Over 70 dead with 22 tornadoes reported in South, Midwest | ABC News

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Mayfield, Kentucky, Mayor Kathy Stewart O’Nan discusses the devastation in her county.

#ABCNews #Kentucky #Tornado #MayorKathyStwart


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About the Author: ABC News


  1. I was terrified when I heard the warning. We went to Paducah, In fear that our home would be turned into a pile of rubble. I’m still shocked at the final death rate. An EF4 hit mayfield, 40-50 minutes away from where I live.

  2. I want to thank Dr OSABA on YouTube for curing my HSV virus, DR OSABA on YouTube also cured diseases such as HIV, CANCER, HSV, DIABETES, MENTAL ILLNESS, COLD SORE, GONORRHEA, PRIVET PART INFECTION, STD, FIBROID, PCOS etc.

  3. They are altering the weather to make people get colds so they can justify the restrictions and the masks. The corrupt elite can alter the weather. They have HAARP technology all over the US.

  4. Oh my gosh that’s so sad. We take things for granted. One second you have a house and one second you don’t. Be grateful. Praying for all of the people who are in that tornado.😕😕🙏🏾🌪

  5. (67:17) Or do you feel secure that He, Who is over the heaven (Allah), will not send against you a violent whirlwind? Then you shall know how (terrible) has been My Warning?

    (67:18) And indeed those before them belied (the Messengers of Allah), then how terrible was My denial (punishment)?

    I came across some verses that were quite relevant in what I saw, so I thought I'd share them.


    It's not about "The Year 2012 and The Mayan Calendar" and it's not about "Cern" neither is it about "Planet X Nibiru" nor is it about "Climate Change", but rather it's about THE RETURN OF JESUS CHRIST!

    The world "as we know it" is coming to an end, Jesus Christ is about to return  (Matthew 24:1-8). The Rapture is very near (Luke 21:28, 36).

    Now would be the time to give your life to Jesus Christ so that you can escape the coming cataclysm which The Bible describes as The Tribulation by being taken in The Rapture (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18; Revelation 3:10), you might pray the following prayer:

    Heavenly Father I confess that I am a sinner and need Jesus as my Savior. 

    Father your word says if you will confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

    Father I confess with my mouth that Jesus is Lord and I believe in my heart that you raised him from the dead.

    Father I receive your salvation by faith and I pray you baptize me with your Holy Spirit in the name of your son Jesus Christ. Amen.
    If you sincerely prayed this prayer of Salvation then you are Saved (Romans 10:9) and have been baptized with The Holy Spirit (Luke 11: 9-13) and you are now Rapture-Ready. Welcome to the family of God!

    1) Vaccine IS The Virus:

    (1 min, 53 sec)

    2) Infowars.com:

    A) https://rumble.com/vohiop-emergency-saturday-broadcast-plan-to-spray-magnetic-nano-particles-on-globa.html

    B) https://rumble.com/voqsxz-emergency-bombshell-exclusive-the-un-has-already-launched-a-plan-to-forcibl.html

    3) The 7 Year Tribulation:

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=by1fB1wK7wA (11 min)

    1] Do Your Research For The Following:

    1A) Ivermectin: (5:28 min) https://rumble.com/vn8v7a-india-govt.-declares-most-populated-state-officially-covid-free-after-wides.html 

    1B) Hydroxychloroquine: (5:39 min) https://rumble.com/valsw5-see-what-this-doctor-has-to-say-about-hydroxychloroquine.html

    1C) Monoclonal Anti-body Treatment: (3:17 min) https://rumble.com/vnhujt-how-monoclonal-antibody-therapies-fight-covid-19.html 

    1D) Check out Dr. Vladimir Zelenko's Website:

    1E) Quercetin

    1F) EGCg (Green Tea Extract)

    1G) Vitamin D and C and most importantly Zinc

    2] Prayer In The Name of Jesus Christ: 

    Divine Healing Technician Training.

    2A) Watch "Divine Healing Technician: DHT, Sessions 1 – 15 How to Heal" on YouTube:

    3] You Might Want To Look Into:

    3A) Essiac

    3B) Vitamin B-17

    3B1) Watch "The Story of One Vitamin" on YouTube: (55:19 min) https://youtu.be/BuLlcYnlyHc

    3B2) Watch "The Story of Vitamin B17" on YouTube: (8:41 min) https://youtu.be/JwmXrTA5bnw

    3C) Hydrazine Sulphate

    3D) MMS + Bill Humble
    3E) Royal Rife

    3F) Wilhelm Reich

    3G) Turmeric

    3H) Pumpkin Seeds

    3I) Apricot Seeds

    3J) Colloidal Silver 

    3K) Black Seed Oil 

    3L) Baking Soda: Dr. Simoncini Sodium Bicarbonate Video: (10 min) https://youtu.be/5Kw_jNFRyBQ

    Enter all these items into your favorite search box and add + CANCER and then do your search. e.g.  Essiac + CANCER, or Hydrazine Sulphate + CANCER etc.

