Near-Death Experiences: What we know about death, immortality, and near-death experiences

Near-Death Experiences: What we know about death, immortality, and near-death experiences
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0:18 What is a near-death experience?
5:43 How has your personal view of death evolved through your research?
6:33 So how did you get started studying death?
7:32 How big is the community of people who study near-death experiences?
9:02 Can you tell us about that grant you won to study immortality?
10:25 Were there any recurring themes in your findings?
11:42 Do people ever have negative near-death experiences?
12:18 What similarities do people’s negative near-death experiences share?
15:20 For how long have people reported having near-death experiences?
15:56 What usually brings people back to consciousness from near-death experiences?
17:49 Do people who report near-death experiences become less scared of death?
19:12 When did you become interested in studying immortality?
20:42 Could we ever be immortal?
21:59 Would you chose to live forever?
26:53 Has studying these topics made you more accepting of death?
30:29 What other changes do people who report near-death experiences tend to show?
31:02 Did any of your project’s findings surprise you?
36:33 Is any of the Immortality Project’s research still going on?
39:16 Do you teach about near-death experiences at UC Riverside?
41:38 Can you tell us about your new book?
45:13 What would you say to someone who’s skeptical of near-death experiences?
47:52 What is the meaning of life to you?
52:25 What’s challenging about this type of research?
56:52 What is the end goal of your research?
1:01:58 Has the diversity UCR offers opened your eyes to different perspectives in your research?

UC Riverside philosopher John Martin Fischer directs The Immortality Project, a $5.2-million research initiative to advance our understanding of immortality and its relevance to how we live in the present. Here, he discusses his team’s findings from around the world and answers questions about death, immortality, and near-death experiences.


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About the Author: Univ. of California, Riverside


  1. Most of the negative ndes were proven to be just hallucinations during Doctor Peter Fenwick's research.they were just interpreting the procedures or operation they were going through cos they were not fully detached from their bodies like other nde survivors.

  2. I'd say that the reason women are less enthusiastic than men about living forever is because women are more sensitive and deeply connected to the cosmos. The concept of living forever "feels" Very wrong and unnatural.

  3. I recently had a near death experience, and after listening to you talk, I'm here to tell you, You don't have a clue ! Sounds to me like you either wasted the five million dollars or kept it for yourself !

  4. Barbara Brennan is a person that has a degree in physics with a PhD. Her most important work that I have seen is her book HANDS OF LIGHT. It contains many pictures/diagrams of what we all look like as eternal holograms and eternal electrical energy fields.

  5. @32:13.Buddhist Monks' fear of death: I would postulate that it would not be about the emptiness of self, but rather a less fortunate (awful) rebirth. Karmic appearances are not just from one lifetime. Unsure about the Hindu beliefs, but Christianity is so simplistic: say your prayers and live a good life and you will go to heaven to be with Jesus. Not so scary.

  6. Less women want to live forever… no kidding! In a male dominated world where violence against women is still a huge issue. We risk our lives giving birth and, if we survive, spend our live looking after others and putting ourselves last. No mystery to me!


  8. My nde was so different to what everyone else seems to say happened to them that it makes me sceptical to what they say. Mine was extremely negative in parts.
    Also what if you're already dead & your life is flashing before your eyes right now & to take it further what happens when you reach death again? Do you relive it again forever as an endless loop?? Could explain deja vu.

  9. Maybe women feel less enthusiatic about living forever because of the way they have been treated throughout history and still are. Especially by certain religions.

  10. The most logical solution is the hindu reincarnation theory , the principle of a life loop compared with a death loop and a time factor according to the intervals regressive actions seems rather tantalizing. Anyway the speculation of a holographic simulated world does cause the Neo matrix affect rather than an Alien abduction with prolifically creepy spacemen with elongated heads with a brain capacity or skull capacity of 90 present greater area size. Why study death unless its a simulated reality Loop? Does life come with a kill switch or some predetermined script designed to never repeat the same situation twice . But I am confident you all are the most intelligent people on planet Earth, so Bonk on Dr Who?

