Security Camera Captures What No One Was Supposed to See

Security Camera Captures What No One Was Supposed to See
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Keeping safe is one of the most important things in life – and that includes our property. So it’s not hard to understand why we have so many security cameras all over the place these days, keeping a watchful eye out for criminals. But it’s not only criminals that security cameras end up filming, sometimes they can catch the most unexpected and random events. From the ghost in a Venezuelan school to the mom who saw her dead son, here’s the 20 Creepiest Things Caught On Security Cameras

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About the Author: Amerikano


  1. 1st Thessalonians 4:16-17 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: 17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. 18 Wherefore comfort one another with these words.

  2. 13:00 well, i say it was stefan. He was probably walking around when he heard the car and decided to save the girl its as simple as that. Why would someone want vampire speed if not to save people in the road

  3. I lost my precious Chihuahua, Moses in 2020. He visits me in spirit all the time. I can feel him as soon as he gets on my bed. It is creepy or weird to me. I loved him so much, he loved me also. He curls up and goes to sleep. I have recorded him snoring. People still don’t believe me.

  4. Can you not post people dying on film? I've been following you for a little while now, I haven't seen all your videos but showing people dying and them is not what I want to see and hopefully others agree.

  5. Dead people cannot come back to earth. It is probably evil spirits or Angel not dead people. Peoples souls go to Heaven or Hell. Never to return

  6. Dang that was very disrespectful to the family that lost the 5 yr old in the ferry accident to post that on here…

  7. It would be nice to think that it was an angel in those photos but I think it's a moth that close to the camera thereby making it look bigger than it really is. But who knows? Maybe it is. 🤷🏻‍♀️ That chick shoplifting that case of whatever it was under her skirt, that's impressive. I didn't hear anything Amerikano said during that clip because I was busy trying to figure out how in the hell she did that. 🤔

  8. Please just stick to the description of the video your showing at the time. Going into detail about the general subject is not only very annoying but also a huge waste of time. If your subscriptions are low this is probably why.

  9. If an intruder stood watching my husband and me sleeping for TEN MINUTES I 'd think he was casing the house for valuables to steal… and wondering if he could he get away with the loot while not waking us.
    Answer: You'll be too busy trying to get away from the dog to worry about waking the two humans.

  10. you need to quit flipping the video back and forth showing the same thing over and over to create more time for you to add your stupid comments. shut up and say only what you need to without your stupid comments!

  11. My last dog, when he passed, my then bf wasn't home, he was at work. He was everything to my dog. So when my bf was home alone, the dog came to visit, to say goodbye. He jumped on the bed like he always did. And let him know he's ok.

  12. I enjoy your videos.

    I don’t know why sometimes, though, you add verbal information that you don’t have a video about. If you’re showing videos about something, and you just start rambling about something that’s not on the video, it’s kind of irritating.

  13. Your stories are very interesting whoever send them to you I'm sure some of are photoshop…doorbell and cctv are believable but more n more are using them as social media connection to their shenanigans in YouTube 😏😏😏

  14. What is a ghost? According to the ghost stories of media 'it is a dead person' s soul'. It is completely a wrong conception and based on superstitions. The ghostly acts which are often experienced by some of us are true but those are done by 'jinns', as mentioned in the holy Quran.

  15. The choir video is seriously creepy. Not many of these videos terrify me, sadly, but this one is part of a handful of vids that actually creeps me out a bit. If anyone has seen the one with the two little girls in/close to the kitchen who all of a sudden points at something, cries and runs away…well, that's another one that chills me.

  16. What the heck? Are you not watching what your narrating? At 15:31 you said the robber picked the wrong women and they faught him off. They did nothing of the sort and he walked off with their money.

  17. Your videos are very entertaining and unusual. After watching too many boring videos from other people, I am a fan of your footage! Keep up the good work 👍🤠

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