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The story about the Pirates of the Caribbean HAS to be fake. Literally look it up, but it’s common sense that the cannonballs wouldn’t be actual physical balls. The ratio of rides per day to number of “cannonballs” shot off simply doesn’t make sense, as many passengers would be hit. Plus I was on California’s back in 2006 and if it wasn’t true then it’s definitely not true now💀
3 minutes without air
3 hours without shelter
3 days without water
3 weeks without food
Any of the above can/will kill you. Since the guy in the six-hours story spent five of those hours in the shed (which would easily qualify as shelter in a survival situation) , I'd call the story plausible.
Near death moment??? Everytime a cop gets behind me n my heart jumps in my throat. Gonna have a heart attack from it one of these days
The one about covid is total bullshit
So my friend decided to invite me camping with his family since I was going through something. We went on the road and eventually got to some huge hotel and a lake nearby and some festival going on or something. I had a feeling that I shouldn't swim after making plans the day before to swim the whole day. My friend convinced me to swim with him but before we did that we ate hours before and they told me a story of a son swimming with his father and then his son was screaming for help so his father helped him but after awhile the father and son wasn't coming back up above the water and it was couple minutes already. My friends father saw the whole thing and was about to help then one of them came up for couple seconds screaming then it was quiet. He couldn't swim so he couldn't do anything. Anyway we started swimming nearby and I started getting tired of swimming so I decided to stand on the sand and then my feet started sinking in the sand so fast and then I panicked so I started to sink faster. I did have a mask on but when I panicked I accidentally knocked it off. I was close to the sand then my friend saved me. Ever since I can't swim in deep water I just sink so fast now. I have asthma thats why I needed a break
Almost died of heat stroke on a wildfire in eastern WA.
I'm subbed…welcome to my feed. Dig this channel👍
Why is a Lana del Rey song in the March playlist? Lol
No, they do not shoot canon balls!! It sounds like they do , and there are jets in the water that makes it seem like they do, but no real cannon balls. I haven’t been since 2016, maybe things changed ( doubtful) but I grew up in San Diego and we went pretty regularly, and I’m 37 so I probably started riding it in 1989/90 and It was fake from that point on at least to my knowledge.
almost got blown up by a firework once 😃
Lol they don't shoot actual cannonballs in the Pirates of the Caribbean ride. The cannons and pistols shoot pressurized air only. I was shot in the head by one of the drunk pirates. It feels real and is highly convincing, but harmless.
That pirates of the Caribbean one was fake lol. They don’t use real cannonballs.
SoCal resident here and former Disney annual pass holder. The cannonball story is BULLSHIT. Like everything else, the cannon battle scene are special effects. The cannons don't shoot anything they just light up and recoil as if they were actually shot, accompanied with the appropriate sound effect of course. The blasts of the cannonballs landing on the water are actually a small "blast" created by underwater pressurized "blowhole" device that shoots up water into the air (like a fountain ) accompanied by the lighting effect to create the illusion that a cannonball landed there.
I’ll just say that the people in the “6hrs in the elements” story may not have been a great judge of time. It’s all relative after all.
No they're not shooting real cannonball course not areas in the water that act like they've been hit by a cannonball
There aren’t any cannon balls on the ride. That would be a lawsuit waiting to happen. It’s gusts of wind and a flash of light imitating gunfire and there are underwater air cannons that make it look like they’re hitting the water. Probably felt the gust of wind on his head.
You're a good reader real easy to listen to like a conversation, I've heard some shocking readers on here
Disney does not shoot cannonballs on "Pirates of the Caribbean." It's just visual and sound effects. What appears to be cannonballs hitting the water are just air cannons under the water which, when activate, make the appearance of a splash. What this person probably felt was a gust of air created by one of the effects going past him. Fun Fact: if you go into that water, Disney will try to get you to have a Tentis Shot.
I’m severely immunocompromised and terrified of getting covid. People think “you’re fine” because I’m young and “don’t look sick” 🤯. Thanks for sharing your story and bringing some attention to how serious this is for us. I’m so glad you are alright 🙏🏼
that disneyland one has to be fake the ride doesn’t shoot cannon balls
Only cannons on that ride are the cannons making noise and smoke up top and the air cannons under the water to make the "cannonball" splashes.
Most underrated channels
Not first but I’m seventh! Woohoooooo!! 🤣
I've been on the pirates of the Caribbean ride at Disneyland. We went in 2016. I don't remember cannon balls. I asked my adult son, he don't remember them either. Maybe it's something that changed prior to our visit.
Was I the only one expecting that rock to come up and hit the kid in the face?
I wish I could give you extra likes for the Dad joke😂😂😂😂