  11. You need to meet me. Sure you have the devices to locate me. I'm not wasting my time . For no reason. Talking to you. You must know there are medical records . Where I survived.Many u survivable. Since childhood. Neurologist heart specialist. Call me an Anomaly. So endocrine can't explain why I'm alive never heart spealist. When I came back years later fir no reason. All these help problems outta blue. Immediately.

  12. Not my experience. It is not a tunnel . It is a dark space everywhere. Like passing through very easily . Through a wormhole. Where you are drawn like a magnet . To the light. There are golden crist a spark. Everywhere. And, I was like one. I was Another being not flesh.Goldish light could zoom in a nano second. Where I wished. We all were . Except some.. I'll explain in a min. We All going where we wish. I was one . I emitted a high pitch sound. No thoughts . Not even of this life no thought . Of even my children. That was unbelievable. Just a feeling. Of an release and joy. Only a feeling of joy. Regarding the initial light . So the others I spoken of . I never believed God would fry peooke like bacon.. Anyway its like a gulf.. Mentioned in Bible. .There are people from east to west. North to south. In front of that light. I did see a few relatives.. in front of first light. That drew me.. To it. . Also alot. I did not know . As I was going above them. Which my frequency of joy emitting. I went over that light. To another unending please bright light. The throne was behind it. . With a could over a great white throne. 7 golden angels on His right. Down each crystal step on staircase. White angels at his left. I could not see him edges of a white seat. A cloud was in front of Him. . Men in White apparel in back I swear it looked like 24 as Biboe says 24 elders. the Things being God head to me.There were two seat one filled. It had a marble appearance The tiny part of edges showed. .. With cloud in front of Him. . Actually a cloud over him.. The other Golden Seattle His Right was empty. Angels sang continuously. Glory Glory Glory to the Lamb of G9d. Who is and was and forever more. There was a grand crystal stair case at his feet. Or were feet should be. Because of cloud I saw nothing. To describe him. The water flowed fom bottom of throne down steps. Animals like a lion and lamb. A wolve and a rabbit. At bottom of step on left . The water from direction of Hs feet. Flowed all down in straightsyream. Maybe 2 feet wide . Flone down . The Grand crystal steps in a Unbelievable crystal never ended crystal river. The I started moving backwards slowly. Like a magnet and I got far enough to start to think. First thought.. No I said . I dont want to go back. He Said. A male voice I did not see him. Just heard the voice of compassion love. And,, of commandment with a kind of knowing. I had to come back. He said You gotta go back. . I remember opening my eyes . Groggy but so Aware of the weight of my body. Like a spacesuit its so heavy. And what . Is in us . Is literally. Seemingly trapped. In this body. But for a reason. I knew. I knew alot after . That moment. So, As I lifted my arm. Groaned by the weight. I'm 120 wet, BTW. Mind you. Then looking over at a bad husband. That I saw. The First face I saw. I just chuckled. I looked up and said to HIM Whom I see as Christ. And, I said. . You have a sick humor dont you. . Well,THE Change in me . Was so strong I left him after hospital leave. Back to story. So next my doctor. Running in. Saying I thought I lost you girl. You have been out due to septic blood poisoning. From a colon pin hole. Alot of times I remember. The weight of the body. Beside the experience. Stays in my mind as much. We are grounded here. Limited. It two totally different places. Well, will also before we come here. We choose it. Hence our feelings of knowing this. In very early years in most people. Believe me I couldn't tell you all my suffering. I'm sure I know you all. Have experienced . Your own. We agree to come help our bloodline. Its very unselfish. That we all are here. Never forget that. You are already Justified. 0S do your test 9n me. I can help. I did have to come back. I had to help my children get. Through scroll I got a female doctor daughter and an award winning g buusness owner Son. I changed a generation 💯 oh, the doctor said I was in a coma. For 12 days. It seemed like 12 seconds in that place. Different time there .

