👉 Rescuer: Alex Sirbu
🤝 Support at Paypal: alexion_30@yahoo.com
👉More about best dog rescue videos & channel touching your heart here:
The dodo pet rescue: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheDodoSite
Howl Of A Dog: https://www.youtube.com/user/HowlOfADog
animal-safe shelter ://www.youtube.com/channel/UCATG2XaK8TOe3R9tsgwkqbQ
If there are any copyright issues with any videos posted here i will remove them. Please contact my Email: longnhat201618@gmail.com
Thank you for watching!
#rescuedog ,#animalrescue, #animalsafeshelter
Terimakasih saudaraku..telah memberikan cinta yg tulus untuknya..kalian orang orang baik…
You picked her up like a piece of rubbish left her on the grass did not give her any water
This made me cry…thank u for saving her…
comment peut on faire cela ? BRAVO AUX SAUVETEURS
It is nice to see a dog recovering and being happy. It gives us hope. If we love dogs. They will kove you in return.
Thsnk you for the rescue. God Bless
Thank you for saving this tiny sweetheart. Dehydrrated, starving, sunstroke, no shelter, but you caught her just in time. No creature should be passed by. She's lovely.
감사합니다 항상 건강하시고
행운이가득 하시길 빕니다
Teruslah hidup Lala…dan bersahabatlah dengan kucing dan anjing2 yg baik itu..terima kasih kawan..telah memberikan pertolongan dan kasih sayang..semoga berkat Tuhan selalu melimpahi hidupmu❤❤❤👍👍👍
Thank you to the people who helped this dog.GOD bless you!
Oh my GOD!!! She/He is not moving!!???
Que bueno que la salbaron
I can never thank you all enough, but know that I am forever grateful to you all🙏 for all you do for our beautiful sentinent beings💖. God Bless You All 💞
Você que jogou o bichinho na rua você que suja no sol gostava de ficar assim um dia quem sabe si vai ainda né?
Доброта и любовь – победит, наши братья терпеливы и придет время когда никому не позволено их обижать!!!!
My dear Lala, you are so beautiful, so cute, 💔💔💔💔💔 there are things l don't, understand….. why she, was there!!!!!! I appreciate, so much, who take care ❤❤❤❤❤❤l wish she be happy
Gracias, gracias a los ángeles que han rescatado a un moribundo de las garras de la muerte. Dios les bendiga siempre.