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  1. We only see the poor bastard waving the small white piece of cloth because we're looking through this video multiple times to find detail. You don't have that luxury in the middle of calling in corrections for impact or looking for threat movements. Besides, surrendering is tricky. Surrendering because you don't agree with what you're doing is one thing, trying to surrender just because you're about to die is another. Either case should be honored, but isn't always possible. You're being told by your command structure about all the terrible things the enemy will do to you and not all of that is propaganda, so there is an incentive to realize your best potential for survival is to stay within your known group. Once the shooting starts, the reason it starts begins to lose it's meaning. Both groups of soldiers on both sides of the conflict just want to survive it. Your best odds of survival is to kill the enemy before they get the opportunity to do the same. That's a further example of how it isn't the populations in a conflict that are the problem, it's the governments involved. We allow war by not paying attention to the assholes we put in charge of making those decisions. Apathy puts blood on our hands too.

  2. You asses analyse what i am saying just watch mobile how much Shahtani stories made to spoils the minds of every muslims you will evaluate yourself are we muslims going toward islam or we are being spoiled by unwanteded movies 24 hours available to makes us a shahtan like qualities

  3. I can write but let young people should search how western European countries Britain France Germany NATO and America and Israel are enemies of Islam

  4. Enemies of Islam are America Israel British and Allies NATO who proves themselves as real enemies of Islam stroy is lengthy how American British and Allies with theirs deeds actions proves as enemies of Islamic countries history speaks

  5. I like how Putin and his " ministry" think their in a position to giving warnings….A third world country with a little backing form the US is handing them their ass. The United Sates will turn Russia into the worlds largest ice skating rink. Fuck those commie assholes. God bless Ukraine!!!!

  6. This is sad, Russian soldiers fighting a war that many of them don't really understand, because their leader is a madman. And to watch them die is a bit difficult to watch.

  7. Another example why tanks in cities without infantry support can be outtaken very easily and it seems like this is an older T72

  8. The smoke that came out when the hatch open, fkn beautiful, the shells there after, 🍒 on top, the body flying on the right is the 🎤 drop. If only that shell dropped on the fucker crawling in the dirt instead of hitting the pavement, otherwise absolutely perfect, bravo.

  9. Russian need more training in Urban warfare, but first their commanders they need to watch tank movie "FURY" and learn also from their own movie on how they fight German "TIGER" tanks.. during world war II..

  10. нацисты прикрываются мирным населением , не позволяя ему покидать города , ведут обстрелы из окон и крыш жилых домов , а при ответных ударах выкладывают жалостливые видео разбитых жилых домов. Тактика взята из арсенала террористов с их тактикой живого щита . Будь на месте Российской армии войска НАТО , то город был бы уничтожен с мирным населением и нацистами артиллерийским и ракетным огден, как НАТО поступило уже в Югославии , Ливии , Ираке и других странах , убив сотни тысяч мирных жителей , но с западной тактикой двойной морали это можно , никаких санкций убийцам из стран НАТО никто не накладывал , рука руку моет )) Ничего , наша сила в правде , Россия уже с одними нацистами разобралась в 1945, вычистит этот рак из здорового организма и теперь , у нее судьба такая чистить планету от этих мразей )

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