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About the Author: The Dodo


  1. Awesome mamma still came and took care of them after he touched them because I always thought if you touch them the mom will leave. So Awesome the mom must of put the shoes out to dry or something and they decided to have their babies there so amazing 😃 I feed tons of birds every single day and sit and watch them never been able to even get close 😔 lol

  2. The birds are going through a fledgling (teenage) stage. They should not be disturbed, and no matter what, they will jump out of their nest to practice flight. Feeding them is not recommended as their mother will definitely feed them (fledging is natural). Also, NEVER keep fledglings contained in a box – predators can easily grab them as they cannot escape when trapped.

  3. I looked down at the top of my gardening boot which had been in the garage all winter. I was amazed to see a small nest with four chicks. They stayed very still. I could see the yellow outline of their beaks, and they would look at me with their little dark eyes. But nary a movement. It was such a surprise. I think they might have been sparrows or wrens.

  4. How sweet and so lovely that you were willing to take care of them in the way you did……I bet the mum was grateful beyond words(or chirps) to find them as she did. You are a saint for being soooo kind and caring!

  5. Time after time nature offers us something amazing.
    Thanks for posting your adventure with these lovely birds.
    I pray for the Ukraine.

  6. I might get some flak for this, but… I read this title and immediately thought, "This definitely happened in an English garden." 😅

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