5 Incredible Military Moments Caught On Camera
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Underworld is creating the best new educational videos about the lesser known stories from around the world. We post Top 5’s, Top 10’s, Caught on Camera and much more! Be sure to SUBSCRIBE to never miss an upload!
#4 They weren't close enough to do any damage. I don't see where these type of tests prove anything.
If someone know any more details about these tests please post it.
this drinking through a straw osprey with pimples was the ugliest plane ive seen
So what about the next 7🤔🤔
4:28..Ray Barone
If you se the last Pictures you have a small imagine of the ,, Real Hell " – one to the enemie brings another back , as our last view from the World- May God protect us and washed our Hearts a Minds
Mankind’s affinity for violence and destruction is truly boundless
a reminder of where the millions and billions are spent in this country for whitey with his overcompensating-for-having-a-small feeds his insatiable desire to destroy, blow shit up, kill people with his projectiles and bullets, while families across this country go to bed hungry at night sleeping in their cars and under highways, bankrupted because of burdensome medical debt or college debt as THIS is where we'd rather spend our money #facts
I wonder how many people who witnessed the nuke being fired from a cannon died from cancer?
1:22 “How does the fart go?”
There is also an interesting video here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oKVyT-_1kpE
Wow 🤩
yea..putin won
I lived on Holloman AFB for a year when my mom was stationed there for a year
The U.S. supply 39% of all the guns in the world…..The first country by far (not something to be proud of in my opinion). Out of curiosity, why exactly would you smuggle guns into the U.S.? I trust you that it happens, but I'm not sure why…Pretty much any gun design that isn't American has an American equivalent……I know there's the whole serial number thing if you want to commit crimes, but it seems to be something you can get around….and with 3d printing and "homemade guns", there are a lot of alternatives to smuggling guns it seems to me…but I don't know much about anything related to guns if I'm being honest. So yeah, this actually is a sincere question.
the "Alta tu Barco arg" always gets me
That 10k lb blast on the littoral vessel was only the 1st ‘test’ or information blast. The USS Ford blast was the 1st blast of a series. They get closer and they use 40-100k lbs of HBX and depending on the vessel you can sometimes see daylight under the ship as the water is displaced. It’s a pretty good shock and can bring to light design flaws. It used to be that every class of vessel underwent shock test. I’m sure it’s the same today with each class.
Was just on the USS Jackson this morning.
Good video!
❤️ Hermosa eleccion 4.FO/Elizeid de mejor
1 (elecciones ) 9.9/10 2 ( culturales ) 9.7/10
Son unos de los mejores conciertos
, no-puede-ir-pero-de-tan-solo verlos
desde pantalla,, se que estuvo
Sorprendente .
5;01 Really??? Does it make sense to have the command structure of the entire ship so close to the point of touchdown on an aircraft carrier? LOOK at that. One wrong move and a crashing aircraft could wipe out the Island. If anything they should have moved the Island FORWARD…..not backwards. But then again the military always does things backwards. They probably simply turned the blue print upside down when they built the thing. Think I'm joking?
1:50 That's totally insane. If that guy had fallen in the water with all that gear on he would have drowned.
Always impressive to watch aerial refuelling and close up flight footage. The technology these days is amazing
Its funny the videos from nuke testing, everything gets fried and blown away but the camera never get fucked up. If we protect our cities in whatever they put those cameras in we could withstand anything. Especially when that was decades ago.
Whats the eerie background music?
Dude your videos keep me so entertained and intrigued the entire time, every time. Keep up the great work. Side note: does anyone know what the man is repeating at 1:15? I'm curious
Hi from uk 👋👍 and just WOW this one is top of list so far especially the navy goin for shock charges that was epic but all demonstrated where fascinating to watch👍 thanks for your time and be safe see you soon 👍👋
Should have simply have put a five inch shell through the semi-submersible !
No fuss, no muss!
That's soooo cool
Love your channel.
That was the 15th Special Operations Squadron, not Space Operations.
Wonder how many whales beached themselves after the ocean blast, americans are experts at not giving a fuck about collateral damage, sick people.
8:20 “Of a cruiser”—What does that mean? Numbers one and five are awesome though…
I love your videos man! Keep it up.
I'm a big fan of you!!
I love your YouTube videos I love all the facts!!!