Grave fears for a koala hit by a car, the race to save a trapped bird and an uninvited guest who refuses to leave its new home.
Grave fears for a koala hit by a car, the race to save a trapped bird and an uninvited guest who refuses to leave its new home.
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Is Reedy brother to the other Reedy from Bondi Rescue? They have the same tone in their voice…
Olive Pythons don't suffocate their fpod they squeeze so hard it stops blood flow to the heart and cause cardiac arrest in the prey not suffocation. Just to clarify.
8 years since this was posted & nothings changed with regards to the plight the poor koala's are facing, more habitat loss, the dreadful bush fires but the two other dangers they face, being hit by cars & dog attacks could easily be prevented if people behind the wheel actually gave a damn about wildlife & slowed down & those who own dogs kept those bloody things on a leash!
I absolutely love the idea of the prison program. It really helps give the inmates a chance to give back to the community and to help set them up for a future in which they are active members of society while giving the birds a fighting chance. I wish there was more of that around the world.
Wonderful compassionate work by the vets and those who help care for these animals.
Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha I just realised what they're using for the anesthesia masks 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 it's the top soft drink bottle….
Where we live in Canada there isn't much wildlife but what there is we are careful not to hit with cars. I've watched traffic come to a standstill for ducks. Any animals in the road we stop for or avoid, even if that means we hit something or someone else. If animals are hit its a complete accident and a rarity. Australians know they have a lot of wild life so they should be on guard at all times. Those that just injure animals deserve death! Those poor baby kangaroos in the last episode is so heartbreaking! There's no reason to be shooting bb's at wildlife!!!! How would they like to be shot at??? Those assholes!
1:06 Am I the only one bothered by the wording here?
😀 it's wonderful that a bird cought in a cruel trap and got out with nothing more than a sprained wing.
Koala is so cute
Absolutely love when prisons have programs involving animals
That snake was in breeding
It’s so sad to see people harm these beautiful animals
I’m watching in 2018
There videos are so cool to watch
Does anyone else want a olive python after watching this ??
im a vet oops
im vet in arizona back canyon city good job guys but i don't do birds I'm exotic vet
how did you hold the snake with out biting you that is magic. # save the wild life vet
did the snake vomet back again .
This really inspires me to be an animal vet
I'm from Canada and am really enjoying this series. Thank you for having it here.
#Save the wildlife
I smell like beef
Know the animas are home safe know
I at the First videos of the first video cell from you guys it was amazing they said it to cry and it's really nice that you guys save these animals because it's really amazing some people don't like to even bother looking at him or touching them or save them at the same time but yeah it's just a really amazing for you guys to be actually saving people's lives and again like I said also people of peoples and animals is life so this is actually pretty pretty cool so yeah
I was actually really nice easy places to say that those animals sexually really off of Brave for you guys to save those animals because you're also saving the animals and you're also saving people people's life
Oh my! I can't believe how he can handle the snake! Just picked it up! Aaaaaaaah! We don't have many snakes in Canada & I've only ever seen garter snakes in the wild here. I'd pee myself for sure if I came across a python.
the girl at 13:18 has guineas
any one else attracted to David reed?
Who else jumped and almost shit their pants at 6:10?
I'm watching in 2017 HA!
Sory I meant at 5:20
At 5:18 is that an ant hill
Who else thought the koala was so cute
Imagine if they had been that kind to the black natives of that land that their white ancestors slaughtered.
I love Reedy! He's like a snake whisperer
I save insects, I like insects
A prison that takes care of animals?? Whattttt 0_o
LOVE these peeps
Welp once I can start driving I'm gonna drive slow at nights and have my lights on as bright as I can
Who could not like this
who ever hunts animals i hate you. Because they deserv to live
me too
He looks like a hawk and I think it's sad to see that people want to kill birds 😩 #SaveTheBirds!
I like how they compare the snake to beer
5:22 what was that mud pile like thing all over?