  13. I appreciate the sharing of this beautiful and precious family experiences. Our family have had a number of similar stories and without being disrespectful I would prefer not to receive any further items of this nature. ❤️🙏

  14. Maybe that’s why the human experience was created. To combat the boredom of immortality? Thought provoking

  15. I just want to hit the off switch.
    I'm bored out of my mind.
    Having conquered what I could with the cards I was given, the only thing that remains is cutting lose.

  16. We are all immortal. Not in this earthly life though, which is the shortest phase of our eternal life. Believe in the real God, the creator, whos is unlike anthing of his creations who has no partener or son! and do ethical good deeds and be kind to All people around you and you will be welcomed into paradise forever, do otherwise and you be literally thrown into hell.

  17. Hi Sir, I am Tom Gilbert and a member of the O.I.A.B.A.. Oklahoma Indian American Baptist Association. I am a Chumash Indian not recognized because my ancestors led the revolt against slavery and other autracities by Father Juniper Sierra at the San Juan Bautista Mission..
    Eight years ago I had a allergic reaction to heart medicine and died, my wife said my eyes rolled back then my right leg compound fractured at the ankle.
    I woke suspended in pure blackness alone with only my thoughts for to keep me company and in a place of the Universe so dark I couldn't see my finger in front of my face.. A few minutes went by and I started getting scared, and I said "Oh Please Lord don't make me stay here !!!" Then I saw a light and said "Thank you Father !!!" and I entered into it.
    I don't want to ruin anybody's surprise by telling you what I saw next but I will tell you that I felt a inner Peace that I never felt on Earth !!! And was greeted by my Best friend Will who said "Tom you made it, you said you wouldn't be long.. (I told him that at his funeral) who passed away a year before and my Son Shain Thomas, whom we lost at birth nineteen years before… And he said "Hi Dad ".. I couldn't see them clear and they were playing golf together.
    I continued forward and I realized I didn't hear Kim's crying screams of " Don't leave me " anymore..
    Then He was beside me !!! And said " Son you done everything you were asked, now it's time for you to start the rest of your life in Heaven "
    I asked to go back for my Mom and he said she will be alright, then I said for my wife, he said She will be alright, next I said for my Kids and all my Grandkids and he again said " they all will be alright "
    Then I said to Him " Father I would like to go back and try to save at least One More " and he said to me " Son If you really think you have to then you can go back " I said
    " I do " . Next I was in a clear tube going through space super fast, and when my eyes opened, Kim was slapping my face crying saying " Honey don't leave me "..I didn't say anything, Just looked at my foot laying flat to the right then the Pain came.. about that time Kim realized that my eyes were open and I was breathing, alive.. Next I had to go to the bathroom bad but couldn't get up, I filled that plastic pan from a hospital twice with the nastyist smelling fluids… After the squad found my house and got me to the ER two hours later (they got lost) my BP 60/40 , ER Doctor saying I didn't need 20mg Lysinapril for White Coat Syndrome…. I Knew I made the biggest mistake of my LIFE.. Asking to come back….
    Professor I want to let you know that there is a Heaven and we do have a Awesome Heavenly Father and Our Creator, " God !!! "And he is Love !!! And he is with you and all his children !!! Invite Him into your live, your Heart, Your doing His work already by teaching , I hope my testemony helps you find your answers, John 3:16

  18. Sadly I doubt if we would have access to Thai food and music in the afterlife. Yes it will be boring most likely but you will be sitting in the clouds forever more with your loved ones.

  19. When I had a heart attack was so painful and the pain was intense more and more. At that time mh brother had an other heart event he went to 6 hours surgery .2 months after my mother passed in a very Nice New hospital Copastar 30 das after my wonderful besutiful aunt passed she had a heart attack.2 months after my brothrer in law
    had parkinson his heart stopped in a Nice tradicional hospital my mother in law passed with câncer.Lord all this brought us a big tragedy to a very United fsmily.

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