Detroit police officers concealed their role in a pursuit that ended with four in the hospital and one woman dead, an investigation found.
Detroit police officers concealed their role in a pursuit that ended with four in the hospital and one woman dead, an investigation found.
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Dark car, i would have thought i was gonna b robbed.
The cops should be prosecuted hard.
COPS ENGAGE WITH THE PUBLIC UNLAWFULLY 99% of the time. This case is highlighted because someone died and independent investigators. FOR THE PAST 18 years I've been following police brutality cases, I've viewed over 8000 hours of footage from dash, body and surveillance cameras. You too can view this footage here on a Youtube channel called "Police Activity", to confirm or challenge my research. Here’s what I found. Whatever the gender, age, race or circumstances of the encounter in police brutality cases, the officer is a (white male) 98% of the time. The U.S. police force is 65% white. My point is, the problem isn’t getting better because we’re blaming the entire police department, instead of the cause (within) law enforcement. It’s not a lack of training, or too much or not enough funding involving police (violence).The problem is obvious and it needs to be said out loud on every platform. In policing entirety, White male officers are the most violent and are a danger to the public. Let's talk about it! Otherwise, we can continue with violent law enforcement as usual.
Never look at youself for your bad decisions. It's always someone else's fault…smh
I defend the officer.
Driver asked for it.
If you disagree you're an ANTIFA enemy
Simple as
no! , cops never break the law or cover up the so called crimes . they investigated themselves, justified. sarcasm
Now will they get arrested for manslaughter like the Florida Bridge operator?
This whole thing is sad all the way around. Should’ve been had their lights on. Driver shouldn’t be driving like that even if you’re “being chased”. Got someone who’s just as guilty looking like a victim. He killed his own girl by driving like a dumbass. Cops started it by probably blinding the driver with their lights. He more than likely couldn’t even tell what type of car it was that was behind him smfh.
Speed away , thru towns of people without a thought….good death. Now others are alittle safer.
How many innocent victims are in jail because of these officers misconduct
Like dude thought he was getting targeted!! He didn't know they were cops!!!!! Bet he didn't find out the cops were chasing him until he tucked away in prison!!! So they just blamed him for everything and the cops with none. They were trying to show off for their ride along, and got that girl killed!!! Sad sad sad. RIP Miracle🙏🏿
I would of did that too cause I don't know who chasing me sue them police are wrong
right "the officer's cousin was on a ridealong" and this is how they coverup that the other officer in the back was actually off duty and gathered with the others only to go on a "night shift fun spree" acting in disregard of every law, policy, and guideline!
He had on those blinkers. He’s black you got what looks like a charger, no lights. I’m not stopping either. Wow. Just wow. He was wild.
Why do people allow drunk people to drive?
I typically side with the cops; not this time, that Ofr Zeimi(sp) f'ked up by not running Code 3, lights and siren, despite said actions would've exonerated that particular cop.
It's a pursuit It's dangerous police need to just tell the damn truth
Qualified Immunity has turned cops into narcissistic thugs and gangsters. Hold thug cops accountable for their criminal activity. End the INSANITY of Qualified Immunity for these sons of bitches
Another violation of the social contract agreement between the citizens and the state…they keep doing this because they have all the power and the court behind them…to stop this kind of behavior the citizens must offer an ultimatum… negotiate reforms or violence..civil unrest and hold all accountable..but it takes all of the community..in agreement…( violence meaning force for force) there are more citizens than police and government… meaning grab your guns and let's take a walk down to the police station…call the mayor and whoever else needs to know what's happening…the citizens set the rules…laws and mandates are voluntary compliant.. come on y'all…..we..the Citizens let this happen across the country..cause most are afraid to sacrifice anything of themselves…sooo..it keeps happening..
Busted. Jail time for all.
This is no different than Jewell Jones a state representative …. Ended up with probation????? “RULES FOR THEE BUT NOT FOR ME “ any public servant including elected officials …. should be held to a much higher stander’s,…. To easy to call big Gretch and buy her a new pair of bluffs and the whole thing goes away …stuff has to change …..
Oooooo. Conspiracy…ooooooooh
What the cops did doesn't change the fact that the idiot was driving drunk…
Empire or not, I would do the same if somebody flashing light at me with no sirens, if you ask me these servants is the reason why those people lost their life.
Sue the cop out of them
2:36 I've been pulled over like this twice in the past 5 years in West Detroit. They do this because technically it isn't a real traffic stop in a court of law but the driver still pulls over. I was a little afraid and wondered what they were gonna do to me. They checked me then released me. Illegal stop.
My friend was killed in 2005 when a stolen car blew through a stop sign killing my friend on impact. I saw them chasing someone like this on the east side too. Police chases kill 100s of ppl every year and they need to be banned.
Named Miracle but destined for the very opposite, am I being morbid? 👽👽
in the video you can see the car was riding the center line.
always someone elses fault but the people that cause the shit
What a horrible story I’m so happy the reporter did a great job finding out the cover-up
Even Crazier behind the camera
100% dirty cops messing up people's lives all the facts are right there they need to be held accountable
Why aren't those pieces of crap in jail awaiting trial? They should face a good bit more jail time than I would if I chased someone and it resulted in deaths. Because I'm not a cop. They are. Well two of them. Should be held to a MUCH higher standard than I would be.
Termination????? But not charged???? WTF??? They should be in jail for life!!!!!!!! They could have prevented this!!!! They could have all been alive!!!!!
We all understand that these cops were looking to rob these man, right? SPOTLIGHTS LIKE THAT are used to blind u thru the rearview mirror. So you can't make the tail.
People need to learn that cops are the criminals they are the ones that are breaking the law and getting away with killing innocent civilians. The United States police are organized crime back by higher government
"No clear reason why they peaked interest"
FFSDetroit. You know you suck when the least plausible part of Robocop isn't the tech, it's the cop worth saving.
This is one of those situations where the whole fckn city is wrong. These cops are GUILTY 💯%. BUT THE WHOLE FCKN TOWN has to be taken by the roots and shook for vermin.
Who cares im glad the guy is in jail and I hope he stays.
Wow really looks like they might have been showing off to the cousin on how easy it is to make a situation go bad quick when u can make someone paranoid. Just a bright light and chasing this individual.
Police unions protect bad cops just like teacher's unions protect bad teachers. Police should be privatized. Cities can contract with private security companies to provide police services. If the city isn't pleased with the service provided they can choose a different company to police the city. Private companies are able to get rid of bad apples much easier than government monopolies can. Why would you think an organization would provide good service if it does not face any competition?
drunk driving is illegal the driver caused the wreck
A lot of corrupt cops… why was the officers cousin riding in the police car with him… they were up to no good!
And it sounds to me like he might have thought somebody was shining that bright light in the car so they couldn't see who was about to shoot him, I would have hauled ass too