Hey, today I’m going to be showing a New MOHG Exploit on Elden Ring. A quick way to get 1 Million Runes in 30 Seconds. And the best way to Freeze Boss and skip 2 phase.
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In 2020, I discovered glitches like Unlimited Brahmin/Collectron Glitch, Unlimited XP Glitch, Duplication Glitch with Items, Camp Objects Dupes and many other discoveries. I have been glitching games since i played Tony Hawk: American Wasteland, which that is long ago when the game was released. You could say i am glitching enthusiast. If you are fan of glitching games for you can join our Discord down below. If you have not already turn on notification by clicking the 🔔 Bell icon and Subscribe.
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Still working 25/03/22
If you have radahns bow you shoot him with great arrows or spears, way faster and way less grindy
God I hate these bugs and exploits. Just play the damn game.
Didn't work at all for me.
It worked. I was using a short bow. Short bows don't have the range ro hit. Switched to a larger bow. Killed him no problem.
Doesn't work when I try it. He immediately goes to second part of the fight when I pass the fog wall.
this doesn't fucking work homie u just lost me 300k
*Still working**
Is this patched? Cant get the arrow to do damage, even though they are hitting him (he does even stagger a tiny bit like in the bid)
Does not work, entered as shown when he went to his knees, and the second i walked through the mist he was in second phase and not frozen
How is this a million runes in 30 sec?
No shop sells feathers ? Smdh
If anyone is having trouble with spawning the NPC invader try buying all ashes of war from Bernahl. The invader spawned during morning for me so it may not be the case(only spawning at night) plus I also skipped time at the lost grace
Gosh, you need to work on giving directions more slowly because you rushed all over the mouse from the beginning not specifying things more clearly on the map. Be like locate here, then moved here etc. That was very frustrating me so bad. Like items you need to collect beginning would been more helpful instead of later telling us this.
Stand in the same spot, and just use mighty shot, find the spot that makes the arrow hit his head, after he goes down the first time, go inside and use rotten breath or poisen mist, and there ya go
Can i use today?
Doesn’t work he unfreezes on the second stagger
so i tried finding the NPC invader but i only see some dude selling war ashes ? i fast traveled to Saintsbridge, then pass time to night and traveled to the shack but nothing happens?
Does this only wotks with a long bow?
it doesnt skip second phase and it always comes back after stagger and kills me
I did this he fell to his knees but when I entered and attacked he fell to his knees again and the fight started
Okay I kept on having issues where when I would get close enough to melee he would attack me.
So I finally figured out how to kill him.
1- as the video suggest, fire the blood arrows from outside until he staggers once.
2 – go inside the door and get close to where he can target him with your long bow and hit him at max range. This will be about before the stairs. Fire poison arrows until he is poisoned. Takes about 12 to 20. Once the poison ticks, stop firing poison arrows.
3- load up any other arrows and shoot him. This adds up and since you are closer it does damage.
4- reapply poison arrows to keep the poison up.
From this distance he will not attack you and you should be able to kill him with enough arrows. I did it with 100 poison, normal and 50 blood arrows.
Bruh I didnt get the bell wtf I killed the invader