    4] You Also Should Look At The Following YouTube Videos:

    4A) Watch "Every Cancer Can be Cured in Weeks explains Dr. Leonard Coldwell" on YouTube: (7 min) https://youtu.be/DgbdNNfotwM

    4B) Watch "We've Found The Magic Frequency (This Will Revolutionize Our Future)" on YouTube: (6 min) https://youtu.be/mBL9pS6GMdA

    4C) Watch "Using sound waves to destroy cancer | Christine Gibbons | TEDxDetroit" on YouTube: (8 min) https://youtu.be/GKh2XFmsUx4

    4D) Watch "Shattering cancer with resonant frequencies: Anthony Holland at TEDxSkidmoreCollege" on YouTube: (17 min)

    4E) Watch "How Joe Tippens Beat Terminal Cancer with $7 Dog Medicine – Interviewed by James Templeton" on YouTube: (38 min)


    5A) Dr. Lorraine Day's Website: http://drday.com/

    5B) cancerfightingstrategies.com 

    5C) templetonwellness.com

    Dear saints of God, how are you? I thought I would share what God showed me with you.

    You may or may not know this, but THE BODY OF CHRIST is under satanic attack. There are too many saints and Pastors alike still passing away prematurely. I personally believe there's "something in the water and food", there are too many people getting sick and dying.

    As we rapidly approach THE END OF THIS AGE AND THE RAPTURE OF THE CHURCH, it seems that we are all now in The Healing Ministry (Matthew 24:1-8; Luke 21:11, 25, 28, 36;  Acts 2:19-20; Revelation 3:10).

    As I'm sure you well know it's not about receiving healing from God, but rather it's about "keeping your healing and maintaining your health (Hosea 4:6)."

    Due to the current health situation in our country and NEW DISEASES, as well as the introduction of TRANS-HUMANISM (Daniel 2:43); I personally believe we will all need The Baptism of The Holy Spirit, The Whole Amor of God and The Gifts of Healings in order to survive in these last days.

    If you desire to walk in the gifts of God in these last days and be a blessing to The Body of Christ and others, then you should do the following: fast for 24 hours, NEITHER EAT NOR DRINK ANYTHING. Then go to God The Father in the name of his son Jesus Christ and ask him for THE  BAPTISM OF THE HOLY SPIRIT (Luke 11:9-13) and for THE WHOLE ARMOR OF GOD (Ephesians 6:10-18) and also for THE GIFTS OF HEALINGS (1 Corinthians 12:1-[9]-11, 31; 14:1).

    God will surely give them to you (Matthew 7:7-8; Mark 11:24; John 16:23). After you receive them, begin fasting and praying in the Spirit on a regular basis; this must become a part of your lifestyle (Matthew 17:21; 1 Corinthians 7:5; Jude 20).

    How to use The Shield of Faith and The Sword of The Spirit.

    1) In the name of Jesus Christ, I take The Shield of Faith and I quench all the sexual thoughts and images of perversion from The Enemy running through my mind, for it is written: Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ (2 Corinthians 10:5).

    2) In the name of Jesus Christ, I take the Sword of The Spirit and I declare deliverance from and victory over The Plague attacking me in my body and destroying my health, for it is written: Surely he shall deliver thee from the snare of the fowler, and from the noisome pestilence (Psalm 91:3).


    1)  How Much Longer Lord? Waiting On God's Perfect Timing! :https://youtu.be/VgAfLbTqX-g (6:44 min.)

    2) The 7 Feasts of The Lord are prophetic (Colossians 2:17). The Rapture will occur on a FEAST OF TRUMPETS, "at the last trump" 1 Corinthians 15:52 : //youtu.be/0_QLhUxg8pc
    (10 min.)

    3) Mid-East Prophecy Update – August 27th, 2017: https://youtu.be/Uegywhqtf7I (32:04 min.)

    4) The Falling Away, Spiritual Departure or Physical Rapture? by Dr. Andy Woods

    4A) Watch "The Rapture Comes First, 2 Thessalonians 2:3 – June 14th, 2020" on YouTube: https://youtu.be/Us7-jOaEDis (42:38 min.)

    4B) Watch "Ask Gary: The Falling Away" on YouTube: https://youtu.be/8WJbA9cg1MI (7:33 min.)


    1A) COVID-19 VIRUS a.k.a. COVID-5G/A.I./PARASITE: https://www.podomatic.com/podcasts/sheilazilinsky/episodes/2020-04-10T14_53_23-07_00 (51:22 min.)

    1B) Covid Vaccine documentary: https://rumble.com/vdgblb-covid-vaccine-documentary.html Covid Vaccine documentary (55:28 min.)

    If you are a Pastor, you should know that we are living in the last days and you should consider teaching your congregation Bible Prophecy (Biblical Eschatology) and about The Rapture (Pre-Trib). Be blessed and Godspeed.

    Signed: A Prophet of Jesus Christ.

  7. I can't imagine living in the US and watching tornado crossing the land and homes, here in indonesia also has a tornado but not as huge as in the US.

  8. It's just the beginning some would after red cross gets in send in supplydropzones with Chinooks from coast guard and military with bottles of water reinforcements water Chinook AirMan airship Bergade.

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