Lion Attack and Eat Hyena – Animal Fighting | ATP Earth

Lion Attack and Eat Hyena - Animal Fighting | ATP Earth
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Lion Attack and Eat Hyena – Animal Fighting | ATP Earth
Always making all animals respect, none other than a lion. The one known as the “lord of the jungle”. When it comes to the king of all species, animals all have a certain amount of caution and fear, because just letting the lions look at them can make their fate tragic. So far, they have seen a lot of fierce fights between lions and other animals and almost all of the advantages belong to the lion.

02:01 Lion
02:59 Lions vs Hyenas
05:20 Lion attack and eat Hyena
08:36 The hyena was killed by the Lion

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This Video researched by: Devon Boehm
Adress: 86259 Bruen Cove West Virginia, MA 68704-0422
Geo coordinates: 36.617457,38.910118
Mother’s maiden nameSchinner
Date: 1966-06-18
Age: 55 years old
ATP Earth don’t fully own the material compiled in this video. It belongs to individuals or organizations that deserve respect.
We use under: Copyright disclaimer section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976. “fair use” is allowed for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching. scholarships and research.


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  1. Yes prey herd animals,, imagine all the laws and police protection going out the window and all you loud proud equal rights losers will learn your place. No movie you saw with some ideal archetype will help you when reality wipes you away like water that falls from an eyeball

  2. I am not sure lions enjoy eating hyenas. Whenever lions kill hyenas, leopards or cheetas, they do it mostly in order to eliminate their competitors and not to eat them. Only in very rare occasions we may see a lion eating part of another of these predators.

  3. Mr Ena may have a smile on his face but l'm guessing that it were the 🦁 who had the last laff lve always loved/been fascinated by lion's; no they'll eat me in milliseconds but love them all the same.

  4. 3 fucking things. Narrating, Background Music and Fucking Replays just play the video you don't have to go back and forth 👎👎👎👎 cant enjoy the video

  5. Lions always slaughter hyenas for centuries and caught on tape but there’s barely any of lions killing adult cheetahs and leopards not to mention a lot of videos of lions murk a lot of wild dogs

  6. 獅子與鬣狗猶如天敵,没有一天寧靜,互相拼鬥.,主要的原因有二:

  7. Do you have any idea how disjointed and haphazard your editing is? It jumps from totally different settings/times/subjects. It's unreal that you continue to post these disorganized, incongruous videos. Please hire a professional editor.

  8. This is a great video i disagree they're not intelligent they're very clever. I have a question i thought lions hate hyenas that would never want to eat them? However i see lions do eat them they usually consider them a pest.

  9. I really enjoyed watching this video it's Amazing and Please keep up the Excellent work that you are doing for our Entertainment and please keep the videos coming

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