing that haunted hotels were failing hotels before they became haunted
I don’t think a ghost was touching the woman I think the woman buys cheap jewellery
I’ll bet you that hotel would have a lot less pissed off ghost if they cleaned that disaster area
THX 4 U`r work ss 🙂
TY please get your editor to edit out the breaths .. videos are unwatchable in their current form ..
Great videos! The shark was probably after their catch. But you should never slash the water!!!
I’m pretty sure that 99% of the humans watching this video won’t see this but for the ones who do I just want to say I hope you have a terrific day and god bless you🙌🏼🍀
Honestly, you don't go in to a place, where it's known to be haunted, & just go, & start being ignorant, & disrespectful. Especially when it said, it's haunted by a woman, & a girl.
I've heard, & read at times it takes a lot of energy for a spirit to answer us, or move something, hence… Meaning give it a little time
What makes me laugh is when they say " Give me a sign." Then when a bang is heard, or an object is moved, they run out screaming.
I always felt, you should be respectful. You are going to where they are/live, so treat them with respect. You never walk into someone's home, & just start yelling at them.
Then also when a place is haunted, & you have things that move, or bangs, & knocks people have to understand that maybe that is the only way they can communicate, & it's not malicious.
Ive watched The Fourman brothers, & FrankoTV for years, they get excellent evidence, & I believe that is because they are very respectful to the spirits.
Now, with all that being said, if it's a nasty spirit, one that's harmed over, & over again, & was bad in real life as well….then have at it, but a ghost of a woman, & child…be more respectful.
They are flies, she needs a bath…"
Number 1 sketchy stuff
I still don't see a face in the last video.
You want to talk about scary things in the sea talk about World War II
Yes I want the doll 🙂 love it
A couple of strings and gravity, and off you people go with your little paranormal fairy stories…..Give it a rest!!
There is nothing strange about balloons or sun dogs. No doubt Romina also believes in Nibiru and human lizards 😂
Three objects are always gonna form a triangle,unless it's a straight line..still creepy stuff indeed Bill..
99% of ORBS ARE NOT SPIRITS. They are dust and bugs reflecting light.
This makes me want to put cameras in my house👀