We test out the rumors of the Tesla being able to catch ghosts at the Hollywood Forever Cemetery! We visit YouTuber Corey La Barrie’s grave and pay our respects.
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The software might interpret a ghost as someone as riding on a bike because it perceives them as floating above the ground which is often how ghosts appear, hovering or disembodied from the waist down.
Rip dude
Fun fact. That Pyramid grave is empty it is for Nicholas Cage when he passes away. He bought that Pyramid Grave for when he passes away because he did a movie and said just bury me in a Pyramid. I don't remember the name of the movie he said that in tho.
Hi I hope that everyone will have a great day 🙂
This is so wrong. Stop deceiving people for views. So why do you have to drive only around a cemetery to capture ghost. If the analogy is that ghost are found in cemeteries is true it means ghost are everywhere because the land your house is on you don’t know who was buried on that land during wars that were fought 1000 years ago. Ghost should be everywhere
ghosts when they see a tesla: aw sh*t here we go again.
I wonder if the car mistaken the flower pots for a child being close to the car.
Can they really worked?! 😭🤚 honestly it’s creepy
I though its cause the tesla detected the person from far away
This is why Elon Musk is a gazillionare!
When I passed this specific graveyard lots of times in real life I felt people there, but there we're no one in real life also through a video I cannot sense it sadly, but what was more horrifying was my nightmares about this specific graveyard I passed in real life I passed in my dreams also, but the last dream about it was terrifying, because I got chased by dead people calling for help and shouting my name, but I ran away from them and after that I stopped having dreams about this graveyard, but when I passed in day time in real life, there we're no real people, but still looked at it weirded out, because I felt there we're someone and of course my mind automatically imagined it there we're people cannot explain better or i'm just crazy imagining things
Is there any evidence of it occurring not at an intersection?
Perfect, maybe Tesla can find big foot😂😂
Quick smocking meth! That’s a software glitch
I’m not believe this I think and idk…..
“body’s in caskets?”
that’s what im wondering maybe it’s picking up on nearby body’s that’s in the ground
I just had this happen today for the first time. I pulled into my driveway and continued listening to my music and the figure appeared about three times. No one was there. My hope was guardian Angel.
Tesla car can detects ghost that’s why stock is $1200 per share 😂
Don´t worry guys. According to Mr. Musk there is now for all models an special option for retrofiiting. Namely EX-option. This EX(orcist) option costs for extra 6,666 US-Dollars and works very effectively : wenn you turns it on, the ghost you see on dislay will explode in a fireball !!!! And all will be captured in 5K colour for home cinema !!! 😜😜😜😂😂😂🍺🍺🍺…🙏🙏🙏
Hmm idk what to think of that, it's like the whatchamacallit with the dog ears awhile back. They shouldn't assume it's a spirit as they're not attempting to engage with it…nobody is trying to walk towards it or do a spirit box session or putting out rem pods or k2 meters/Mel meters…it could just be a glitch.
Saw a spirit yesterday after charging on all soul's day…Nov 2nd, 2021.
People who experience this should pinpoint the sighting on a map and see if others are seeing the same, imagine if thousands of people are actually seeing the same person in the same place, that would be prof enough for me that ghosts are out there
Nah how dare you i not see ghost
Golf cart didn't show up?? Weird.
Elon Musk did a good job 🙂
Does this pick up buried bodies
Imagine not pointing camera left
The Ghost : Ah another Tesla car.
Sou no one thinks that this is just a prank created by Tesla ? After all there’s every cemetery in the sat nav and all they had to do is program the car to start acting weird when driving by .
So cool!!!
She didn’t show the left side window at all
Wha- don't make this videos im scared ._.
The ghost busters must buy a tesla
There re some that caan take Many shapes AND yes ride a bike AND so on fckn real sht
is this la?